
Crimson moon's ascension: The vampire's alpha

You think you can get away. Well it's in your dreams and believe me not the good ones. Ariel is a bold and possessive vampire queen living the life of a teenage human girl for past three years due to a revenge mission. Because of some circumstances she is forced to quit her mission and come back to rule her kingdom, after coming back she encounters her possessive werewolf alpha mate . What will happen when two obsessed lovers are paired together.? A little intro : "How dare you put your filthy hands on my mate? , only I have the right to touch him, to kiss him , to fuck him, to do whatever I want with him. " I was about to end her pitiful life when I saw my mate looking at me with eyes full of joy. He was happy that I believed him. That fucker I'll get even with him for this . While I was fuming with anger, I covered the scowl on my face with a smile, any one looking at me must think that I have gone mad, but the question is was I ever sane? I walked towards her " let's play a game" I whispered in her ear, feeling her shaking with fear.

Artemis_82 · Sci-fi
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61 Chs

Self control

After reaching close to the shower Eric asked Ariel to leave , even though a bit hesitant but she complied.

Eric removed his remaining clothes and stood under the cold shower.

The cold water falling on his skin seemed to lessen the burning sensation, however after a moment of relief the drug showed it's effect only to be more powerful this time. " I'll personally kill the pervert who made this type of thing." Eric's wolf said.

Eric tried his best to calm his little brother, his heart was racing while his little brother was much more than excited, Eric was getting tired of controlling himself, he slipped down the wall and sat down with his back facing the shower head.

Water droplets quickly sliding off his skin, going towards the drain along with his patience.

Eric stayed in shower for half an hour but that didn't helped much, as the moment he stepped out his condition worsened.

Ariel on the other hand was worried sick about him, this half an hour was a torture for her, sound of water was enough to make her anxious, and here she thought she would have a blast tonight.

She closed her eyes to clear all the lewd thoughts gathered in her mind, images of Eric's naked chest popped up in her mind, the look on his face was driving her crazy.

A sly demon appeared on her left shoulder showing her all the erotic scenes she could imagine.

Demon Ariel : (casually whirling her tail) Who said you can't take a peek? He is your mate not a random person.

Angel Ariel : Sweet Jesus, your mate is drugged and these are your thoughts? And he asked for a little space, won't it be too imposing?

Demon Ariel : ( moving closer) What if he needs some help?

Angel Ariel : Judging from his condition that drug must be strong.

Ariel : hey aren't you supposed to stop me little angel?

Demon Ariel : since when do you have a good side?

Frustrated from her previous thoughts Ariel grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom without knocking however the scene infront of her was not what she was expecting.