Reading the message of Erina made him chuckle since he can't deny that the chat group provided him an opportunity to gain the affection of this woman. Erix can already feel someone's jealousy because of how many great beauties are by his side. He can't deny he'll manipulate them into liking him and more favorable to ensure that they'll only feel affectionate towards him.
Though not one who would directly mind breaking someone and removing their personality, rather Erix merely increases his charisma and their impression of him. Erix will treat them like queens and save them from their undeserving and tragic life. Erix is a sensible person despite having an Extreme Evil personality that lacked sympathy towards his enemy.
Erix lust and desire for more has no bound that he will capture every beauty that will set his eyes on. He shook his head and responded to her.
Scarlet King: Hahaha you read too many manga and watch anime. Think carefully, I am not the one who invited you.
Erina blushed and felt embarrassed since it was true that she read too many manga, especially the Romance one. She isn't the best when it comes to understanding other people and jumping to conclusions without thinking. However, Erix can't deny his sharp intuition since it wouldn't be baseless if she mentioned it.
Meanwhile, Jean Grey blush as well since she didn't even notice it but calm down since it's true he can't be the one who invited them. The chat group already gave them the necessary information to avoid any misunderstanding. Raven didn't feel that much since she has a amazing control over her emotion considering it is part of her powers
God Tongue: Shut up, after seeing our faces it's not strange that you already started to plan.
Scarlet King: I'll just ignore you since it's impossible to convince you anyway. How about we share things about our worlds? To at least know the difference in culture and aspect of our side. I'll go first.
Erix saw Erina complaining but she was ignored by the others while he began telling them about his world and the general history and culture as well the political system. Jean Grey grew fascinated that his world had monsters hunted down because they were different from humans but Erix explained that monsters are still monsters similar to how humans are still animals in the way that they kill in order to survive and protect.
It may sound immoral to her but this is how the world is even in hers. Erix is not a hero and could care less if monsters outside his kingdom are hunted down. He might have the power to find them but it's not his responsibility. Jean Grey began to think that his point of view might help save the mutant kind from discrimination if they founded their own nation.
God Tongue: Your world has what? Giant King Grabs!?
Scarlet King: For all the things I said, that's where you got hooked?
Cosmic Phoenix Host: I somewhat understand it. Hope we can see your kingdom soon.
God Tongue: Excuse me, it is to me. Creating new dishes using unknown ingredients would help improve my skills as a chef.
Scarlet King: To each their own, I guess. How about you three? I might know some things about your world but there's so many that it's difficult to know which one. Those I mention are higher dimensional creatures unbounded by one world that's why I know some things about them.
Cosmic Phoenix Host: I'll go first...
Jean Grey began to share what she knows where Erix learned it's somewhere the fantastic four and avenger already exist and she's around the same age as Peter Parker since she mentioned spider man recently crawling around. Erix knows that her universe isn't the 616 one and continues about recent events like Alien invasions and demons with wizards coming to stop them.
She even helped fight them off with the X Men but her experience is still far from an expert. Erix pondered for moment if the bald cripple mind r*pist can hear her thoughts but mostly likely not. He has some respect for Xavier but leans more to Magneto.
Erix eager to visit her world and absorbed those monster soul or even possibly taking the infinity stone. He shook the idea for now and said.
Scarlet King: That should be around the 21st century timeline considering you haven't mentioned any advanced technology.
Demon Goth Girl: Avengers? Sounds like the Justice League to me.
Cosmic Phoenix Host: Justice League?
God Tongue: It sounds like a team of superheroes in their underwear.
Demon Goth Girl: Funny you mention it…
Erix a bit surprised how Raven was more talkative but it's most likely she's thought about sharing a thing or two. He was pleased to learn that the Justice League is still a new team that recently formed when the army of Steppenwolf arrived but they pushed them back. Unfortunately, Darkseid is most likely going to arrive and receive the Anti-life equation.
He wondered how he'll fare against his avatar since he knows Darkseid vessel was not Invincible and can be defeated with enough power. There also Trigon but he won't be able to enter the human world without raven or necessary sacrifice especially when Dr. Fate arrived.
Cosmic Phoenix Host: Told you we are somewhat alike!
Demon Goth Girl: Whatever.
God Tongue: How does your world still function with so many threats!?
Erina's common sense and logic made her mind confused since if her world had their problem then it wouldn't take that long for their society to collapse on itself. Nuclear bombs are already devastating but imagine gods and monsters roaming around. It wouldn't be strange that their world would end right there and then.
