
Crimson Destiny (Fantastic Beasts Fanfic) [Temp Hiatus]

Additional Tags:- Female-MC, Yuri-Harem (6 Members), Kingdom-Building, Romance, Multiple-Point-of-View, Fantastic-Beast-Timeline, Canon-Divergent, Lawful-Evil-MC, No-Futa, No-NTR, Original-Characters, AU-Characters, Cruelty, Abuse, Foul-Language, Manipulating-From-Shadows, Fluff, Lemons, Torture-Scenes, Detailed-Magical-Application, Slow-Paced This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and the World belong to J.K. Rowling!! Even the Art of the MC belongs to their respective owners. --~Some Notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, though I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- Neither the MC nor the MC's love interests would be involved in any type of sexual abuse or those type of scenarios. 3rd:- This is not your generic HP Fanfic, as it will take place in the Pre-Fantastic Beast and Fantastic Beast Timeline. 4th:- Since the whole plot about that timeline is not known the plot after the movie Crimes of Grindelwald is going to be very different. 5th:- This will be a weekly release fic so don't keep asking for new chapters. The new chapters will be published on Wednesday/Thursday. --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II)~-- Abandoned right after she was born, the MC was left all alone to brave the cruel world on her own. That is until the day when a man saves her from a cruel fate. See how the man known as Gellert Grindelwald becomes her guide, mentor, her father figure throughout the years. This is the story of Destiny Grindelwald, the heir of Gellert Grindelwald. Follow her as she braves the cruel world. Watch her as she creates a better world for the Magical Population. --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · Book&Literature
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61 Chs

Parting Ways

~~October, 1919~~

Destiny rolled around in the bed and a frustrated groan escaped her lips. This has been happening for a few months and this is starting to annoy her. Once again she groaned and sat up wrapped in her comfortable blanket. 

She had a grumpy look on her face and her beautiful crimson hair was a mess. Destiny slowly got out of the blanket and looked inside her underwear. 'Why am I leaking this sticky thing?' Destiny wondered and made her way towards the bathroom with Neptune in her hand. 

Destiny knew that something was going on with her body… the signs were pretty obvious, her chest had started to grow a couple of years ago and her buttocks had also started to become rounder while her hips were becoming wider. Not only that, her emotions were a mess. 

The differences might be small but Destiny had noticed them. She hasn't approached Gellert regarding this matter as she knew that he would probably be useless in this department. But enough was enough, today she was going to get to the bottom of this matter, one way or another. 

She needed to know why the hell she was leaking sticky stuff. Destiny quickly stripped out of her clothes and used the Animation Charms to charm everything to work on their own. Her clothes started to get washed on their own and she arrived near the tub… with pure intent she filled the tub with warm water. 

Destiny slowly entered the tub and released a satisfied groan… after that, Destiny simply decided to relax for some time as she had a busy day ahead of her… 

<Line Break>

A few hours had passed since the start of Destiny's day and she had just finished her training with Gellert for the day. At first, he taught her how to Duel and fight and he helped her with her Occlumency. She still had a long way to go but she was continuously making progress. 

"Gellert, I want to visit the bookstore, can you make me a Portkey?" Destiny requested and Gellert gave her a questioning look. 

"Don't you already have enough books?" Gellert asked with a confused look on his face. 

"But having more wouldn't hurt" Destiny pointed out. She was glad that Gellert only helped her with Occlumency and not rummage through her mind. 

Gellert gave a satisfied nod. "Fine" Gellert shrugged. "But, I won't be giving you or making you a Portkey. It is about time that you learned how to Apparate" Gellert said in a firm tone and Destiny had to stop herself from frowning. 

She would never refuse to learn something new and learning how to Apparate would definitely be useful but her need to visit the bookstore was kind of urgent and she had no idea how long it would take her to learn Apparition. 

"No need to make a face…" Gellert said with a thin smile when he noticed the face Destiny was making. "I had learned how to Apparate in just a day so you could too…" Gellert said while rolling his eyes and Destiny could only agree. 

"So, what do I need to do?" Destiny asked curiously as she knew that there wasn't a Spell for Apparition. It was based on pure intent and Destiny was already better than Gellert at intent-based Magic. 

Gellert pointed his Wand towards the floor and drew two circles, one around Destiny and the other being several feet away from Destiny. "I want you to appear in that circle" Gellert said and Destiny simply took a deep breath and started to think about appearing inside the other circle. 

