
Crimson Dreams: Verses of the Cherry Blossom

Have you ever yearned for someone distant, their presence an ethereal caress that never graced your skin, their voice a hushed secret carried only in your dreams? As you gaze upon their image, memories unfurl like delicate petals, and you find yourself recounting the stories of days that danced by in a realm separate from your own. This is a precious gift from my heart to yours, a testament of affection for those who cherish me deeply. Within these pages, I have woven the essence of my soul into poetic verses, a love letter whispered to the cherished cherry blossom that captures my heart. "Crimson Whispers: An Unspoken Ode to the Cherry Blossom" is an intimate collection, a vibrant tapestry of emotion unfettered by spoken words. Through this book, I vow to continue weaving words that paint the portrait of our connection until the day he beholds this tribute to our enduring bond. May these poems immerse you in the tender embrace of unspoken love, as we navigate the realms of yearning and devotion, forever entwined with the eternal allure of the cherry blossom's crimson dreams.

_Yongvi_ · Book&Literature
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Mirror of Deception

In the mirror's gaze, your earthly shape takes form,

Conversing with me is another mirror's norm.

Yet ponder this, for it holds a truth quite clear,

Deception's cloak conceals, but not what's dear.

If schemes of falsehood in your mind take flight,

In self-deception, darkness veils your sight.

For in deceit's pursuit, the path you tread,

Leads not to triumph, but where shadows spread.

But kindness, like a beacon, guides our way,

A bridge that spans the night to a brighter day.

With warmth in our hearts, our spirits can entwine,

As stars in the celestial dance of time.

For if you bear the flames beneath the tide,

Know I'm the hidden volcano's fiery pride.

In harmony, together we shall be,

Two mirrors reflecting truth's symphony.