Serenus Continent
Thorn Fortress
The day was pleasant with a festive day where people celebrated the day of their god having descended to aid them in a dark future. People were enjoying themselves producing the mighty sound of drums and song with people drinking to their heart's content.
Everyone receives aids in creatures foreign to them yet feels connected and harmony allowing them to cooperate rather easily. The citizens were gossiping among them about their deity who did not fail them even in the past when they needed him.
They were always prosperous even when facing difficult times and always came out on top. Their faith only grew stronger when the deity had returned.
At this moment the said deity was sitting on the balcony that overlooked the entire fortress drinking some sake naked with a young woman that everyone knew currently heaving her hips on his lap.
"Ahn~!! Feels Soo good~♥️ I can't get enough of you, Shuushin-sama."
The woman was Kaguya who is currently having her second round having given her Chastity the moment she got the chance along with the rest of the Miko who were currently behind them on the bed leaking semen along with the others.
Olga was hugging Chloe while Prim and Alicia did the same while Albedo laid in-between Slaanesh and Jibril. On the other hand, Amaia and Arryn held hands while asleep. Erix finished drinking and leaned forward surprising Kaguya as she was lifted held on her thigh removing his cock inside her that was tightly wrapped.
"Aaahn~♥️!" Kaguya gasped as she was turned by Erix to face him panting heavily from the intensity for their intimacy. She was placed on the wooden railing and didn't even cause her to feel afraid of falling considering she was held by Erix.
Erix saw her gaze stared deeply into his body while he softly smiled taking her hand leaning closer before sensually licking her fingers making Kaguya more aroused before his cocked once again plunged deep inside her.
"HYAAH~♥️! YES~!!"
Kaguya moaned about getting railed by her "Husband" , enjoying the thought of being seen by her people knowing that she belonged to Erix. Eventually, Erix finished with Kaguya sleeping soundly on top of his chest surrounded by his woman.
The next day, Erix is on a conference call talking about what has happened in the past few days. The citizen was easily accepted as part of his empire and received help as such improved laws and other new necessities without damaging the integrity of the city and their culture.
It's been around weeks since he left the first fortress and he was there for his children's birth thanks to his omnipresence overjoyed at the children he had.
Erix remembered all of their names but couldn't say them all therefore only one he would speak about his child with Alicia and Prim.
Both of them had daughters that looked like their mother and their names were Sylvia Arcturus Khan and Charlotte Fiorire Khan. Erix already knew that they were going to look like a woman from Princess lover hentai that also turned into an anime.
On the other hand, Jibril gave birth to their daughter who they named Satsuki who seemed to form a red halo and had small soft horns that most likely solidify as she grows.
'The next place we're going to head is Maia…'
Erix sat next to Albedo, Jibril, Kaguya, Olga, Chloe, Alicia, Prim and Slaanesh were currently having a conversation while Extasis, Agathos and Caelia were playing around who had grown enough to appear as if they were 5 to 7 years old despite only being born for three and Half week.
The result of their heritage. Meanwhile, Satsuki, Sylvia and Charlotte were within their mothers arms.
"Are you already leaving, Shuushin-sama?" Kaguya asked as she poured tea on his cup.
"Yes, I've already given a small army and began improving everything without ruining the history and culture you all made." Erix answered while taking a sip of the tea.
"Fufufu~ you're really going to capture all Princess knights?" Olga giggled teasing him a bit.
"My craving for conquest that includes women will never be satiated. Unless you want to take me on your own?" Erix smirked seeing her shudder thinking how hard it would be if she was the only one targeted by him without rest.
"H-Hehehe I was just teasing you…please have mercy."
She said squirming a bit thinking about trying to take him on his own only to be defeated expeditiously. Olga was both in bliss yet her body was ravaged nonstop.
"I can take on father." Slaanesh said licking her lips having been programmed to be indiscriminate in kinks and fetishes but she has favorite namely getting helpless "Rape" by Erix.
"Me too. I can take Lord Erix."
"Sure you do. But no one can conquer Lord Erix for he is the only one who has the right to conquer women." Albedo stated where they all agreed considering he craved conquest.
"Well, even though I said we'll head to the next fortress doesn't mean we have to go immediately. Have you found someone who will take care of the fortress while you're gone?"
Erix asked. His army and servants were in the city, which meant almost no one would be able to cause a problem because one of the soldiers could easily decimate the entire continent.
"No need, most affairs are handled by the elders since I am more of a figurehead in worshiping you, Shuushin-sama."
Kaguya may be a princess knight doesn't mean she has the power and combat skills like Alicia. She was more like Prim who governed her fortress as figurehead and only approved paperwork.
