
Crimson Autumn Leaves

Splash_Attack · Action
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3 Chs

First Train Out

Leo gripped his headband, and put it in his bag. He had only just started living alone, and wasn't very used to it. His home was littered with small wrappers and other trinkets around the floor. He looked up at the calendar. Perfect. Today was the day. Leo held his train ticket in his hand. It felt empty. Leo hadn't told either of his parents that he was going. They probably thought he was smart enough not to go. He had fallen out of contact with his father a while ago, only texting him for special occasions and occasionally if he was feeling up to it. Leo grabbed his ear piece and put it on. He looked at his watch, and went out the door.

The clouds outside were gray, and the air had a slight tint of smoke. Leo clutched his ticket and set out for the train station. The town looked like a ghost town. It looked as if nobody was there. Leo figured that nobody wanted to go outside today and kept walking down the side of the street. He pulled an energy drink from his bag and took a sip. He had stayed up all night preparing for today. Leo needed all of the tools he could get. He kept his head down as he walked along the sidewalk. Even though nobody was walking along the streets, he felt the need to look downwards.

Leo had finally made it to the train station. He looked around for his friend named Brayden. He shouldn't be that hard to spot as he is six feet tall. Leo eventually spotted Brayden with his brown hair and faded red jacket. Leo walked up to him with a smile and waved. "Hey! Glad you made it!" Leo exclaimed.

"I stayed up all night watching Sci-Fi movies. What were you doing?"

"I made tools to help us today. I try to come prepared for everything."

Brayden gave the conductor his ticket. "Brayden J. Welcome aboard." Leo was up next as the conductor outstretched his hand. Leo gave his ticket to the conductor. "Leo Z. Welcome aboard." The train took off soon after that, and then it was off to the bus station. Leo and Brayden found a seat with red cloth. They sat down and each looked at their phone.

"What's our ETA?" Leo asked.

"About 15 minutes. Nothing special." Brayden replied back.

Brayden kept falling asleep and waking up because of bumps in the train tracks. Leo said nothing, as he was deep in thought. The thoughts weren't anything special, just random little things popping in and out that he would forget within ten minutes. Leo looked outside of the window. It was a lot of bushes and sand, not much else. Leo glanced at one of the bushai and could swear he saw a pigeon fly out of it. He brushed it off and turned his attention back to his phone. He set a reminder for about twenty minutes to take pictures. Leo was pretty forgetful, unless it came to family, friends, or important things to him. The train soon arrived at a stop and everyone in the train piled off. It seemed like everyone was headed to the same place. It was a seemingly lonely garage, with a gas station right to the side of it. A man walked out of the gas station to greet the group.

"Hello everyone! I see we have a big group today!"

Everyone looked around at where they were, unsure if they were even in the corect place. Brayden nudged Leo, but he silently told Brayden off and everyone went back to listening to the man. He had a white tank-top on with a blue suit. He had hawaiian pants on, and classy shoes. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ernest, and I will be your driver for today." Ernest hit a button on the garage and the door opened. The light eventually shone through in the garage.

Inside was a blue school bus.