
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
133 Chs

Chapter 94 - It's me

Oh boy, this time for real I won't post tomorrow because I'll be at school for the second semester enrollment.

Wish for me that I can at least write few words to post later on.

Anyway, enjoy and praise me!! I need those stone!!

Unless you're in Wattpad then just vote for me.


Chat group Arena.

After the spectacle that occured, Sona energy flowed into her body forming a connection at the black gloves within her right hand where it had and immediately thought to make sure that it won't be stolen.

[ "If you're thinking of it being stolen, don't be. No one but you can use it and can summon back every time you need it." ]

A voice was left by Sitri giving Sona a piece of mind and information flowed into her mind giving her some insight of how to navigate the use of Metal/King Vessel. Sona pulled the sleeves down adjusting the fit and took deep breaths while she began to chant.

"Spirits of Tempest and Storm, dwell within me and turn me into a great calamity, come forth, Sitri!"

Sona's black mark is a mesmerizing emblem etched onto the back of her hand, featuring an intricate 8-pointed star encircled by a finely traced circle.

As she channels her newfound power as the mark glowed in golden hue and transformed her arms into shimmering scales reminiscent of a dragon's hide. The scales extend gradually up her forearms making her both elegant and monstrous.

Simultaneously, Sona begins to conjure water with a mastery that defies the ordinary. The liquid materializes at her fingertips, swirling and coalescing into a bluish spear of extraordinary power. The spear gleams with an otherworldly radiance, hinting at the immense energy harnessed within.

'This is new, she isn't just water but every element of the storm.'

Erix thought as strong gale and lightning seemingly shrouded around Sona as she showcased her formidable power that was unlike any other.

Sona successfully acquired Weapon Equip, a downgrade of Full Djinn Equip since she still has to train in order to achieve it. She felt overflowing with immense power and never felt this powerful before.

'This is only a Weapon Equip.'

She thought giving her a wide range of abilities and magical abilities that amplified her own attributes. Normally, a magic system can't be in conflict with her own innate abilities but the Chat group helped her in order to use both power systems

Sona is already several times stronger than her initial power and once she masters her Djinn and unlocking her Djinn Equip then her power would skyrocketed.

She is unsure if her guess is correct or not but based on her assumption then she's at least near an Ultimate class devil in terms of prowess. It is still uncertain if she can win against them or not unless she faces them.

"This is what that Djinn can do?"

Unohana said seeing that the Sitri Heiress got stronger that she might be entertained fighting her in the future.

"It's just a weapon Equip and given enough time I might be able to unlock Full Djinn Equip."

Sona said dispelling the weapon returned it back to simply black gloves that provide more control over her own magical prowess.

"Interesting, it is similar to having a Zanpakuto where there are three stages in Zanpakuto from Asauchi, Shikai and Bankai."

Unohana gave her insight comparing her home-world powers to what Sona had received.

"Take your time, I'm sure you'll be able to soon enough." Erix said and she nodded.

After some time later, they head towards the kitchen of the arena inviting Unohana who was about to leave since she doesn't need food to live and the thing she is looking for is already finished.

However Erix insisted on her joining and oneve everyone was gathered. There was a dining hall for them to have their meal and Sona can't shudder, smelling the aroma of the meals presented to them.

"This smells amazing! I had an experience meal prepared by our personal chefs but nothing was close to this." Sona shared her thoughts on Erina's cooking.

"Of course, expect nothing less. Like you I came from a prestigious family and heiress to the Nakiri family."

Erina said finding Sona to be in similar situations as her and has the almost burden of being the next in line.

"Well, before we start, I would like to welcome our new members to the chat group and hope for all of you to find what you're looking for and achieve whatever dream you are chasing."

Erix said forming a wine glass filled with red wine enhances his dining experience.

"I already found what I'm looking for but I'm still curious what kind of enemies this chat group may provide."

Unohana said looking at the Galala Gator and can't deny that she was more enticed than normal compared to the meal she ate.

"It's strange how we all get along even though it's our first time meeting each other."

Gwen said enjoying their conversation earlier since she hasn't found anyone whom she can entrust to some certain part of her besides her cousin and grandfather.

"Well, it's nice to have someone to share this strange situation we found ourselves in." Raven said letting out more emotion than usual.

"Agree, though I am more curious to know more things about Miss Retsu and Miss Sitri." Jean said.

"Call me Sona, miss makes me sound old." Sona said with a smile.

"Unohana is fine with me." She said with her facade taking over with Sona finding it creepy how she can change her whole mannerism and demeanor near instantly.

"Then let us enjoy the dinner made by Erina-san." Erix said as they all dug into the cutlet with flavorful sauce drizzled into the near and rice.

In that moment, Gwen, Sona and even Unohana reacted in bliss never expecting to taste something flavored. The combination of Erina's renowned skills and the quality of the Galala Gator made the entire thing heavenly.

