
Crimson Genesis: Vengeance of Genetic Evolution

In a dystopian alternate reality where genetic experimentation has gone wrong, and cybernetic ascension is the new focus, Alex, a high schooler, awakens in a clandestine laboratory only to discover he's been reincarnated as a clone of an ancient, shape-shifting humanoid. Alex attempts to escape captivity, only to be thwarted by his classmates, now cybernetic puppets of the world government organisation “Ascension”, who cruelly shoot Alex in the head despite recognising him. Mysteriously surviving the killing blow, Alex awakens in a wasteyard of the Genesis District, where all failed genetic experiments, derogatorily referred to as the “Flawed”, live in misery and oppression. Enraged by the betrayal of his classmates and the inhumane treatment of the Flawed, Alex sets on a path of vengeance and revolution, unearthing dark secrets about a lost and forgotten past, opposing Ascension, and discovering his evolutionary potential…which may turn out to be more powerful than he could ever imagine… --- Upload Schedule --- Guaranteed Upload: Mon, Wed, Fri *Release timings are not fixed, will vary due to author's real life schedule, might change in the future, depending on reader comments / reviews.

Loki_Magikill · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Emotions, Frozen In Time

With James pressing a laser gun against his back, Alex followed behind Sarah while the soldiers that came with them flanked him. The tension in the air was palpable, but what worried Alex most was not the suffocating atmosphere or the bewildering reunion they had just experienced. It was the cruelty displayed by his now-transformed, cybernetic friends.

Every time they encountered anyone in the facility, they ruthlessly shot them down. If they found the slightest sign of life in their targets, they fired again and made sure to finish the job, ensuring no one survived—even the unarmed.

The merciless efficiency of their actions was unnatural, almost as if they had been trained for years to become cold, efficient killing machines. They moved with chilling precision, their actions devoid of any hesitation, and executed their tasks without even a flicker of remorse. It was as if… humanity had been drained from them.

Alex's mind continued to race with questions and fears as they progressed through the facility. How much time had passed since he last saw his classmates? What horrors had they endured to become so ruthless? The transformation in their demeanour was chilling. The people Alex once knew not too long ago, who shared with him laughs, smiles and a reminder of normalcy, were now unrecognisable.

While deep in thought and despair, Alex accidentally tripped on one of the bodies, cold and unmoving on the floor, and he caught a glimpse of the face. It was the other scientist who had been supposed to do an intellect test with him a few moments ago.

With a gaping hole through his forehead and the surrounding skin horribly burnt and melting, Alex felt a complicated pain in his chest. Despite this scientist's cruelty during the experiments, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that no one deserved to die that way.

James delivered a sharp kick to Alex's back, sending Alex tumbling forward onto the body, his voice dripping with anger. "Keep moving," he snarled, his eyes blazing with an unrelenting fury.

Alex tried to get back up, but as he did so, his hands laid on the scientist's cold and lifeless corpse. A shiver shot through his hands and into his heart. Trembling, with a tear forming in his eyes and a voice barely more than a whisper, "What happened to both of you? How did you become like this? Why are you doing this?"

James was about to respond, but a communication message seemed to come through his helmet; he clicked his tongue before looking away.

Sarah, her gaze fixed ahead, and her expression emotionless and unyielding. It was as if his words didn't even register with her, or worse, that she no longer cared.

If there wasn't a facility in the process of getting destroyed and other soldiers firing at Alex's former captors around, the silence between the three would be deafening and painful to experience.

Alex's heart darkened. The walls of his heart once contained these two as symbols of hope, a reason not to despair, but now they've become icons of fear and monsters who likely kill people like cattle.

Slowly, a small flame of anger and desperation grew in him as his imagination ran wild, a vision of people getting slaughtered without reason, Sarah and James standing on top of bodies, flames burning brightly behind them as their eyes glowed eerily, their combat suits tainted with blood splattered all over.

Alex's fists tightened. His heartbeat quickened, his eyes felt on fire, and…

The moment of silence quickly passed as it came, and both Sarah and James seemed to receive something again on their helmet.

"Come on, James. Let's move."

"Copy that. Now get up, you..." Before James could finish, Alex swung up with an unnatural surge of power and speed and socked James right in the face. Stunned by Alex's sudden punch out of nowhere, James, unable to react in time, stumbled backwards and let out a pained shout.

"I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH ANYONE!" Alex roared, and with all the might he could muster, he stumbled forward, up to his feet, and got ready for a fight. Alex was never much of a fighter, nor did he like confrontation with violence, but it was like a beast within him that took over him at that moment, ready to start fighting for its survival.

"Come on! Come at me, you bast…" Alex taunted as he put up his fists before realising something weird.

