
Crimson moon's ascension: The vampire's alpha

You think you can get away. Well it's in your dreams and believe me not the good ones. Ariel is a bold and possessive vampire queen living the life of a teenage human girl for past three years due to a revenge mission. Because of some circumstances she is forced to quit her mission and come back to rule her kingdom, after coming back she encounters her possessive werewolf alpha mate . What will happen when two obsessed lovers are paired together.? A little intro : "How dare you put your filthy hands on my mate? , only I have the right to touch him, to kiss him , to fuck him, to do whatever I want with him. " I was about to end her pitiful life when I saw my mate looking at me with eyes full of joy. He was happy that I believed him. That fucker I'll get even with him for this . While I was fuming with anger, I covered the scowl on my face with a smile, any one looking at me must think that I have gone mad, but the question is was I ever sane? I walked towards her " let's play a game" I whispered in her ear, feeling her shaking with fear.

Artemis_82 · Sci-fi
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61 Chs

Move in

"Look who is finally here?" Jackson said his gaze moving to Eric. "Looks like someone had a rough night."Samantha exclaimed.

" so what have you decided? "Alan asked." Ariel didn't told you? "

" about? ",Eric asked confusion written in his face.

" Eric your mate is the queen of vampires, that makes you their king. " the room suddenly got tensed.

" You want me to hand over my pack and move in to your territory?" Eric was slightly overwhelmed.

It's not like he thought this was never going to happen. He knew that it'll happen sooner or later. He continously tried to prepare himself for this.

Leaving the pack his great grandfather established, the pack he fought for with his life, the pack his parents died. It wasn't an easy decision but Eric knew that now he has other responsibilities.

He was mentally preparing himself for this since the day he discovered that his mate was a queen.

But now faced with the situation Eric felt his courage slip and he felt a little hesitant, before reminding himself that this is bound to happen.

"Eric I know that it's complicated, not only for you but for us as well, vampires will have to accept you 'a werewolf' as their king, there are going to be many rejections." Alan said.

"Ever since I met her I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I'm willing to try my best for her." Eric smiled.

"Well then I guess you are prepared for it." Alan nodded.

"Give me a week, I have someone in mind who can replace me in this pack." Eric looked at Alan with determination.

"hey guys what's going on here." Ariel chirped in. Noticing the tension in the room her expression got dark.

"nothing just typical Alan ruining everything with his always in business mode." Jackson replied.

"let's talk about you Ariel, you are all grown up." Alan said. "oh come on Alan we don't even have that much of an age difference." Ariel rolled her eyes.

"That mark suits you." Samantha said envying the mark that appeared as a tattoo of a wolf howling.

"if you want I can give you a better one babe." Jackson said side hugging her." vampires can mark too?". Samantha is asked a bit surprised at sudden revelation.

"well not all but some hybrids can." Jackson replied. " You are a hybrid, I never knew." Samantha exclaimed. "there are still many things you don't know, interested in finding out?" Jackson winked.

"All right enough of this, we  should return to the Palace now." Alan said.

"oh and we are taking that bitch ( referring to the girl who tried to sleep with Eric) with us." Samantha said before hugging Ariel.

"see you in a week" Alan waved . Giving Eric a hard glare before leaving.

"mind sharing some info." Ariel asked. "It's nothing, you must be hungry let me cook you something." Eric dismissed the question walking towards the kitchen.