
Crimson Genesis: Vengeance of Genetic Evolution

In a dystopian alternate reality where genetic experimentation has gone wrong, and cybernetic ascension is the new focus, Alex, a high schooler, awakens in a clandestine laboratory only to discover he's been reincarnated as a clone of an ancient, shape-shifting humanoid. Alex attempts to escape captivity, only to be thwarted by his classmates, now cybernetic puppets of the world government organisation “Ascension”, who cruelly shoot Alex in the head despite recognising him. Mysteriously surviving the killing blow, Alex awakens in a wasteyard of the Genesis District, where all failed genetic experiments, derogatorily referred to as the “Flawed”, live in misery and oppression. Enraged by the betrayal of his classmates and the inhumane treatment of the Flawed, Alex sets on a path of vengeance and revolution, unearthing dark secrets about a lost and forgotten past, opposing Ascension, and discovering his evolutionary potential…which may turn out to be more powerful than he could ever imagine… --- Upload Schedule --- Guaranteed Upload: Mon, Wed, Fri *Release timings are not fixed, will vary due to author's real life schedule, might change in the future, depending on reader comments / reviews.

Loki_Magikill · Sci-fi
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43 Chs

A Fairy's Lesson of Revelations (Part 1)

Like a storm in its final moments, Alex's emotions finally subsided after what felt like an eternity of tears, a torrent of pent-up sadness and frustration. As the calmness set in, he became aware that he had been crying into Lydia's reassuring arms for what must have been an uncomfortably long time. As he pulled back slightly, he could feel the hint of embarrassment still lingering on his flushed face.

"Thank you… I… uh… needed that," Alex said awkwardly, his cheeks burning.

Lydia's response was a soft giggle, a silent nod, and a proud declaration, "No problem at all! We all need a hug sometimes. And I do mean need! Besides..." Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she gazed into Alex's eyes, a hint of a teasing smile playing on her lips. "I am a kind, cute fairy, after all."

Alex blushed again, about to respond, when a booming voice interrupted, "AHEM!"

Standing in the doorway was Jeb, holding a tray of modest food and drink. His presence filled the room with a stern authority. "Lydia, dear, I'm proud that you're a very kind girl, but don't you think you're a bit too familiar with a guy you barely met?" he said, his tone a mix of concern and admonishment.

"Really? Maybe getting flattered made me get carried away," Lydia said with a playful wink at Alex, sticking out her tongue slightly.

Alex got flustered at the gesture but quickly recomposed himself. "Uh, thank you very much for caring for me while I was unconscious. I'm sorry to be a bother," he said, turning to Jeb. "And I'm terribly sorry for trespassing in the... uh... treasure cove. I really can't tell you how I got in there in the first place, but I'm sorry nonetheless."

Jeb gazed at Alex with a mix of suspicion and annoyance but soon sighed with resignation. He set down the tray on a nearby table and sat down next to Lydia. "I don't know what you've been through, but it sure seemed rough. You're welcome to rest here until you're feeling better."

Jeb's eyes narrowed, his suspicion palpable as he looked intensely into Alex's eyes. "But…I will need to know where you came from. You're not one of ours, considering I don't know you. Are you from the scabs? Or the old crone's place? Probably not from the psychos' place since you can, obviously, shed tears."

Alex stared at Jeb with confusion, his mind racing to make sense of the question. "Uh, I don't think I'm from any of the places you mentioned…actually, sorry to ask, but where exactly am I?"

Jeb's expression turned to one of surprise. "What, you got amnesia or something? Where else would you be? We're in the Genesis District. It's the only place we Flawed are allowed to live."

"Genesis District? Flawed?" Alex echoed, even more confused.

Jeb rubbed his temples in frustration. "Freaking wire necks, maybe you do have amnesia. This might be more troublesome than I thought."

Jeb stood up and walked towards the door. Before leaving, he paused in the doorway, glancing back at Alex and then at Lydia. "I'm going to make a few calls. Keep an eye on him, Lydia; don't let him go anywhere."

With that, Jeb walked away, audibly mumbling his frustrations.

Alex looked at Lydia worriedly. "Uh, is this bad?"

"Oh, no need to worry," Lydia replied, trying to be reassuring. "My grandpa's just looking out for you. At least, I think so." Despite her words, it was clear that she was also uncertain.

An awkward silence settled between them, neither quite sure what to say.

Lydia fidgeted with the hem of her patched-up dress, her doll-like eyes darting around the room as if searching for the right words.

Also noticing the awkward silence, Alex felt a sudden urge to break it. He wanted to start a conversation with Lydia, but nervousness overwhelmed him. He stammered, "Uh… so… uh…Ly-Lydia?"

"Ah, yeah?" Lydia responded, her eyes lighting up as she perked up at the sound of her name, though the awkwardness still lingered in the air.

