

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Christian also sat,he pulled mason back into his arms but he pushed him off and moved away from him "stop being difficult" he said

"I'm being difficult?" mason laughed pointing at himself "it's you who is difficult.you know well that being a fox,I cannot just go back on my word but you weren't satisfied that you had to place a curse on me" he turned to face him and said " I live my life to serve you "

christian rubbed his eyes " let's stop this conversation, I'll have them bring dinner here" he said and got out of the bed.he was at the door when he heard mason say " fucking demon!".

Christian's patience snapped, he walked back to the bed, grabbing mason by the throat,he slammed his back in the bed and got on top of him "I said enough" he hissed

but mason wouldn't stop so he said "go ahead hurt me like you always do"

his neck was released and he inhaled deeply, christian brought his face close and kissed him "please" he whispered looking down at Mason "please stop".

He kissed the tears that was threatening to fall,then he moved to his nose,his forehead,his cheeks and then grabbed his lips with his,claiming it, he thrust his tongue in.

he kissed him deeply, slowly taking his time as mason began to respond and kissed him back,then it became urgent and demanding.

His hand got to work and began unbuttoned his shirt, he tore off clothing after clothing while his mouth do justice to Mason's lips.he broke of the kiss for a moment and stared at beautiful man under him.

he ran his finger down mason's chest,he watched as his body responded to his touch,he loved the way he inhaled as he ran his fingers down his stomach.

he went for the knot that held the robe in place and pulled but wasn't coming free, he looked down to see mason's hand gripping it tightly "what are you doing?" christian asked smiling

"stopping you" he answered with his own smile.he saw a vein popped in Christian's forehead.he watched him dropped his head "you're not allowed to deny me bitch"

did he hear it right "what did you just call me?" he asked loosing his own cool,he pushed him off.

Christian didn't say anything,he layed with his back on the bed and closed his eyes. ' it's the cold energy that's making him sensitive, he'll be fine by tomorrow'. he said to himself meanwhile mason had gotten out of the bed and fuming with his hands on his hips "what the fuck did you just call me?"


"a bitch? WOW!" he laughed and folded his hand on his chest.he scoffed and said "you're right " he sighed deeply "now that I think about it,I've been a bitch truly. he walked to the one of the drawers in the room, opened it and brought out another pair of clothes,he wore them quickly and left the room closing the door with a loud bang.

The moment he was out of the room,his head began spinning and his sight became cloudy,he was feeling dizzy but he would fight and take his rest in his room.he was able to fight it for three steps before he blacked out.

christian caught before he hit the ground and carried him in arms back into his room where he layed on the bed. carefully , he took off his clothes before covering him with the blanket.he slid I beside him again and gathered him in his arms.

Like every other servants working in the castle , Tessa was granted half a day off and she decided to spend it in her village.she went home and met no one at home not even her useless brother was there.

The house was in complete mess when she walked and so she decided to clean.when she was done,it was close to the time she was to go back but she needed to see her father before leaving so she waited a bit and luckily not long after he came home looking like like a beggar she felt disgusted but she didn't show it instead welcomed him with a smile "it's so good to see you papa"

"my lovely daughter" her father cried "have they finally decided to let you free?" he asked eagerly

she shook her head and father sighed sadly but she quickly encouraged him " I'm fine papa,look at me,I'm well fed and they're enough of us to share the work and while working there for the past two weeks I realized there's a chance we can be rich father"

her father looked at her doubtfully but asked her to explain "in another two weeks, I'll be able to pay off the debt and I've also been trying to pull some strings so I can fully become a worker there" she explained excitedly

"you mean a servant"

"it's better than toiling to no end in this village but that is not my aim" she paused and whispered into her father's ear.

His eyes widened and he quickly looked around when he heard what his daughter just said.seeing no one was near he said " and how can you achieve that?"

"that is why I need your help,I mustn't rely on my beauty alone,we need to find a powerful witch" she whispered

her father looked unsure so he asked " have you seen him since you got to the palace?"

"no but,do not worry father,once I become a worker there to earn and not to pay off debt, I'll be allowed to serve in some of his banquets and that is when I'll start to make him notice me"

since she seemed so sure of her plan,Lucas decided to agree after all he would love to be the queen's father too. so he told his daughter to go and before she comes home for next break, he'd have pulled some strings.

Tessa smiled as soon as she parted with her father and began rushing back to the castle. Already she felt like she was the next queen of Dorset and everyone including her father would bow before her.