All of a sudden her Magic reacted and she felt herself pushed through a very thin tube. She felt her whole body being squeezed tightly and moments later, the feeling disappeared. She looked around only to find that she was still standing inside the same circle. 

"That was perfect for the first try but your mind wasn't fixed on the destination… think clearly about the destination" Gellert said and Destiny nodded her head and closed her eyes. Once again, she started to think about appearing inside the other circle. 

Once again her Magic reacted and she felt the same feeling of being squeezed through a thin tube. A moment later the feeling was gone and Destiny opened her eyes only to find herself standing at the side of the other circle. She checked her whole body and released a relieved sigh. 

At least she didn't splinch… She had read about that and she knew that splinching wasn't a good thing. "Fantastic… but you still need to work on your destination" Gellert said and Destiny agreed. She kept practising Apparition for another hour and she finally stopped practising when she thought that she was proficient enough. 

She could Apparate perfectly only after her fifth try but she didn't want to get splinched so she kept practising. Gellert had already left some time ago after confirming that Destiny wasn't going to splinch herself. So, Destiny Apparated to the bookstore. 

She took a moment to check herself. 'Hmm… everything is attached. Ok, let's go inside' satisfied that she didn't lose any body parts, she entered the bookstore. She quickly started to look around for books related to the female body. Asking the store lady also helped. 

Destiny bought herself two new books and Disapparated back to her temporary residence. She arrived in her room and immediately opened the first book. Only half an hour later a completely mortified Destiny understood that something wasn't wrong with her body… in fact, it was completely natural. 

She was also mortified by the fact that her menstrual cycle was going to start. So she kept reading as she wanted to know everything about it and an hour later, she was finally done. 'At least there are Spells and Potions to deal with the bleeding and cramps' Destiny thought and put the book away. 

Now she was glad that she didn't ask Gellert, she wasn't overly embarrassed or anything but she still felt uncomfortable with all the stuff she read in the book. She was pretty sure that Gellert would have been very embarrassed talking about all of that. Now that she confirmed that nothing was wrong with her, she decided to resume her training. 

She went to her drawer and put away those books and pulled out the gun. She was going to visit the unwilling guest she had captured a month ago. She would have killed him by now if he didn't have any uses. Destiny appeared outside the cellar and after casting a Revealing Charm, she entered the room. The man was shackled to the wall. 

The man was pretty resilient if nothing else. She had been trying to make him teach her about guns but he had always fought off her Imperius Curse regarding that matter. She was able to force the man to tell her why he was fighting so hard to keep that secret and to say that Destiny wasn't happy after hearing his words would be an understatement. 

His exact words were. 'I have to fight… It is my duty for the survival of natural humans. If we want to have any sort of chance against unnatural freaks like you then I must keep fighting'. Even though Destiny was angry she didn't do anything to the man as she would make him regret calling her an unnatural freak. 

She stared at the man in disdain. "Imperio" Destiny cast the Spell and felt as the Spell took effect on the man. If she wanted she could have learned how to use the thing without the man's help but that would mean she lost. She wanted to break the man. 

She needed to break the man's resistance, she wanted to make him understand that she was superior. There were other reasons too… She knew that she shouldn't experiment with something with so many moving parts and she needed to know everything about the thing. 

She handed the gun to the shackled man. 'Show me how to use that and don't try to point that thing towards me' Destiny mentally ordered. She needed to make the order clear, the filthy Muggle had tried to point that thing towards her before… and he had done that multiple times. 

Once again she felt the man fighting back for control but today she won't back down. She would crush his resilience under her heels. Destiny used all of her mental poweress after a few seconds, a smile appeared on her face. The gun was already loaded as he had shot Destiny when she tried to capture him a month ago. 

The man started to show her and tell her how the thing worked and Destiny paid rapt attention to everything the man said. The gun was called Nambu Type B and it had seven projectiles inside it. The man showed her how to use the gun and everything. 

(Image Here) 

Destiny took back the gun from the man and pointed it towards the man's knee and pulled the trigger. Destiny's hand shot back and she had to take a step back due to the intense recoil. A loud bang resounded through the room. The man screamed and dropped to the floor as his knee bore a hole right now. 

Destiny lifted the Imperius Curse off the man and gave him a triumphed grin. "See… it wasn't that hard was it?" Destiny asked with a look of satisfaction on her face. 

The man looked at Destiny with utter loathing on his face and spat towards Destiny. Destiny raised an invisible shield to protect herself from being sullied. She wasn't impressed by the display so she pointed the gun towards the man's other knee and pulled the trigger. 