Though, this doesn't mean prim isn't capable of fighting, simply isn't suited while Kaguya has zero fighting skills because she's a high priestess.
"I see, to be fair it doesn't matter since I'm always here even without me being here."
Kaguya already learned things about Erix's capabilities and easily accepted it since he was already an all powerful being in her eyes.
Truthfully, Erix is Nigh-Omnipresence for there are places that he can't venture at the moment. Despite this, he feels that it only matters of "Time" until he is able to descend and plunge deeper into the darkness.
"Papa, Mama, let's play!" Caelia called out to her parents as Erix and their mothers smiled when they joined them playing a bit of slime, teaching them how to fight and use magic.
Albedo also wanted to have them here but time hadn't passed that much back on their main world therefore didn't try bringing him. She didn't mind since time is just an idea and wouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Arryn and Amaia, the two Manas also didn't mind waiting until they could spend more time with their daughters. Erix enjoyed his time with children who would become incredibly strong.
Time passes by and the next day, the group headed towards the next fortress who were under the control of Maia, someone who is an associate with Kuroinu and had an infatuation towards Vult because of how he saved her.
It didn't take much time until they arrived at the fortress and everything went smoothly where the guards had to get permission and confirmation while informing Maia about their arrival.
Alicia wanted to send letters to inform about the situation but thought she couldn't trust or be certain that it would be given to the intended reader. Though she has faith in her husband that he has an ability to prevent this decided not to take the risk.
She believes that Erix would have already known and would have told her to do it or even reassure her therefore he has plans on personally telling them.
Erix saw that the city was filled with traitors and scum that intended to revolt against Maia to turn the place like Vult's bad dream of. They soon were called and headed to her office while leaving the children with Arryn and Amaia in a pocket dimension.
Serenus Continent
Ansur Fortress
Exactly a month has passed since Erix arrived.
Inside an office sat a young woman that appeared to be in her early to mid twenties exuding an unrefined image due to her outfit that made her look more like a warrior and was out of place inside the pristine room.
She had short pinkish red hair wearing a rather peculiar outfit that consisted of what seem to be modified leotards and pants.
Her face looked tired having a stock of paperwork having been given the privilege to be a princess knight and had studied a lot of things yet she never expected that she would end like this.
'It would be shameless to quit now.'
This woman was Maia who governed the Ansur fortress and recently received news about Kaguya, Alicia and Prim coming to visit with other people who were unknown to them.
Soon, a knock was heard and the door creaked open before her eyes keenly observed the people entering. She recognizes her fellow princess knights but her attention draws to the other people that had held over their heads.
"It's been a while, Alicia-san, Prim-san. How are you two?" She casually said trying to ease the atmosphere.
"Everything went well, thanks for asking. Though, we can't exactly say things had been normal." Alicia said confusing Maia and was shocked when she began to explain what had happened when she saw Olga and Chloe feeling her heart shrunk.
"I-Impossible!? A-Are we talking about the same Vult?"
Maia was horrified that the person she loved actually would dare have a vile ambition. Her heart felt it would shatter into a million pieces and wanted to deny reality.
"If you truly wish to know how far this man is willing to go then I have a way to know the outcome of such things without my assistant."
She turned to face the man whose figure was beyond charming with perfect skin complexion and body. Maia felt her heart start to feel at ease looking at him slowly enticed by his wine red eyes like a ruby gem.
"You're the her-" Maia was about to say something when Erix stopped her.
"I am no hero, never was nor never will. A hero is a title held by someone willing to sacrifice themselves for others. I am no such person. I'll gladly burn this world if it means I can protect those I love and hold dear."
His word was not even a declaration but a Fact, no, more like a cosmic Law. This made his woman blush and felt appreciated where despite his lust had genuine love for them.
Maia bit her lips feeling envious that he was such a man and hoped that Vult was the same. Alas, these men shouldn't be given any sympathy as they are cruel for the sake of being cruel.
"Alright…You're the savior that helped my fellow princess knights. What do you mean show me?"
Without saying a word, his hand manifested an energy that whirl around. Alicia saw this and understood what's going to happen. She can still faintly remember it and everytime she does always feels indifferent to what's currently happening to the traitors.
"I am certain even if I warned you, you won't back down. Once I hand this over, you'll gain the knowledge of the future that you would have faced if you did not meet me."
His soothing voice reverberated into her mind and Maia hesitated pondering what kind of future she would meet. Her curiosity got the best of her and took the memory where people closely watched her with Alicia knowing exactly what's about to happen and looked pained.
Maia briefly looked calm then her face turned into a frowned then pure horror before turning into disgust as she suddenly felt her legs give up but fortunately Alicia was ready and caught her. She was also helped by Prim trying to calm her down.