
Crimson Advent

Alexia Rose is a girl born into misfortune. She was born with a weak constitution as well as an illness that landed her in the hospital for the rest of her short life. Her only comfort was inside of a VRMMO called Legend Conquerors Online. However, when she dies a while after her 18th birthday, Alexia doesn't expect to wake up in the body of her avatar in the game, Eris Vermilion. What will she do now? What secrets will she uncover about her origins? Will she wade through rivers of blood to conquer the realms like she did in the game? Or will Eris and her allies be overwhelmed by the dark threats that loom over the horizon?

GPowers1316 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter Thirty Two: Uncertainty and Rage

Eris glares at the little girl and answers, "It's not as if I'm unsympathetic to your cause. However, I know nothing about the vampires in this era. Not only that, but can you honestly tell me that the vampires will be satisfied by a random vampire showing up and taking over the country? I'm rather skeptical that the vampires will accept me as their leader from the get go."

"Then I suggest that we demonstrate your power to them, Empress. We should force them to submit," says a giant that's over 15 meters tall when standing up with brown hair, green eyes, dark tan skin, with prominent muscles and wearing equipment similar to that of a gladiator.

"Goliath, I don't think that's the best idea. If I demonstrate my power, then it would be a rule through fear. The people wouldn't be loyal, they'd be afraid. And I don't want that. If I were to take the vampire throne, I would prefer to do it peacefully. But I haven't even decided if I'm going to do that yet," answers Eris.

"Why are you so hesitant, mistress?" Lucina asks.

"Because We still know so little. I'm not sure if I trust her, I don't know what to do about the theocracy, I don't know what to do about the vampire kingdom, I don't know what to do about the human kingdom, I don't even know the name of the world we're in. And I don't want to solve everything by going on a pointless killing spree!" the vampire goddess responds with a slightly angered tone and expression.

Lucina shirks back, "My apologies, mistress. I did not mean to upset you."

Eris sighs, "I'm not upset. I'm just stressed out and confused. I want to proceed with caution, but at the same time my race, Serena's country, might be on the verge of destruction. I want to help you, Serena. I really do. But at this point, I don't know how strong the theocracy is. If I get involved with your nation too soon, then I risk getting myself and my own subordinates killed." Serena looks down with a saddened expression and the empress sighs once more, "What about your parents? Do you know where they might be?"

Serena shakes her head solemnly, "Like I said, we were separated when they first ambushed us. I don't know where they are."

"Then I suppose we'll have to ask the gentleman we have locked in our dungeon. I will think about taking over Rimore. For now, I want to make sure that this area is completely secured. For all we know, that priest's friends may not be far behind. I also want a few stealth units sent to the borders of the vampire kingdom that it shares with the theocracy and the Mikhail Kingdom. Nothing is coming near my castle without me knowing about it," Eris orders.

"Yes ma'am!" all but Serena answer.

At this point, the meeting is adjourn. Eris prepares clothing similar to Serena wore before and she dresses herself before accompanying the older vampire to the underground dungeon. After a while of walking, the two make it to a large, steel door where they are met by Hadrian. Harian bows as they approach but Eris motions to him to rise.

"Have you gotten anything out of him?" she asks.

"No, Empress. Although, I've only asked the questions. I figured that either you or the girl would want to do the torturing," the dragon knight answers.

"Her name is Serena Bloodstar. She's the child of nobles from Rimore, the vampire kingdom. And yes, I would like the opportunity to interrogate this bastard myself."

Hadrian nods his head, grabs the circular door handle, and opens it for Eris and Serena. Inside, they find a classic-looking dungeon. The walls, floors, and ceilings seem to be made out of a material that's the same color as cement. The room is circular and is illuminated by the light of torches that are set at equal intervals along the wall. On the side of the room that's opposite to where the trio entered, there's the priest hanging there with chains attached to his wrists and ankles. Ezekiel is hanging by the chains on his wrist, making it very uncomfortable for him. His mask is also removed, revealing his brown eyes, black hair, and slightly tanned skin.