Once again a loud bang resounded through the room and Destiny was ready for the recoil this time so this time she wasn't affected by the recoil like the previous time. The man screamed out in pain as he scuttled away towards the wall he was shackled to. 

Only moments later, Gellert burst into the room with a worried look on his face. He looked at the scene and finally understood what had happened. "So, you were finally able to make him tell you how that contraption works?" Gellert asked and Destiny proudly nodded her head. 

"I still couldn't understand your fascination with that thing… I thought that you hated Muggles" Gellert said dryly and Destiny gave him a pointed look. Destiny waved her hand and Wandlessly silenced the Muggle man. 

"I still hate Muggles but that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate their weapons. This thing…" Destiny said and pointed towards the gun she was holding. "Can kill so easily" Destiny said, her voice filled with some level of fascination. 

Gellert simply gave the gun another look and shrugged. He still couldn't see the appeal of that thing but he wouldn't criticize Destiny. "It looks like you finally learned how to properly use the Imperius Curse… good…" Gellert said and the Wand of Destiny appeared in his hand. 

"As promised, I will teach you another Unforgivable. This time I will teach you the Killing Curse" Gellert said and twirled his Wand in his hand.

"You must have a lot of concentration and Magical Power to be able to cast this Spell… the incantation is necessary and it is Avada Kedavra. Like the other two Unforgivables, this Spell is unblockable"

"The Spell will instantaneously kill the target without any signs of injury. Nobody knows how exactly the Spell works. Why don't you give it a try? The incantation is a-VAH-dah ke-DAH-vra" Gellert explained and Destiny gave him a determined nod. 

Destiny pointed the hilt of Neptune towards the shackled Muggle. "a-VAH-dah ke-DAH-vra" Nothing happened, so a frown appeared on Destiny's face. 

"You need to mean it Destiny" Gellert pointed out and Destiny gave him another nod. Destiny took a dream breath and this channelled her feelings into the Spell, she genuinely wanted to kill him. 

"a-VAH-dah ke-DAH-vra" Destiny muttered and this time a green beam erupted from the end of her hilt and slammed on the man's face. The man stopped moving, his eyes were still open but there was no life in them. The man was dead… 

Even after killing someone in cold blood, she didn't feel an ounce of regret. Destiny beamed with a brilliant smile on her face, she successfully cast the Killing Curse on her second try… that was more than impressive and she was only 11 years old. 

Gellert smiled proudly and ruffled Destiny's hair. Once again, Destiny gave him a filthy look and swatted away his hand. She gave him another glare and Wandlessly fixed her hair. All of a sudden, a thought appeared inside Destiny's mind. 

"Gellert, you said that the Killing Curse is unblockable, right?" Destiny asked and Gellert simply nodded his head. 

"Do you know why the Killing Curse along with the other two Unforgivables are unblockable with Magical shields?" Destiny asked curiously and Gellert's lips thinned but then an amused grin appeared on his face. 

"No, I don't know why they are unblockable, not only me, in fact, nobody knows why" Gellert said with a shrug and Destiny frowned.

"Didn't anyone try to find out?" Destiny questioned and once again Gellert shook his head. 

"There might have been some Wizards and Witches who did try but there is no conclusive evidence regarding that matter… We also don't know if they had found anything or not" Gellert explained and Destiny scowled, she knew that Magical people weren't an innovative bunch but this was just bad. 

She had read about Unforgivables, and they were pretty famous curses. If somebody found a way to block them, then their name or names would be etched in every history book but apparently, nobody had tried to find a way to block those three Curses. 

'Even if somebody had found something then he or she had probably taken it with them to their graves' Destiny mused. 'From what I heard from Gellert, they are simply unblockable by the existing Magical Shields'

'What if I make a new one? No matter what the Killing Curse is still a Magical Spell' Destiny thought and walked out of the room with a thoughtful look on her face leaving behind Gellert, who simply shrugged and walked away while shaking his head… 

<Line Break>

Later that night Destiny could be seen fiddling with two earrings inside her room. Until now she never had any earrings but that didn't mean that she couldn't wear one now. Just some time ago, Destiny read a very interesting way of inscribing a charm in the form of a rune. 

Destiny immediately Apparated to the market to buy herself a pair of earrings. It has been some time since she had been thinking of getting herself a pair so it was okay. She also bought a leather piece to make a gun holster… 

So, here she was trying to inscribe the Muggle Repelling Charm on the earrings. It was obviously a time-consuming process but Destiny was also determined. Sometime later, Gellert arrived and knocked on her door. 