Everyone around Alex was frozen in place, unmoving as if time had stopped. Alex looked around, bewildered by this new and bizarre situation, his heart still beating faster than ever. He waved a hand before Sarah's face, but she didn't react. The silence was unnerving. Even the faint hum of machinery and the distant crackle of fire disappeared.

"This…is my chance," he realised.

Slowly, cautiously, Alex took a step to the side. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a thunderclap in the eerie stillness. He half-expected someone to spring to life and grab him, but nothing happened. Encouraged, he increased his pace, moving away from the frozen figures with growing confidence.

As he distanced himself from the group, a sudden thought struck him like a bolt of lightning. Dr. Shun. The doctor who had tried to help him escape, who had shown him kindness. Alex glanced back at the frozen figures. If he fled now, Dr. Shun would almost certainly be killed by Sarah, James, or the other soldiers. But what if they started moving again before he could reach Dr. Shun? They would both be doomed.

Alex's heart ached with the memory of Dr. Shun's kindness. Since his awakening, he had been the only person to treat Alex with any semblance of humanity. "I can't be ungrateful. I must go back and save Dr. Shun." he resolved, steeling himself.

He took a deep breath and began moving back toward the room where he had left Dr. Shun. His steps were careful and deliberate as he navigated through the frozen forms of his former friends. Each step felt like a risky dance, a tightrope walk where the slightest misstep could spell disaster. His mind raced with a mix of fear and determination. What if I touch one of them, and they snap back to life? What if there's a time limit?

The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly before him. Every shadow seemed to move, every creak of the floor an ominous whisper. Alex's senses were on high alert, his body tense with the effort of staying silent and unseen. He glanced at Sarah and James, feeling a pang of sorrow and confusion. Even when frozen, they seemed every bit ruthless and cold, like machines meant to kill. What had happened to them? How had they become these ruthless, cybernetic soldiers?

But no longer was they his priority; he couldn't do anything to change them now. He had to focus on saving Dr. Shun for now.

Making it past them safely, Alex broke into a sprint. The urgency in his chest propelled him forward, his legs pumping like pistons. Dr. Shun's face flashed in his mind, the image of his concerned eyes and the gentle yet firm way he spoke to Alex. He couldn't leave Dr. Shun to die, not after everything.

As Alex darted through the various rooms and corridors, his heart pounded in rhythm with his hurried footsteps. The facility seemed eerily suspended in time, with scientists and guards frozen mid-motion, their faces locked in expressions of surprise or determination. He manoeuvred past them, the surreal stillness amplifying the urgency of his mission.

Passing by one of the scientists who had been particularly cruel, Alex felt a surge of anger and a fleeting desire for revenge. The man's face was etched with a perpetual sneer, a look Alex had come to associate with his torment. He could so quickly strike now, take back a shred of power in this twisted place. But the impulse was quickly quashed. Alex knew better.

If he indulged in revenge, he risked losing precious time. Each second he delayed, he increased the likelihood of time resuming its relentless march, potentially trapping him and Dr. Shun in an even more perilous situation. He couldn't afford to let emotion cloud his judgment, not now.

Alex's thoughts whirled in a chaotic frenzy as he approached the room where he had last seen Dr. Shun. Please let him be okay. Please let me get there in time. He skidded to a stop outside the door, peering inside with bated breath. The room was dimly lit, shadows dancing across the walls.

Alex entered cautiously, his eyes scanning for any sign of movement. Dr. Shun lay on the floor, exactly where Alex had left him, still unconscious. Relief flooded through Alex, mingled with a renewed sense of urgency. He bent down, gently shaking Dr. Shun.

"Dr. Shun, wake up. We need to get out of here," Alex whispered urgently.

Dr. Shun was unresponsive and unmoving, his body a lifeless weight against the cold floor. Panic surged through Alex as he knelt beside the fallen doctor, his hand trembling as he reached out to check for any sign of life. He placed his fingers under Dr. Shun's nose, holding his breath as he waited for a sign. Relief washed over him when he felt a faint, steady breath. Dr. Shun was alive but in a deep, unconscious state.

Alex recalled the force of his knockout punch, worrying that he might have exerted too much strength. He had no way of knowing how long Dr. Shun would remain unconscious, but time was not on their side. The urgency of their situation pressed heavily on Alex's mind. They were not safe yet, and every second counted.

With a deep breath, Alex steeled himself. He slid his arms under Dr. Shun's body, lifting him as carefully as possible. The doctor's weight was substantial, and Alex's muscles strained under the effort. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he hoisted Dr. Shun over his shoulder. Each step felt like a monumental effort, but Alex pushed forward, determined to see this through.

"Okay…last stretch… I hope."