"This…is ridiculous. How can something like this be this delicious!?" Gwen commented that almost felt like every meat that she ate was dogshit at how juicy it was.

"What kind of meat is this? It's certainly not any meat I've eaten before." Unohana said gracefully, took another bite and enjoyed the flavor, unable to deny it was delicious.

"The meat from the world that we went to as our first mission and hunted down a creature called Galala Gator." Erina answered, eating her share.

"Galala Gator? As expected from another world, it full of surprises. Can you tell us what kind of world it was?" Sona asked curious to know more about the other world beside her that happens to be called Draconic Deus.

"It came from a world called Gourmet world that is filled with many kinds of food and meat." Jean answered, recalling the time they spent killing it.

Some time later, they began sharing stories and things about themselves with Unohana only to explain more about her world while Sona and Gwen told where they are studying and other stuff. Eventually, everyone had to head back home and end their day by finishing their meal.


Draconic Deus/DXD verse.

Kuoh town

Sona's Kuoh home.

The Sitri Heiress appeared back to her home in Kuoh looking around to find herself in her room and saw nothing had changed the moment she left then glanced down to look at the black glove on her hands.

'Can't believe it's true. If I can have Household vessel for my peerage then everyone would become even more stronger.'

Sona thought satisfied with everything going around and stored the gloves away, storing it into an inventory dimension to be summoned when she needed it. Moments later, she took the other reward and began to prepare herself.

'Once I get my transformation, it is best to contact Big sis and pretend as if everything happened unexpectedly.' She knew it was unavoidable for her to reveal something and prepared herself.

Sona decided to head to the bathtub knowing that the base from the description would spew impurities from her body and deduce it is similar to how Chinese stories that she once read before.

Once the tub was filled, she got inside and submerged her body in the warm water feeling her tense muscle loosen.

'Those people in the chat group are really interesting.' Sona thought, recalling the intense battle between Erix and Unohana to the mouth watering dinner she had prepared by Erina.

'Alright, it's time.'

After a few minutes enjoying the bath, she took the [ High Grade Body Refinement Pill ] and swallowed it whole, which instantly took effect. She felt her body undergoing a transformation and her demonic energy exploded absorbing the energy around them causing her skin to shed the impurities.

Sona is unsure how long she's going to experience the sense of tranquility from her body being refined by the pills. This unlocked her body's potential and improved the quality of her demonic energy allowing her body to churn more power.

It was fortunate that Erix had placed some protection spells that would act in case she suddenly exploded in power, shielding her from the rest of the world's senses. Sona anticipated becoming stronger but she overlooked how much it would affect her.

Truthfully, she's blinded by her desire to have a body comparable to her children's friend. Sona delved deeper into her thoughts, losing her senses of time and simply let everything course grough her.

Once everything was done, Sona opened her eyes and felt anew noticing the once clean water had turned into tar like substance and smells horrible. She quickly got off and rinsed herself in the shadow, cleaning off any remaining impurities before walking over to the mirror to see herself.

'I…Is that me?'

Sona surprised to see the reflection on the Mirror having become an even more attractive, and well-endowed woman sporting a nicely developed and pronounced feminine body, including a bust that had turn from reasonable to something sought after by many of her peers.

Her whole aura had shifted, becoming more dense than before having a quality of renowned martial artists like Sairaorg.

'I-I can't believe it!'

Sona felt like crying of pure joy getting her dream body that she longed for before grumpling down realizing her sister is going to become even more annoying after this.

'Better come clean and tell her. I hope she's not busy….Forget it, knowing her she'll likely drop everything for me.'

She dislikes relying on her sister even more than being annoyed by her playful antics. Sona knows it is simply a way to cope with the tragedy of the Great War and Civil war that they had because all Maou have some sort of way to cope with their grief and trauma.

'For now I should get dressed.'

Sona walked out of the bathroom and dry herself until she saw the time and was taken aback

'What!? It's already lunch time!? How long was I in the bathroom?' Sona thought but slowly calmed down since it was fortunate that it was the weekend. Once she finished drying herself and put on some clothes realizing her clothes didn't fit her anymore.

'This….I should have thought this through first.'

Sona told herself disappointed in herself and getting caught up with everything and forgot to consider certain things. Fortunately, there were some clothes that were stretchable and fitted her enough but it was a tight fit.

She went to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast when in the living room her family sigil appeared widening her eyes in complete shock!

"So-tan~✨ I've come to visit! I really mis—"

Silent enveloped the entire room while Sona stared in disbelief at the beautiful girl that looked in her late teens with black hair, tied into twin tails and blue eyes. She has a child-like body and short stature yet has a large chest that is almost unrealistic.

"Who are you!? Where's my So-tan!?"

Serafall immediately went into a serious mood ready to demolish the entire town and Sona sweat a little feeling the pressure yet able to keep standing pondering if it was because she's stronger than before having closed the gap but it was clear her sister was still stronger.

"O-Onee-sama…I-it's me, Sona."