"Come in…" Destiny unconsciously answered as she was busy working on the earrings. Gellert entered the room and gave her a questioning look. 

"What are you doing?" Gellert questioned curiously as he made his way towards Destiny, who didn't even look up from her table. 

"I am trying to inscribe the Muggle Repelling Charm on this thing in the form of a rune… it is a time-consuming process but it would certainly be useful" Destiny explained and Gellert did see the usefulness of the nifty process. 

"Can you make me one too after you are done with that?" Gellert asked and once again Destiny subconsciously nodded her head. Gellert noticed that Destiny wasn't paying any attention to him. 

"...I will be excusing myself" Gellert said dryly and left the room. Once again, Destiny simply nodded her head. 

Finally, an hour later Destiny had a gleeful look on her face. She couldn't stop herself from squealing in joy as she finally finished inscribing the Muggle Repelling Charm on the earrings. She could sense that the magic was active… she would need to charge the rune with magic every couple of months but it was perfectly okay. 

(Image Here) 

Now, the harder part. Destiny pulled out her old Wand and placed its tip on her earlobe. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes and cast a piercing hex. Pain shot through her earlobe but it was manageable. She opened her eyes and released the breath she had been unconsciously holding in. 

Then she placed the tip of the Wand on her other ear and repeated the process. Only a minute later, Destiny was sporting a pair of earrings. With an Episkey she closed the wounds… using the healing Spell before earrings would have closed the holes too. Destiny looked at herself in the mirror and a bright smile appeared on her face. She looked good. 

She knew that Gellert had visited her when she was working on the earrings but she didn't remember what he was talking about. Destiny arrived outside Gellert's room with Neptune in her hand and knocked on the door. Moments later, Gellert himself opened the door. 

He looked at her earrings and smiled. "Looks like your little project was successful" Gellert said when he sensed the Muggle Repelling Charm on the earrings. 

"Can you make me something like that too?" Gellert asked and Destiny gave him a questioning look. 

"You want earrings?" Destiny asked and Gellert chuckled as he shook his head. 

"No… Something else like a pendant or something?" Gellert asked and Destiny simply cocked her head in agreement. 

"Sure. Was there something else you wanted to talk about??" Destiny asked curiously and Gellert nodded his head. 

"Walk with me" Gellert said and closed his room's door as he started to walk down the hall. Destiny immediately followed him. 

"Today, you were able to perform the Killing Curse on your second try. So, as promised I will be teaching you the last Unforgivable, the Cruciatus Curse" Gellert explained as he led her towards the cellar.

Gellert entered the room followed by Destiny. As soon as she entered the room, she found two men shackled to the wall. "Where did you get them from?" Destiny asked as she scrunched her face in disgust. 

"They were criminals until I decided to borrow them indefinitely from the prison" Gellert explained and Destiny nodded her head in understanding. "Now, to perform this Spell, you need to mean it. You can't cast this Spell half-heartedly or it won't have any effect" Gellert explained and pointed his Wand towards one of the Muggles. 

"Crucio" Gellert muttered and only after a second the man started to scream at the top of his lungs. Destiny silenced the man with a wave of her free hand. After a few moments, Gellert finally lifted the Spell from the man. 

"The incantation of the Spell is KROO-see-oh. Give it a try…" Gellert said and Destiny turned towards the Muggle men. 

"KROO-see-oh" Destiny muttered but nothing happened. 

"As I said, you must mean it. Your desire to inflict pain is necessary" Gellert explained and Destiny gave him a firm nod. She pointed the hilt of Neptune towards the man. 

"KROO-see-oh" Destiny muttered but once again nothing happened. 

"Keep trying" Gellert urged her and Destiny agreed with Gellert on that. On her fifth try, Destiny was finally able to get the Spell to work. The man screamed out at the top of his lungs and thrashed around. 

Destiny revelled in the feeling of inflicting pain on the Muggle man. Destiny finally lifted the Spell and cast it on the other man. Once again the Spell worked like it should and that man also started to scream at the top of his lungs. Destiny finally lifted the Spell from the second man after almost a minute. 

"Destiny, you have successfully mastered the Unforgivables" Gellert said with a bright smile on his face and Destiny beamed at him after hearing the praise. "Let them be, you could practice the Unforgivables on them on a later date" Gellert said and led Destiny towards the kitchen. 