Alex suddenly realised he didn't have a topic to start talking about and cursed his lack of social skills. As he scrambled to find something to say, he noticed that Lydia's clothes were different from before. A question popped into his head, and he decided to roll with it.

"Uh...um…oh. So…how long was I out for? I'm guessing a day?"

Looking surprised, her expression with a hint of awe, Lydia clapped her hands slowly but excitedly, "Ooooh. That's right. How did you know?"

Slightly taken aback by her innocent reaction, Alex continued, "Ah, hmm. Just a guess since your clothes are different from what I remember. Figured it might have been at least a day since I was out."

After listening to his explanation, she was silent for a few seconds. Then she started trembling, clearly trying to stifle a laugh, with tiny giggles escaping here and there.

Bewildered, Alex asked, "Hmm? Did I say something funny?"

Still trying to stifle her laughter, she managed to reply, "Ah, no, it's just that…despite having amnesia, you have a pretty good memory…"

"Oh." Alex realised she had just told a joke. "…pfft."

Before long, both started laughing out loud, the atmosphere once again becoming warm and happy.

As their laughter subsided, Lydia wiped away a tear of amusement and looked at Alex with a gentle smile. "Hey, Alex, do you want to know more about where you are and what Grandpa Jeb was asking about earlier?"

Alex nodded, grateful for Lydia's offer to fill in the gaps in his understanding. "Yeah, that would be nice. It'll be a great help once your grandfather comes back."

Lydia nodded, her expression genuine yet still kind. "Alright, I'll try to explain the best I can. Hmm…I guess I can start with what this district is all about." Lydia turned to a nearby drawer, pulled out a pair of glasses and put them on. As she did so, her eyes sparkled with excitement. "She must be excited to explain about the place she lives in," Alex thought silently, Lydia's enthusiasm raising an equal level of excitement in him as well.

Then, with the air and tone of a dignified teacher, she started explaining, "So, first things first! We are currently at my house in the Genesis District! It's where people like Grandpa Jeb and I live, considered 'Flawed' by society."

Alex furrowed his brow in confusion. "Flawed? What does that mean?"

"Good question!" Lydia pointed at Alex and continued dramatically, "The real, actual answer to this question is slightly complicated, but to put it simply, we 'Flawed' are people who have gone through the horrifying Genetics Ascension Program! That or being descendants of those who did!"

"Genetics Ascension Program..." Alex repeated softly, his mind racing with memories and possibilities. Could this program be the one he had undergone a few months ago? Could this program be the answer to his missing memories? And did Lydia…?

Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, Lydia's voice pulled him back to the present. "Unfortunately, I can't tell you much about the program itself since I'm a descendant of one. The last program was around three hundred cycles ago, after all."

Alex's heart skipped a beat as he grappled with the implications of Lydia's words. Three hundred cycles... What did that mean? And what was a cycle anyway?

Feeling a sense of urgency creeping over him, Alex blurted out, "Uh...this might come across as weird to you, but what's today's date?"

Lydia's confusion mirrored his own as she replied, "Hmm? What's a date?"

Alex's stomach dropped as he struggled to comprehend her response. "Uh...like a date on the calendar?" he ventured, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

Lydia's response only deepened his unease. "Hmm? A calendar? Do you mean the strange day counter thing people used to use long ago? I thought that was abolished by the world government when they took over..."

A cold shiver ran down Alex's spine as the implications of her words began to sink in. As Lydia's words echoed in his mind, Alex felt a chill of uncertainty grip him tightly. The absence of a calendar system meant more than just the loss of a method to track time—it meant an unfillable gaping void in his understanding of the world around him.

At that moment, a flood of questions surged through his mind, each more unsettling than the last. What had transpired during the time he was confined in the lab? Had it truly been months, or was that merely a fragment of his fractured memory? And if time itself had become a mystery to the people of this world, how could he possibly piece together the scattered remnants of his past?

And as he grappled with the implications of this unsettling revelation, he couldn't help but wonder just how deep the rabbit hole of his forgotten past truly went.

"Alex? Are you okay? You look pale." Lydia, concerned about his paling complexion, held onto Alex's hand.

Lydia's voice pierced the fog of Alex's thoughts, pulling him back to the present moment. He blinked, realising that he had been lost in his turmoil, oblivious to the world around him.

Turning to face her, Alex managed a weak smile, though the concern etched on Lydia's face tugged at his heartstrings. Her gentle yet firm touch grounded him, offering yet another helping hand amidst the storm of his swirling emotions.

"I'm... I'm fine, Lydia," he reassured her, his voice wavering slightly. "Just... uh… processing everything, you know?"

Her grip tightened ever so slightly, a silent gesture of solidarity. "Take all the time you need," she replied softly, her eyes warm and understanding. I'm here for you."