
Crimson Blood (BL)

When you survive a vampire attack, you kind of expect that to be the highlight of you life. I mean, I did, when I saw that vampire when I was thirteen. That makes going through the rest of your life somewhat boring, assuming nothing will top a random experience you had when you were a kid. Now, I'm in college. I can't help a feeling that I'm very, VERY incorrect in assuming it'll be an uneventful walk in the park. Wish me luck.

ChaosHonestly · Fantasy
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Who Are You?

Sitting in a session with my therapist, I recount that night for what feels like the millionth time.

"Are you sure that's what happened, Mack? Is there anything else you'd like to share? Any other… possibilities, as to what might have happened?"

I confirm, and they nod with an air of disappointment and make a few notes. 

"Well, If you're certain. I'll see you next summer, yes? When you get back?"

I nod again, having almost forgotten that I leave for college tomorrow. Unlike most people, I'm actually somewhat excited for college: The change of scenery, new people, new experiences. As I leave the office, I can't help but hope for an experience to top that one random night back in 2019. My entire bike ride home is spent thinking about some fantasy story-come-real college experience.

Upon finding my college room, I'm essentially assaulted by my new dorm mates. I guess my room is fairly large, because there's two other boys in my room and a girl just across the hall. They're all nice, really, but the sudden noise and everyone talking at once did NOT help my processing. Lily was really sweet, and Jack seemed great, but what really got to me was the guy who asked us to call him Daric. Something about him looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. We spent the day unpacking, talking, getting to know each other. We didn't really hear much from Daric, but it's whatever. We all assumed he was just a private person. After we got ourselves settled, we watched some tv and ordered celebratory takeout. Normal college things. Just enjoying our newfound freedom.

It took a few hours, long after everyone had gone to bed, for it to hit me. His blonde hair, his red contacts, the flash of fangs I thought I saw. It couldn't have been.

Is my new roommate the vampire that I saw years ago?

The next morning, I decide to try and set a good tone before everyone realizes how much of a dumbass I am. Pancakes for everyone, I guess. Definitely not because I woke up hella early and need something to do. Not at all. I try to do it quietly, but the pans fought me (obviously). About an hour and an insane number of pancakes later, I decide I might have enough, and set it out for the others. It's a Sunday, I figure we should try and have a good time before classes start. I make a quick run to the grocery store to grab condiments (chocolate chips and syrup) and by the time I'm back, the others are starting to wake up.

"Yo!! Mack, I love you. Please be my personal chef." Apparently, Jack likes pancakes.

"Awe, you're so sweet! Thanks, sugar." Apparently Lily likes pancakes too. And she's from the south, because I've never heard anyone who ISN'T from the south call someone sugar.

Daric, apparently, does NOT like pancakes, because for as much as he tries to say they're great I don't see him eat a single one. I decide the literal first day of knowing him is not the time to push it.

I think I'm off to a good start with this whole college thing.

Thank you for reading! This is a story I'm writing with my little brother, and we're so excited to bring it to you. We love any input you may have, and we welcome your thoughts! Any ratings that you give us really helps our book get out there, so if you could take a moment to leave a comment and a rating we'd really appreciate it!!! Stay safe :)

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