"Tonight we are going to have a small celebration for your brilliant achievement" Gellert said with a smile and Destiny could only nod her head with stars in her eyes. 

A couple of hours later, the Grindelwald duo was sipping wine with content and peaceful look on their faces. "Gellert, thank you for saving me" all of a sudden Destiny said in a grateful tone and Gellert's eyes flickered but he didn't say anything for a few moments. 

"Once I knew a girl… she was so bright, so innocent, so hurt. She had lost the ability to control her own Magic and her own Magic was causing her harm from the inside. That is one of the worst things that could happen to a child" Gellert began to say and Destiny paid rapt attention to everything he said.

"It wasn't her fault though… It happened when she was just six years old. You were also six years old when I found you… I still remember that day just like yesterday. Some animals known as Muggles had also attacked her when she was only six"

"What they did to her, destroyed her. She was never right again. She wouldn't use magic, but she couldn't get rid of it, it turned inward and drove her mad, it exploded out of her when she couldn't control it, and at times she was strange and dangerous. But mostly she was sweet and scared and harmless"

"She was only fifteen when, due to a burst of uncontrolled Magic, her mother lost her life and only a few months later she lost her own life. Her name was Ariana Dumbledore, she was the sister of my best friend and lover, Albus Dumbledore" 

Gellert explained and Destiny etched everything Gellert said inside her mind. It wasn't every day that Gellert revealed something like this. 

"Both of us had similar ideals, both of us wanted to enslave Muggles for the Greater Good. I wanted to take a more hands-on and direct approach while he believed in subtle manipulations. One fateful night, we decided to make a blood-pact so that we could never confront each other directly"

"Sometime later his brother found out and confronted us. I became enraged and used the Cruciatus Curse on him. Obviously, Albus jumped in to protect his brother… That led to a three-way duel. Ariana tried to stop us but she lost her life" Gellert said and a lone tear trickled down his pale eye. 

"I knew I couldn't stay there any longer as if I did, Albus would confront me and I had to reveal the truth… I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't tell him that it was his Curse that took Ariana's life" Gellert said and Destiny gasped in horror, she felt really bad for Ariana and what happened to her was really horrible. 

"You see, after their mother's death, Ariana's responsibility came over to Albus. Albus was bitter about that, he hated his sister due to that. He had dreams which he was unable to fulfil due to his sick sister"

"Magic is based on intent. He intended to get rid of her so it was his Curse that snuffed out dear Ariana's life. That made my conviction even stronger… I needed to fulfil my ambition for the Greater Good" Gellert said and rubbed his eyes. 

"That night, I couldn't bring myself to leave you… My dreams and ambitions were important but I couldn't leave you or I would have been making the same mistake Albus had made… and the decision I made that night was the best decision of my life" Gellert finished and Destiny was practically sobbing right now. 

"Thank you, Gellert" Destiny said while sobbing and gave him a brilliant smile. Gellert also smiled softly after seeing that. 

'Yes, best decision ever…' Gellert thought inside his mind and looked outside the window… 

<Line Break>

~~December, 1920~~

More than a year has passed since the night when Gellert had told Destiny why he had saved her that fateful night. It was clear that Ariana Dumbledore had played a huge role in Gellert's life. 

A 13 year old Destiny could be seen relentlessly attacking Gellert with various types of Spells including some of the lethal ones while Gellert was defending himself using various means. Gellert wasn't having a hard time or anything but at the same time, it also wasn't easy for him. 

All of a sudden Destiny waved Neptune and several lightning bolts shot towards Gellert from the hilt of her Katana. Gellert had to raise several shields to protect himself. But Destiny didn't stop there and created a human-sized tornado and released it towards Gellert. 

Gellert intricately waved his Wand and raised a mud wall to protect himself. The tornado collided with the mud wall creating a huge shockwave, Destiny swung Neptune and sliced the wall using a water blade, Gellert had to roll out of the way or he would have been sliced in half too. 

Gellert gave her a questioning look but once again he had to raise a shield to protect himself from a barrage of Spells. Moments later, Destiny cleaved through Gellert's shield using a lightning bolt. Gellert had to practically jump away to save himself and he ultimately raised his hands in the air. 

Destiny stopped firing Spells and lowered her Katana and smiled brilliantly. "I give up… I can't defend myself against you even with the Wand of Destiny" Gellert said and did a mock bow. Destiny beamed at him with a bright smile on his face. 

