
Crimson Demigoddess

"This world doesn't have a place for me. I am destined to be alone. " hoshino yona is a girl with no family and friends, A total outcast of the world until she remembers her past life as the goddess of darkness melinoë. The memory was vague, with a lot of holes. What really happened to her, Why did she lose her immortality, There were so many questions remained unknown. Will she ever get the answers and will she be able to make her life better just by remembering her memories of the past, or will it become even worse?

SherryMS · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 08- Sign of chaos

Yona suddenly found herself standing on a blue space facing Edward who was sitting on a throne. but he was in Ancient Greek clothes. or we could say he was in his real form, as Poseidon, The God of the Sea. Around her was water but he wasn't wet at all, It was as if she was under the sea. Then some creatures looked like sea horses arranged a table of delicious foods as Yona comfortably sat while removing her upper coat.

"But seriously Uncle... You are too much." Yona said while staring at Edward while drinking some juice from a cup. the taste was Awful which made yona almost puking.

"Isn't that your favorite drink, Mel?" Edward or, Poseidon said while looking at her. one could tell that he is having fun teasing his niece by looking at his cheeky smile.

"Cough.. Cough.. It definitely was. I guess I am nothing more than a mortal right now so I can't tolerate such strong drinks.. Urk.." Yona answered while covering her mouth.

"By the way Uncle, why did you sent a clone to our school as 'Edward'" yona asked while drinking some water.

"Why you ask?" Poseidon looked serious which took away all the attention of Yona. 

"Of course. I wanted to see my niece suffering.." He shouted while laughing which made yona think why the hell did I think this guy would ever be serious.

"Oh. just why am I not surprised?, so are you having fun watching me." Yona mumbled looking in to his eyes. Poseidon's eyes became a little saddened for a second and he started to laugh it off again.

"NO.. actually I am Bored.." Poseidon spoke up. " well I got to know you were reincarnated without your memories but I was busy with some matters and when I did come, your memories already returned. How very boring.."

"Ah.. sorry to disappoint you, uncle." Yona mumbled without paying much attention to him. "by the way uncle where is Oneiros. I thought the guy will come around to pick a fight with me?"

"..." Poseidon paused for a second and answered. "He is around.. He will eventually come to pick a fight with you so don't worry..."

"I see." said yona while yawning. "ah. why do I feel sleepy..."

"Sleep, Melinoe.. That is the best for you" Poseidon looked at yona with a pitiful look. 

"You-.. don't tell me?" Yona struggled to stand up. "did you put something in the Juice-" 

she couldn't finish as she fell down when Gin who suddenly appeared caught her..

"---" Gin clenched his fist as he spoke "Thank you, M'lord. I will take her to the lord."

"Sigh. Yeah. be careful with her." Poseidon spoke up. "You are not betraying her Gin. you are just protecting her. so stop feeling guilty"

"... Yes, M'lord" Gin bowed as he vanished with Yona in his arm..

... AT THE SAME TIME- In Tokyo main Shopping mall


Ryouta was in a very happy mood today because of Yona. so The photoshoot went on really well. The photoshoot was in the shopping mall. after the wrap up everyone thanked Ryouta. after all he is an international star, for him to accept a local photoshoot job was very thoughtful. 

He was walking out of the Mall with his assistant who was babbling on about how he was late. on the way he noticed a showcase with a beautiful collection of antiques. There was one necklace with a yellowish Stone attached to it which caught all of his attention. No. May be more than that. He felt like he had seen it before. a faint memory came to his mind as he looked closer at the necklace. 

"Emerald, Come here.." A dark haired woman called him. she was wearing the same necklace with the yellow jewel. Her eyes were the same color as the stone. The voice was so soft. it felt so familiar. he wanted to go and hug the woman tight so she won't be able to run away. she spoke again but Ryouta couldn't hear what she said. then he was interrupted by his assistant's voice.

"--ta, Ryouta..." he called out again and again as he looked at ryouta terrified.