Cosmic Phoenix Host: There are some superheroes and secret organizations who help stabilize our society. Though, only benefits of non-mutants.
Demon Goth Girl: Maybe they have some rich billionaire in their team.
Raven joked not knowing who the cape crusade despite the obvious conclusion but comic logic didn't allow her to know. Erix chuckled reading her message and tempted to tell her but decided not to since he wanted to prank him later if he met him.
God Tongue: Sorry, I have to go.
Demon Goth Girl: Same here. I still have some things to check.
Cosmic Phoenix Host: Oh right, I still have some assignments to do. Talk to you guys tomorrow.
Scarlet King: Alright, be safe out there.
Erix saw them logged out and he smiled looking forward to what the future has in store for him. He stored the phone and continued to work.
The next day, Erix woke up having his breakfast served by the Homunculus maids who happily did their jobs while he received reports from Albedo telling him about how the dwarves had settled in having given their place to stay and a workshop to begin their work. He chuckled when he heard about how they were dumbfounded looking at the unknown materials and already began working on making a halberd weapon for him to be added in his arsenal.
Amaia felt a bit worried but Erix just mentioned it is just for aesthetics and still used her in battle. Erix does like the idea of having what his future self had where he appeared a variant of Rou's Vijrarakshasa Overlord form. He received news in regards to the Orc Army heading towards the Ogre village and would reach around afternoon.
Erix believed that they surrounded the entire village that made it near impossible for any of them to escape, essentially trapping their prey. He tap his fingers on the table while the spoon is still in his mouth while he's deeply thinking.
"How's Rimuru's progress?" He needs her to consume the power of the orc Lord to gain Gluttony then Erix can plunder the skills to ensure the possibility of forming a th Gluttonous King, Beelzebuth. It is a skill that devours even concepts .
"Her progress is truly terrifying where her skills and abilities seem to be improving at an alarming rate that Cocytus mentions her skills can be called Monstrous."
Erix was nor even surprised when you consider that the Great Sage helps in analyzing and applying what Rimuru is learning that rapidly increases his battle prowess. He believed that she's capable enough to go against the orc lord at her current power.
Albedo can't deny that Rimuru is an anomaly and a force of change when it comes to adapting and learning new things. Of course against her she would win if they fought.
"Her Unique skills do everything for her."
'Also her protagonist's luck.'
Erix has been plundering the luck of every individual that he comes across that makes everything seem convenient. His skill does plunder even concepts acting like Rimuru's unique skills but the way it is handled are vastly different. He stood up and dressed himself in his true form while the maids cleaned up the plates and Albedo followed behind Erix.
"Gather everyone, especially the 8 Demon Generals. Increased the security at maximum while I'm gone. We will march as early as possible."
He said acting more serious than his previous laid back tone that Albedo felt aroused by his dominating aura. Erix takes it seriously in case enemies or rather the Demon Lord take actions. He's confident in his victory but the sacrifice outweighs the risk and reward.
Erix is not a damn fool battle maniac and knows his limits which is why he is making sure to win. He waited on the plaza where they prepared some platform for him to announce the situation. While waiting he was notified by the chat group that the others are online.
Scarlet King: Good morning, how are you girls doing?
God Tongue: Nothing much, still surprised about this whole other world thing, How about you?
Demon Goth Girl: It appears that the skills work and I can't feel being influenced by my father.
Cosmic Phoenix Host: Last night, I dreamed of the Phoenix and you're right, She's incredibly mad at the professor but thankfully I manage to calm her down by promising to free her.
Scarlet King: Take it some time, Ms. Nakiri and I'm pleased to hear that you've Ms. Roth. Also that's a good thing, Ms.Grey, bear in mind my advice and care to share what you said to it.
Cosmic Phoenix Host: Well, she's told me that she'll kill the professor for locking her away and sealing my power. I'm actually mad as well since he blocked some memories from me. But I can't have her killing the professor since I'm still indebted to him. Anyway, I didn't tell her about the chat group and she seemed unaware about it. I'm not sure if it's because she's sealed or because of some sort of power given off by the chat group but whatever the case, I promise to free it if she helps me and fortunately she told me it's her purpose in the first place. Also, feel free to call me Jean.
Scarlet King: Good to hear, Jean. Once you gain control over her powers then I'm confident you'll reach power beyond anyone capable of reaching.
Erix pondered if he's able to absorb Cosmic Energy since it would be a useful addition to his power since he is already able to churn Stardust Energy and wanted to gain Nothingness energy in the future.
God Tongue: How about you, Khan-san? What are you doing?