"So, how does it feel to have a Solid Magical Core?" Gellert asked and Destiny couldn't stop herself from grinning widely. 

Just yesterday she made the breakthrough and her Liquid Magical Core turned into a Solid Magical Core. Her progress was so fast that Gellert simply couldn't believe it, but he still felt proud of her. She was just 13 Years old and she already had a Solid Magical Core… it was totally insane. 

So today they decided to play a game. Destiny would use various types of Magical Spells to attack Gellert while he would only try to defend himself. It sounded pretty outrageous but shields created by the Wand of Destiny were pretty strong and durable. 

'Things will only get harder for Destiny' Gellert thought as it wasn't easy to reach the Crystalized Magical Core state. It won't matter as Destiny is only 13 right now and she has a really long life in front of her. 

She would probably reach the Crystalized Magical Core state in a decade or two. For strong Magical People, a decade or two didn't matter much in the long run. It could also happen earlier with Destiny's insanely fast progress. 

"It feels amazing!! Wandless Magic is so easy now! Even my normal Spells are so fast and powerful!! My Spells are consuming less Magic… exhausting my Magical Core would be much harder now" Destiny finished with a disappointed look on her face. 

"If anyone saw you being disappointed even after achieving such a great feat then they would spit out blood" Gellert said with a grin and Destiny simply rolled her eyes. 

"Wrong country… We are in Japan" Destiny pointed out and Gellert simply chuckled. 

"So what do you want to do now? There is nothing left that I can teach you… I have taught you everything I know. You simply need to work on everything and improve them on your own" Gellert asked with a proud smile on his face. 

"I want to travel on my own… before you say anything, I know I am young and all but I want to travel around the world and learn new things" Destiny said and Gellert could only reluctantly nod his head. 

"I understand if that's what you want… I would have liked it if you had accompanied me but this is fine too… you need to experience everything on your own… I can't always be there to hold your hand" Gellert said with a reluctant smile on his face. 

"Yes, I know. So can you teach me how to make Portkeys?" Destiny asked and Gellert simply grinned. 

"Sure… whatever you say" Gellert said. "So, where will you be going?" Gellert asked and Destiny simply shrugged. 

"I don't know… I might travel around Japan for a bit then move onto some other country… where will you be going?" Destiny asked curiously and Gellert seemed to contemplate her question for a few seconds. 

"Maybe France or Bulgaria. I will start collecting allies and I would also need to spread my name throughout the continent. Everyone should know what I am trying to do and spread my influence while doing that" Gellert said with an unsure look on his face. 

"Then you should start with Bulgaria… Anti-Muggle sentiments are on an all-time high in there" Destiny said and Gellert gave her a questioning look. 

"How would you know that?" Gellert asked in a bewildered tone. 

"I read… every week I visit the bookstore, they keep international newspapers there" Destiny said in a dry tone and Gellert could only nod his head. 

"Oh… did something recently happen in Bulgaria?" Gellert questioned and Destiny solemnly nodded her head. 

"A few Muggles threw a Magical child into a lake… the child drowned" Destiny said and Gellert clenched his fists tightly in anger and rage. "The child was from a renowned family, they are asking for justice but the Bulgarian Ministry isn't acting because someone in a high position named Desislov Krum is against the whole thing" Destiny explained and Gellert nodded his head with a cold look in his eyes. 

"Krum is a traitor to our kind" Gellert said while gritting his teeth and Destiny nodded her head in agreement. 

"From what I have read in the papers, he is a Pro-Muggle, he has passed a couple of laws for Muggle Protection" Destiny said and Gellert growled in anger. 

"He works in the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic and he is trying to protect Muggles…" Gellert trailed off in a disappointed tone while shaking his head. 

"What can you do? There will always be traitors among us… we can't get rid of all of them" Destiny said and shrugged her shoulders and Gellert knew that Destiny was right. There will always be traitors among them. 

"If the child was from a renowned family, then how were the Muggles able to get their filthy hands on the child?" Gellert questioned curiously. 

"The whole thing wasn't mentioned but from what I read, the family was on a trip. During that, the child got separated from the family and the tragedy happened. It is said the child desperate to get back to the family had probably used some sort of Accidental Magic"

"Some Muggles saw that and decided to take care of it. Obviously, there is more but I think the Bulgarian Ministry had censored it due to Desislov Krum's involvement. He is a big wig in the Bulgarian Ministry" Destiny said and Gellert nodded his head while rubbing his chin. 

