Albedo was knocked up having Erix fertilized and wouldn't take long for her to give birth, especially since both weren't human and the speed is dependent on their race. He didn't care if everyone got knocked up but made sure to choose one who won't fight and work outside of the kingdom. Albedo passed out from the sexual attack of her master twitching and was sore from the rough pound. Erix had already placed time dilution to let them enjoy themselves.
Erix was currently ramming his cock into the inside of Yae Miko, moaning like a common whore. She was in a mating press and felt his cock reaching the deepest part of her womb hitting the cervix. The poor little fox was nothing to Erix who simply shoved his dick deep into her, loosening up her inside.
Around them were Amaia, Arryn, Kanami, Borasato, Aifu, Kugime, Supersei, Asue, Mare and Aura having their holes filled with his fertile seed that was searching for their target. Will it be a problem if many of them become mother's? No, they are many maids and their body is stronger therefore would recover rather quickly.
They had joined Erix after he had his fine with Arryn and Amaia who most likely got pregnant but he believes their birthing process is different than human.
"ERIX-SAMA~~~♥️♥️♥️!! GIVE ME A BABY~~~♥️♥️♥️!!! I WANT A DOZEN CHILDREN~~~♥️HYAAAAH~~♥️♥️YES~~♥️♥️ RIGHT THERE~~~!!! AAAHHHHGNNN~~♥️♥️" Yae Miko gasped and begged waiting for her king to fill inside and knocked her up giving strong children.
"HERE IT COMES!!" Erix roared violently, exploding his massive load into her womb that filled her abdomen as she had a silly smile on her face. He was still in his true form and pulled his large pole that continued to spew his semen where he shot a few ropes of them around her body as she heavily pant to catch her breath. They weren't in the best house anymore and were in his bedroom. He let them rest for the time being and slept with them until they all recovered.
The next day, Erix had breakfast with everyone excluding Shizu and her mother as they still pass asleep having a good night rest after many years of struggle. Shizu was at peace all thanks to Erix who was willing to help a stranger. Later, Kaval and his party began to share their information about the surrounding kingdoms with everything they know about certain countries.
"Occupying the southern west below the Ingrassia Kingdom is The Sternbild Kingdom, Atarakua Demon Empire and The Estgrand Beast Kingdom." Kaval began to share in depth information about them.
Sternbild boasts a population mainly composed of humans with several minorities living in little communities or blended with the population of bigger cities and towns. However, slavery is still in place, and Manhunters seem to be common, as they attack or raid villages so as to acquire new slaves and manpower for private ownership or even for the Kingdom itself in the army.
The Nobility possesses military, political and economical strength capable of rivaling that of the Royal family, making the Kingdom closer to a Feudal Monarchy than that of an Absolute Monarchy.
Erix remembered this country from Re:monster, one of the countries that allied with Rou and his group. The Tomboy princess should have unique skills that can have telepathy and empath. He does like her, especially how mature and cunning she is. They have 4 Four Symbolic "Champion", who together form a large part of the kingdom's military power.
In the canon it was Heroes but True Heroes cannot be used carelessly therefore the term Champion is used. Erix wondered if he could capture them and gain whatever skills they provide. The Royal Capital is Osvel, and the kingdom also contains the labyrinth city Purgatory.
Next nation was Atarakua Demon Empire, governed by the [ Demon Emperor ] Hyulton. He isn't a Demon Lord rather a title placed upon him by his empire and of a powerful Maijin if anything. They have Six powerful Maijin titled Six Supreme Commander that are equal to the power of the Holy Empire Ruberious. Though, this is only rumors and doesn't have concrete evidence.
Aquarium is a Labyrinth City located in the Sternbild Kingdom near the border of the Atarakua Demon Empire. Within it is a [ Age of God Dungeon ] called [ Demi-God Rank: Aquarium Forlia ].
Finally the Estgrand Beast Kingdom, a country in which the main part of the population are Beastmen. Its borders are heavily protected by a barrier and military guards and it borders the Atarakua Demon Empire and Brumund Kingdom. It is ruled by the Beast King, Lionel. The nation doesn't have any noteworthy army but their King is rumored to be equal to Carrion. Erix pondered if their power boosted compared to Tensura Verse, Re:monster is laughably weak.
However, the best thing about their country is that it boost a number of [ Age of God Dungeon ]. From [God Class] dungeon, [Great Amaratia Steppes], Labyrinth City [ Dur Gha Varia ], [Cave of Deep Blessing of Seaweed Woman ]. And finally [ Ship Ambrasm Pontus ].
"At the West Edge of the Magic Continent are, Lumen Holy Empire, Kirika Empire and Holy Empire Ruberious."
A human nation with a national Religion that preaches human supremacy and shares a border with the Atarakua Demon Empire. This naturally puts them at odds with their neighbor the Atarakua Demon Empire and Holy Empire Ruberious with their different beliefs and worship. They boost a lot of military might from 24 Champions, Great Champions and Legendary Champions which are their own ranking system.
And next is the Kirika Empire doesn't have any interesting qualities beside their Eight Great Knights that includes the Insect Champion that Erix wants to take as a pawn.
'I don't know much about this country since I didn't read Re: monster Novel bedside when he evolves to [ Vijraraksasha Overlord ].' Erix thought to himself. Hearing a Human Supremacy country meant that the place isn't for negotiation peacefully and needed to be by force.
'I should send someone to spy on them and gather Intel. Perhaps, Shalltear being suitable with her bewitching charm could easily overthrow the country. Her Unique Skill should protect her and she can always escape but that would arouse aggression. Then again, a zealot country isn't a great friend to have.' He decided to discuss it more with everyone before taking action. If Jibril is free then he would send her to that place as she's more cunning and manipulative like Demiurge despite her fetish and usual antics.
