
Crimson Heir

Separated from her family when the world was at the brink of war. Lost and far from the comfort of her luxurious life. Was it bad luck that she got separated from her family at a young age? Or is it still the Goddess’ Blessing that she survived that series of event? A General’s daughter, blessed by the Goddess Silva, said to be the most talented of her generation, lost. Will her talent be enough to survive reality? Will her faith waver as she goes through her trials? Follow Daniela on her journey as she tried to find her way home. Travelling across the continent is not as easy as it seems.

_Meizhen_ · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The continent is currently divided into four region: Gerulta, Kalva, Dovania and Porto. Amongst this countries, Gerulta is without a Royal family but was said to be unshakable when it comes to their military might. In the previous generations, the kingdoms did try to conquer Gerulta but this was impossible because this country houses the family of great generals, the Salvator. Since the country has proven to be undefeated, a treaty was agreed by the four countries thus the birth of the continent Solaria.

The Salvator family are said to be gifted sword masters and unbeatable with element of fire. The other families of course have their own strengths and their own knights order are no weaker. If the Salvators focused on military strengths, the Argents are a family of hunters and great informants. The Argents are talented with bows and knives, and are quite informative of the events within the country. Who knows where their information gathering have already reached? The Mercer family may be the weakest when it comes to military might, but they are probably the most innovative and business minded among the four. They own one of the biggest auction establishment in the country. If you're seeking for something, the Mercer's Auction and merchant house can find it for a price. And of course the Fleur family. Talented in the arts of healing. Not only that, the most talented Alchemist of the country are said to have come from this family.

Who would not be jealous but at the same time afraid of these powerhouses? If Gerulta would want to expand, they could have done so in sweep but this would go against their beliefs and promised to the Goddess to never use their gifts for greed and harm of others.

Leona Silva Salvator, the matriarch of the the Salvator family. The most renowned general across Gerulta. Her name does not only resound within the country but across the continent Solaria. The sword and shield of the country. The Knight's order of the Salvator are said to be the finest, but the most difficult to get in to. Not only is the General powerful and strong but strict and would train her men until they're half dead.

No one has ever underestimated Leona, not when she's young not now that she's the head of the family. The Salvator has always been a matriarchal family, no men was ever born in the family, only those who are married in. From their ancestor of the Great War, Lena Salvator, to the youngest descendants, are all women.

"Mama why can't I ride on the horse like Sera?! Not fair!" The little girl beaming with jealousy as she watches her sister through the carriage window.

"Because you're too young."

"Della is only five year older, she gets a horse!"

"That's because you have short legs hahaha" Della the second daughter of the Salvator who was riding behind her eldest sister turned towards the carriage widow, with her short black hair and brilliant smile laughing at her adorable sibling.

"Don't tease your sister." Said their mother amused by her children.

The family arrived at the arena pact with thousands of Solaris. From outside, cheers from the crowd can be as loud as they look forward for the formal opening of the festival. The Salvator family made their way to the podium where the the other heads and members of the main families are seated.

General Leona on her Military formal wear. Black adorned with golden lining, made her way towards her seat as her children sat on the seats behind her.

"Looking as heroic as ever General."

"And you look …. shiny.. and flashy .. as always Marion." As she passed by an man on his late forties adorned with golden necklace and rings. He's no other than Marion Mercer. Second son of the Head of the Mercer family. The first son left early due to his weak body but left behind a young boy who is not even a teenager yet. The son was rightfully the next heir of the family but since the he's too young, the family head sent the his second son to represent the family.

"I'll take that as a compliment. I can't help it. My pockets are deep." He said flipping his brown curly hair back.

The General simply rolled her eyes on her.

"How is the family head? Hope he is well for him to send you here?"

"Yes Marion, where is that old fogey? I was going to invite him for a drink after this morning." The old man seating along them asked. The old man had a long silver hair, with long beard wearing long white robe. He is on his 70's but is still looking pristine as always. He is no other than the current head of the Fleur family, Florian Fleur. This old man is named as the healing saint of the kingdom. Even if the person is at the brink of death, this old man will be able to heal him back to life.

"Uncle, I'm sorry but you know father. He's a perfectionist when it comes to this events. He wants to see through the inventory for the auction and the merchandise imported from other countries." Despite his boastful appearance, Marion is most respectful to his elders.

"That guy never changed. Such a workaholic."

"Leave him be. He is where he's happy." Says the late comer. A woman on her 70's made her way to the empty chair. Wearing a purple dress and robe, such is the signature colour of the Argents. The woman may be old but you see ko wrinkles on her face. Still dignified and authoritative in her looks, Alana Argent.

"The Grace of the Goddess be with you, Lady Argent"

"Lady Argent.

"And be with you General, Marion." She greeted back to the standing Leona and Marion.

Now shall we have this event started.