"So, he is probably trying to hide the facts to avoid public outrage… he is currently under a lot of pressure due to the child's family and if the Magical Population gets involved then everything he had done for the protection of Muggles would become undone" Destiny continued and shrugged at the end. 

"Bloody wankstain!" Gellert hissed in anger. He took a deep breath and a grin appeared on his face. "What is the name of the child's family… if the government isn't helping them, maybe I can" Gellert said with a grin and Destiny also smiled. 

"The Ismail Family, currently, they are trying their best to get support from the various older families… It was kind of working at the start but now they have hit a block. Desislov Krum is a formidable man in the political field" 

"Some families are trying to avoid the confrontation. So they have decided to stay neutral regarding this matter" Destiny finished and Gellert nodded his head. 

"Looks like I would have to arrange a meeting with Lord Ismail" Gellert finished with a grin. "By the way, how do you know all this?" Gellert questioned curiously. 

"I read, Gellert" Destiny deadpanned with a blank look on her face. 

"Now show me how to make a Portkey" Destiny practically demanded and Gellert could only nod his head in amusement. 

After that, the two sat down as Gellert started to show her how to make a Portkey and an International Portkey. It took Gellert only a couple of hours to teach Destiny how to create Portkeys. At first, her Portkeys were going to be rough but she would learn with practice. 

"...I can't believe that this is your last lesson…" Gellert trailed off in a melancholic look on his face. 

"You are wrong Gellert, there will always be something new to learn…" Destiny said with a grin and attacked Gellert with a stinging hex when he tried to ruffle her hair. Gellert pulled back his hand with a flinch. 

"Quite a feisty one, aren't you?" Gellert questioned in mock outrage and Destiny simply giggled. 

"...Of course, what else did you expect? I am Destiny Grindelwald, the heiress of Gellert Grindelwald!" Destiny proclaimed with a proud look on her face as she puffed out her developing chest. 

Gellert couldn't stop himself from smiling after hearing Destiny's words. He was so proud of her… "Always stay true to your purpose, Destiny, no matter what it is" Gellert said softly and Destiny could only nod her head. 

"I will… don't worry Gellert. I will be standing right beside you when you change this world for the Greater Good" Destiny said in a serious and firm tone. 

'You have no idea how wrong you are…' Gellert mused in amusement. "I will miss you" Gellert said with a soft smile and Destiny simply scoffed. 

"I am not dying… I will be coming around from time to time. Maybe teach you something new…" Destiny finished with a grin and Gellert simply chuckled. "I need to pack my stuff, see you later Gellert" Destiny said and turned around to leave. 

'You have already taught me so much Destiny… and you will teach me a lot more…' Gellert thought as he shook his head and walked away to make his own plans. He needed to prepare for the eventual meeting with Lord Ismail… 

<Line Break>

With a soft pop Destiny Apparated on the sidewalk of a Muggle street, the sidewalk was bustling with Muggles but nobody noticed Destiny or her arrival. For a few moments, she looked around, then she started to walk down the street. 

Her earrings were working exactly like they were supposed to. Muggles ignored her like she didn't even exist. She walked down the street without any destination. Today she and Gellert had parted ways, she had decided to stay in Japan and travel around the country while Gellert had left for Bulgaria. 

Destiny arrived at the seashore and kept staring at the sea for a few minutes until she shook her head with a smile and Disapparated from the seashore. Destiny Apparated in the Magical Alley of Japan as she didn't have anything to do. 

All of a sudden she paused when she heard loud bustling noises from the other side of the street. 'Mahoutokoro' Destiny muttered as she saw several Mahoutokoro students creaming themselves over a broom on display. She did have money to buy herself a broom but did she need one? 

She obviously wouldn't buy one with the highest specs but did she really need it. She had access to the Grindelwald fortune which was a lot but never spent money on anything except books and several other necessary things. 'Hmm… It would be a good thing to experiment with' Destiny decided and beelined towards the store. 

Only after a few minutes, Destiny came out of the store with a complicated look on her face. Ultimately, she decided against buying a broom. It was way too costly for her own taste… it would have left a sour taste in her mouth. She clicked her tongue and decided to continue strolling down the street. 

Like always Destiny was getting odd looks but she had gotten used to it. 'They are simply jealous of my beautiful crimson hair and eyes' Destiny nodded her head at the narcissistic thought. She had more than necessary books so she didn't need anything for now. She also didn't need any new Potion ingredients or Potions. 