Demiurge, Albedo, Jibril and Slaneesh are the smartest servants he has and trust them in twisting and making the kingdom fall in anarchy if they wish to. Unique skills and ultimate skills are nothing when their plans fall apart.
"As for the New World Continent, none of us knows the situation beside the Demon Lords." Kaval said considering it's another large continent and exploring it would be too risky for adventurers whenonster in the sea are a lot harder to fight than monsters in the mainland.
"Alright then. Thank you Kaval. I think I have a very good idea of the world outside the forest." He said while Kaval waved his hands.
"No! Thank you for taking care of us and essentially doing this mission for us by giving us your intel! Now we can go home and rest. Hahaha!" Kaval laughed jubilantly.
"You know the Guild Master is just going to send us on another mission the moment we get back right?" Gido said dryly.
"Oh yeah..." Kaval and Eren both looked glum and dead after that wake-up call. He was grateful for the information, even though he could have used numerous methods to get information, decided to entertain himself as he's frankly bored.
"Why don't you lot stay for a few days. Shizu could use more time resting and you lot can hang out at the hot spring on vacation. Your guild master doesn't need to know that you got ALL of the information from me after all." He said with a wink and turned to walk away.
"""That's Great Erix for you!""" They all said mimicking his followers. He nearly trips on air when that happens, but manages to catch myself and leave before they cause more of a fuss. Erix teleported to his palace conference room to discuss everything that he gathered from Kaval's party.
He summoned everyone that was available namely the Eight Demon General, Albedo, Jibril, Shion, Shuna, Yuina (shuna's mother) and the Primordials Daemons. Albedo had been listening to his conversation with the adventurer party earlier and was currently relaying what had been discussed.
"Now, our main possible enemies are the Lumen Holy Empire and Holy Empire Ruberious. If possible, I want to send someone who can slowly overthrow them into chaos and plant a seed of distrust." Erix would be able to weaken their coordination and information sharing if they don't trust each other. Defeating an enemy who is in disarray would make it easier to take advantage.
"Let me handle the Lumen Holy Empire, My lord. Even how righteous they may be, there is always dirt hiding in them and it would be easy for me to spill their secrets." Jibril shows a sadistic side seeing the opportunity to be useful for lords beside mapping the world and gathering information.
"I agree with my sister, her unique skills will be useful against them. Demiurge is busy running the Qliphoth Organization and personally my unique skill isn't suited for it." Albedo shared her thoughts as her unique skills [ Shield ] allows her to manipulate defenses in varying degrees while Jibril has unique skill [ Faith ] that manipulate a person's Belief or Faith and zealot believers can easily be tricked by them especially how fanatic they are.
"Alright, Jibril heads to Lumen Holy Empire as soon as possible. If possible, we can stir a war against them and reap some benefit." Without even seeing the future can foresaw them to be an enemy that cannot be negotiated beside by forces of manipulation. Jibril nodded, preparing what she needed to accomplish her task.
"Now, the Eight Demon Generals will be exploring random places to find anything interesting while also gaining more experience. Kanami, Supersei and Borasato will group together while Aifu, Kugime, Asue and Minokichi. Seiji remains in the Capital as he is more suited here." Erix already made sure that Minokichi views Asue as her sister rather than a romantic interest.
He saw that the group has balance as Aifu and Kugime are supporters while Asue and Minokichi are heavy hitters. Kanami, Supersei and Borasato are powerful and can handle most situations.
"Sure thing, Darling~" Kanami wink at him while the others ignore her.
"Diablo, your task of handling the Ataruka Demon Empire if possible stir them against the Lumen Holy Empire and cooperate with Jibril. We can reap if they ever go to war and give out support to one of them." Erix sees the chance of them becoming desperate and would likely cooperate with an unknown force as other nations wouldn't easily take action.
"Testarossa, Carrera and Ultima support Diablo while Rain and Misery join Jibril." Erix would leave his nation vulnerable if the powerhouses are around but there are still Benimaru, Souei, Shion and Hakurou in the Kingdom ready to defend. As well as the Dryad and Treant.
"It will be done, My lord." Diablo said, glimmering in reverence, eager to accomplish their task.
"When I'm satisfied with your progress I'll reward all of you." Erix said seeing that it would be great to take his chance and see if Daemon can get pregnant. He pondered what wondrous monstrosity will be born.
"Reward? Like Fucking? Cause that would be great and I've been wondering how it feels." Carrera bluntly asked, surprising everyone and Erix was unfazed.
"If that's what you want then sure." Erix said making the female Primordial to become excited even someone from Daemon realm knows about sexual interaction but they never experienced it themselves.
"What about Sternbild Kingdom, Kirika Empire and Estgrand Beast Kingdom? Do you intend to leave them alone?" Albedo curiously asked.
"At the moment, they don't hold any threat to us as I heard they are okay with Demi-humans and Maijin as long as they abide by the law. Therefore, they can be negotiated with. Though, I'll ask Souei to send some spy to them to gather information." Erix believed that they wouldn't be much of a threat and easier to deal with than the other two empires.
"Speaking of, Shion, Shuna and Yuina, remember that we will be heading to the Kusha mountains as you know more about their founder than I do." Erix knows a bit from the novel but she never was properly established.
"Ah yes, Kaede-san is a good friend of mine. It's been a few years since the last time I've seen them." Yuina places her hand on her cheek thinking about the time she spent with her close friend.
"Good, it would make our negotiation a lot easier. We'll be heading there after launch." Erix said and after a while of discussing a few minor things left to do their task. He was done with his task went to check on a few facilities of his nation.