"W-what's wrong?" Ryouta asked. he was still so confused.

"Why are you crying all of the sudden?" The assistant asked.. "are you sick. do you want me to take you to a doctor?"

"I-I am crying?" asking that Ryouta touched his face then he realized his eyes were full of tears. He was so confused. Who is Emerald? Who was the yellow eyed woman? 

"I-I am okay." He said why trying to calm down. "That necklace, can you go buy it for me,Mr. Diego."

"Huh?. Yeah if you want to." saying that Diego, his assistant went inside the shop as Ryouta waited outside. Confused. What was that? An illusion? Why do I feel connected to them.

Ryouta was sighing of worry as Diego came out of the shop, with a Golden color bag and inside that was the necklace covered with a box which was bright red. 

"The shopkeeper was weird." Diego said while making a face. 

"As in?" Ryouta questioned as he took the bag off Diego's hand.

"The woman was drop dead gorgeous but she became totally obsessed on trying to tell the story behind the necklace!" Diego sighed as he spoke up.

"The story behind the Necklace?" Ryouta suddenly became curious. 

"Yeah. she said she picked it up at a very large price. She said it is 2000 years old and it was found in Olympus. Crazy,Right. she must be over exaggerating. sales talk- wait Ryouta where are you going?" Diego couldn't finish as he had to follow Ryouta who entered the shop in a hurry. 

but when Diego entered he was extremely surprised. 

"You said she was gorgeous?" Ryouta whispered to Diego. 

"I don't know man, this is not her. although she was wearing the same outfit" Diego whispered looking at the shop owner who look like a pumpkin. confused.

"Oh two young Handsome customers. what do you want to buy from our shop" the woman started to babble.

Ryouta thought for a second. 

"Ma'am, We brought this necklace from this shop. we would like to return it, can we?" Ryouta spoke up as showing the necklace to the woman.

"Are you two con artists?" The woman looked at both of them with suspicion. "we never selled this kind of a necklace."

Both Ryouta and Diego looked at each other. They were right. something was wrong.

"Never mind Ma'am. thank you anyway." saying that Diego slowly slipped away with Ryouta. 

... Inside the car

"Umm. I think we are both crazy, should we go to the doctor together" Diego mumbled as he slammed him head on the steering wheel.

Ryouta on the other hand was silently looking at the necklace. too much were already on his mind. 

"Hey Diego. You should keep quiet about what happened today" Ryouta mumbled while still looking at the necklace. then he felt something was wrong. when he looked at Diego he was as if he was frozen in to thin air. he wasn't moving. Ryouta looked around, again confused. Everything around him was frozen.

He got off the car and looked around when he saw something even more unbelievable. A Monster? No. A Golden dragon was coming toward him from the sky. He felt the Danger. But HE had no choice. Even if he run He won't be able to avoid the Dragon and if he manage to escape people around him would die. 

... At the same time, In the Underworld.

Yona's head was spinning as she opened her eyes only to see her Zagreus, Her brother smirking down at her. she was laying in her bed. The bed she used to use when she was still an immortal being. 

"Good morning, Princess. Won't you give your big brother a hug?" said Zagreus with a playful smile. 

"Good morning? Do I hear that after I was Kidnapped" said Yona with a fierce glare right into Zagreus' eyes which Zagreus avoided and the wall behind zagreus was destroyed in to pieces. 

"Your eyes are just as beautiful as before. My dear but-" Zagreus pulled yona to his lap as he looked right into her eyes. His Green pupils turned in to bloody red as yona struggled to look away. but she couldn't. 

"Your eyes still can't surpass mine, Baby sister." Zagreus said while looking at Yona. "You are always very beautiful when you don't struggle. came on tell me that you missed me, Mel"

"I missed you, Big Brother" Yona said. Her eyes were empty as if she had no life. It was Zagreus's power to control any mortal as He was the god of rebirth. 

... to be continued