<Line Break>

~~March 1921~~

Destiny couldn't stop herself from grinning ear to ear. She was finally able to get her hands on a new handgun and this time the ammunition wasn't limited to just one magazine. This gun was much better than the Nambu Type B she had been carrying around for so long. 

"Thanks… I really needed a new gun. This one is much better than the one I shot you with" Destiny said in a smug tone as she stood over a western Muggle man. 

"F-Freak…" the man stuttered out in English and Destiny simply grinned. 


Lawrence Woods was an undercover agent working in Japan for the United States of America. Today he was going to meet an informant for some daily reports. All of a sudden he noticed something odd, he felt someone or something was following him. 

He discreetly looked around but he didn't find anyone. He was pretty sure that his mind wasn't playing games on him. His instincts were screaming at him that there was someone around him and his instincts have saved him a lot of times. 

A loud bang was heard with a flash and he dropped to the ground. A crimson-haired girl appeared out of thin air… he could have sworn that her crimson eyes were glowing. She was holding a gun and a large Katana in her hand, he tried to pull out his gun but the girl muttered something. 

'Give her the gun' Lawrence heard inside his mind. He tried to fight it but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't fight the urge. The girl dropped her own gun and grabbed his own. 

'Show her how the gun works' once again the voice rang throughout his mind and he couldn't stop himself and showed the girl how the gun worked. He was currently lost in the Euphoria he was feeling and slowly lost the will to put up a fight.  

Moments later, the feeling of Euphoria finally disappeared from his mind and the reality finally dawned on him… 

~~Flashback Ends~~

"Sure whatever you say…" Destiny said in a dismissive tone and pulled the trigger of the gun putting a .45 ACP bullet in the man's head ending his pathetic life. 

(Image Here) 

The new gun she had just acquired is called M1911. She had noticed the man's gun while she was aimlessly strolling down the street and decided to take it. Her old gun was running out of bullets and she had used the last bullet to shoot the man. Now that was completely useless. 

Destiny put the extra magazines inside her robe while she put the gun in her gun holster. She casually walked away from the scene and after a few moments, Apparated away. She arrived inside her temporary residence which she had obviously acquired from a Muggle family. 

Destiny plopped down on a chair and released a huge sigh… there wasn't anything left in Japan to see. Yes, she hasn't seen Mahoutokoro, but that was quite impossible for her as she wasn't stupid and only Mahoutokoro students could enter the place. 

So she had finally decided to leave Japan… she had made a lot of memories of this place and she had also learned a lot of things while she was in this country… no matter what, she was going to miss this place. 

She pulled out a letter from her robe. Gellert has finally written to her… it took some time to arrive through Gringotts channels as postal owls couldn't cover such a long distance. Gellert was in Bulgaria while she was in Japan. She didn't open the letter in Gringotts, as she decided to read it at her own leisure.

Destiny quickly opened the letter as she had to pen a letter to Gellert before leaving Japan…


How have you been? Did you learn anything new? Don't forget to tell me about everything you have learned. This is the first time I am writing an informal letter like this so I have no idea what to write. 

Except for you, I only have one living relative, and she is quite distant. Most of the time I exchange formal letters with her. Tell me if I am doing anything wrong but I suppose that you also don't have any experience in this regard. 

Everything aside, I have finally finished my preparations and I have collected all the information I needed before starting anything. I have gathered the names of everyone who would likely join me on my mission.

Tomorrow, I will be sending Kaloyan Ismail a letter, asking for a formal meeting. The Ismail Family and their supporters would probably be on board but I can't say anything for sure right now. Only after that, will I contact the others. What do you think of my plan?



Destiny read through the letter and smiled brilliantly. She took out her trunk and quickly expanded it. Pulling out a quill and parchment, Destiny started to pen her reply. 


I have been fine. How are you? Unfortunately, I haven't learned anything new, I was simply practising everything I have learned from you. Well, I did get myself a new gun tonight but I don't think you would be interested in that. 

I also don't know what to say in a letter. Maybe we could learn together? I read about your plan and I think it's good but be cautious, someone might try to betray you but you already knew that. 

Tomorrow I will be leaving Japan… There isn't anything left for me to see or learn here. I have travelled everywhere and I was able to learn a few Katana moves but they are not my priority right now. 

I will be going to India if you are wondering. I have heard that the Indian Magical Society is quite famous for Healing and Potions. Take care, Gellert… 



With that Destiny sealed the letter with a smile on her face…

7309 words in this chapter.

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