
Chapter 107 - Kuroinu 7

For those reading. Please read the synopsis because like I said this is a wish fulfilment and if you expect a story with mc progressively get stronger then this isn't for you.

The harem is massive like pokemon.

Anyway here, once again most of this is from "I am in Kuroinu" fanfic. Credit to him. I'm simply changing certain things. Buf if you want longer Kuroinu arc then read that instead.



Serenus Continent

Feoh Fortress.

It felt like a storm in the raging sea was upon them the moment they witnessed the vision of an imminent tragedy that none of them would have anticipated.

Alicia, Olga and Chloe were strong willed individuals who are capable women yet the sight of all the things pouring into their mind was overwhelming. Erix and Slaanesh watched as their expressions continued to shift until they became absolute horror.

They were able to witness the destruction, death, and their body being defiled for decades even centuries to come. Olga and Chloe regained their senses and stared intently towards Erix felt even more grateful that Erix had saved them.


Olga and Chloe muttered forever to be indebted to him and would do anything that he tells them. Their disgust gradually shifted to anger, thinking how can they let their husband see them in such a way, feeling burning rage in vowing to eradicate those who are part of that future.

The two dark elves were mentally stronger than Alicia who felt her body lose all of its strength as she fell forward and felt like vomiting at the imagery presented to her.

How can such vile men decide that it was a great idea to form an empire of depravity!?

"Easy now." Erix's soothing voice helped ease her mind.

"Alicia Onee-sama!"

Prim was worried about what was going on with Alicia, she knew it wasn't possible for Erix to harm her or do anything evil to her, so the only thing left was the future....

It was very, very bad to make her Big Sister make those faces.

Erix clearly didn't give her time to fall to the ground as he caught her and held her in his arms. Alicia saw his face up close and felt her frightened heart were slowly being healed by the warmth of his strong and dependable arms.

A moment of silence came to pass. No one uttered a single word simply processing the things they've witnessed. Olga and Chloe watched as their master and husband comforted Alicia.

They weren't even mad nor jealous, simply felt sympathy for her as they all share the same fate if not the arrival to Erix. On the other hand, Slaanesh remained quiet even though she somewhat enjoyed their mind being broken but only if it was done by her father.

Erix began to stroke Alicia's head. Prim was worried about her sister but she knew how effective Erix 's hands were for relaxation. Alicia calmed down quite a bit and found herself on Erix 's chest, and Erix stroking her head.

She thought she would never touch a man again in her life after seeing that, as it would make her want to vomit.

But being welcomed by Erix in this loving and protective way....

It just gave her a heavenly feeling. Right now the idea she had had earlier didn't sound so far-fetched. She closed her eyes and for a few minutes just enjoyed the extremely pleasant smell of Erix.

Once her stupor ended and Erix let her go before comforting Olga and Chloe who show their affection through kissing him while Alicia and Prim looked rather envious.

"... All that... will it happen?" Alicia put aside those things and decided to take action.

"This is why I came here... I won't let something like that happen as long as I can stop it..." Erix reassured her.

"I still... find it hard to believe that Minister Beasley... was someone like that... even that he allied himself with Kuroinu."

Alicia had now recovered and asked Erix if all that barbarity she saw...was going to happen in the next few hours. She was a little surprised at how adamant Erix was about not letting something like that happen.

She also knew that Erix was definitely a special man as a very large amount of the male population would have wished for such a world....

This only made her think better of Erix....

Truthfully, Erix is a perverted and selfish individual but he is not depraved enough to force himself on an unwilling woman even though he is partially Scarlet king.

The lore is that once he was defeated by the brother of death was sent to be cleansed and redeemed. It was partially true and Erix is yet able to remember everything in detail. Regardless, he is not vile and scummy enough.

Meanwhile, Alicia felt quite embarrassed and shy that he had seen her naked in the memories, she also felt disgust when she remembered what Beasley was going to do to her, or well, if Erix wasn't here.

She also had to admit that those pats Erix gave her on the head were the best thing she ever felt in her life. She understood that she was extremely jealous of Olga and Chloe being intimate with him.

"Beasley-sama was one of the bad guys! I knew it! That man was looking at Onee-sama with very dirty eyes!" Prim exclaimed upon hearing Beasley being mentioned.

Olga understood the situation since even of her own race, all the men or most of them had decided to betray her.

"So what do we do now? Dear?"

Erix was about to answer when suddenly, the same guard who had brought him in, suddenly opened the door and exclaimed.

"Alicia-sama we are in trouble! An army of more than twice our number is approaching through the forest! Even demons and magical creatures are in it too! What are you—...The Queen of the Dark Elves?"

She looked visibly desperate and at the last moment she could see Olga, she was stunned and then drew her sword in Olga's direction.

"Enough! They are on our side right now, sheathe your sword." Alicia stopped the female guard

"But Alicia-sama..." The female guard wanted to refute upon seeing their mortal enemy.

"I told you they're on our side! Go and prepare the troops, have them be ready at the main gate by the time I'm there! Also announce that Their Queen and their Right Hand had been betrayed and no longer a threat to us therefore the war against the Dark Elves is over! Now our new enemy is the Demon Army of Kuroinu, and the Dark Elves are here to help us and fight for us! UNDERSTAND?!"

Alicia was in a lot of stress and the two dark elves had shared a bond upon the experience from before seeing each other as kindred spirits.

"HAI Alicia-sama!" Female guard had never seen Alicia act this way before and felt something had happened.

"Now go!"

Alicia said to the guard, she didn't know what happened, but she complied with the orders and left. She let out a sigh and turned around to look at the others…

She saw that they were staring at her with their mouths open in disbelief. Prim was shocked but her feeling of adoration for her Onee-sama only went up more.

Erix was pleased that Alicia accepted Olga and Chloe like that. Though, it was understandable when the trio were fated to suffer in endless shame of their body defiled.

It was certainly a shock for the two dark elves to hear her defend them since the animosity between human and dark elves or more precisely, Olga and her army was not that simple.

They were at constant war and conflict and hearing Alicia's word made them feel unified. A thought of peace could be achieved now that a common enemy had arrived to cause more chaos.

"Thank you... Alicia." Olga was grateful to her having a great sense of guilt for her past actions but did not regret them since it was the only thing she could do at that time. It was more of a naive decision on her part.

"As a warrior just like you, I thank you for defending us in that way.... Alicia." Chloe who bare deep hatred towards humans finally came to point that hatred towards those who hurt her and not the entire race.

"It's nothing, it's the least I can do to honor your race, so take care of me from now... Olga... Chloe." Alicia felt connected towards the two upon knowing that they could suffer the same fate that had only been rewritten through the descent of Erix.

"Mooou Onee-sama Don't leave me out!" Prim didn't want to be left out and spoke.

"Ara ara~ Someone is jealous~ Yosh yosh~ Here you go Prim-chan~~"

Just like Olga who started stroking Prim's head since Prim had pouted with a chibi face, Chloe with a slight blush also reached out to do so.

"What an adorable little girl~" Slaanesh joined in the fan patting her head. She was disguised in her human form which is why they didn't react to her appearance.

All the girls had a weakness for cute things. Prim instantly enjoyed the touch as the Dark Elves before her, were not bad people, they were quite the opposite.

"Well, I am grateful that you believed what you witnessed." Erix said even though he didn't doubt that she wouldn't believe him.

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around but….it would be naive of me if I did not heed your help." Alicia hints of blush as Erix gives a pleasant and calming smile.

"Well then, leave the task of eradicating the Kuroinu while I leave the task of defending this fortress if any of the enemy army is able to get past me." Erix said even though it was impossible unless he left them.

"...Are you certain? It is an entire army and you are just one man even if you are powerful." Alicia was worried that he would sacrifice himself for them. Someone who has no relationship to their country offering to give his help for them. There is nothing to describe such a person other than a Hero. A True Hero.

It was then a laughter was heard bellowing in the room as the silent Slaanesh couldn't content herself from Laughton hysterically.

"Fufufufhahaha~ apologies but I simply can't help myself hearing your words." Slaanesh said, confusing what she was about.

"It is understandable but my Father is capable of annihilating the entire world by his presence alone. Mere mortals would never be able to put a scratch on my father unless he allows it."

She explained shocking Alicia and Prim. What kind of creature is Erix?

"...Forgive me, Sir Erix but who or rather what are you?" Alicia asked, unable to contain be curiosity.

"I am True Diabolos Dragon God and Emperor of Asurayasha Crimson Empire from a world called Central Axis World." Erix answered, their jaw slack opened hearing his words.

"G-God!?" Alicia and Prim exclaimed at the same time dumbfounded that he was not a human and actually a divine being.

"Be at ease, I am not demanding worship as I have plenty from my world." Erix said, seeing them about to kneel before him.

"You're an emperor, Lord Erix?" Even though shocked Prim wasn't that affected compared to Alicia.

"Yes, I can tell more about my empire later. We should get going." Erix said as Alicia nodded, taking the group outside and running towards the walls of the fortress, arriving soon where the female knights were waiting.

The female guard had already told all the others in the troop what Alicia had told her.

They were quite surprised at all this, but the loyalty they had to Alixai was so great that they accepted it as a matter of course. Even all the civilian inhabitants of the city were not much more than surprised.

All the onlookers were surprised when they saw the two dark Elves but they calmed down when they noticed that they were accompanied by Alicia.

The women in the city, both military and civilian, looked at Erixas if he was their prey, though they wondered what his relationship was to the Queen of the Dark Elves and her Right Hand, since they had come together and seemed very close.

Erix, with his incredible sense, noticed how a group hidden in one of the houses were looking at Chloe very lustfully, as if they had met her.

Those who did will eventually be dragged into the darkness never to be seen again nor experience joy in their life. They had almost arrived in front of the gates. The sight that awaited them ahead was that of the Kuroinu group.