The priest grimaces as Eris, Serena, and Hadrian enter the chamber, "You disgusting monsters! Release me from these chains at once!"

"You're in no position to make any demands, fool," Eris answers with a blank expression.

"You dare?! I am a priest of the Theocracy of Reogradia! Do you realize what will happen if you kill me?! My country won't stop until all of you vampires are nothing but ash!"

"You've seen my power first hand and you still think that your country can defeat me?"

"There are far more powerful beings in the theocracy than me. You're an idiot if you think you can defeat us!"

"Oh? Is that so? Do you realize that there are thirty others in this building that are just as strong as I am? And do you also know that I have an army of ten million troops that also hold a small portion of my strength. Knowing all of that, do you still think your country can defeat me?"

"I will not listen to such lies, you beast! The vampires have no such army!"

"I never said that I was part of Rimore. I just recently woke up. You defiled my territory and you were completely destroyed. How do you think your country is going to fare?"

"You dare threaten Reogradia?!"

"Eventually I will have to wipe that pathetic nation of yours off the face of the map. But before that, I need to gather a bit more information. I want to know what their military and magic power consist of. And of course, you're going to help me with that."

"Ha… Hahaha… Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!"

"What's so funny, ant?" Hadrian asks.

"I'm not going to give you anything, vile beast! Moreover, you'll never get a chance to use any of the knowledge that you've acquired!" he says with an evil smirk.

"What are you talking about?" Eris asks.

"In case I was defeated, there was a backup plan. I dropped a magic emergency beacon on the ground before you monsters locked me in here. In just a week, maybe even a few days, you will be surrounded by an army from Reogradia. Hundreds of priests with abilities just as great as mine, and thousands of knights with weapons specifically made to destroy creatures like you. They will descend upon you and kill you all!! You will all meet with the same fate as that little bitch's parents!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Eris' eyes widen and she looks over to see a look of utter despair on Serena's face. Her mouth is partially agape, and tears are flowing freely from the corners of her eyes. Eris knows all too well the things that this girl must be feeling right now. Sadness, despair, anger, hatred, all of these emotions swirling around in her heart like a violent whirlpool.

Serena falls to her knees and Eris turns to glare at the priest, "You're lying!!" Eris activates her demon eyes of hypnosis. Her eyes glow with a brighter red color than usual. She looks directly into Ezekial's eyes until his own glow red as well indicating that he is under Eris' control, "Tell the truth! What happened to Serena's parents!!"

"It's true, miss," he answers with a monotone voice, "I received word that the hunters that we sent after the vampire's parents were successful. Their bodies were burned at the stake in the Theocracy of Reogradia."

Something snaps inside of the vampire. Eris' eyes flash red with anger and her pupils narrow, looking more like a cat's eyes. Her nails extend into viscous-looking talons. She grits her teeth, baring her wickedly sharp fangs. A chill runs up both Hadrian's and Serena's spine as Eris exudes a magic aura filled to the brim with nothing but bloodlust. Hadrian quickly picks up the girl and backs away. Even though he's never seen this side of Eris before, he knows that the priest is about to regret his words. The priest himself is sweating bullets as he experiences the full force of Eris' bloodlust.

The whole time this is happening, Eris hears a voice resonating in her head, "You want to kill him right? Then do it. You're a vampire now after all. It's only natural for you to get angry at something like this. Go ahead. Release your anger. Release… me!"

Eris hears this voice and doesn't know what to think. It's as if there's another soul residing in this body of her's. She wants to do what it says. At this point, she's angry enough to the point at which she doesn't care if she was a human in her past. She clenches her fists to the point where her sharp claws draw blood that oozes from the tiny gaps between her fingers,

She answers the voice with her own without saying anything, "No! Shut up!"

Her sharpened pupils go back to their circular shape, but the angry glow in her eyes doesn't go away. She retracts her claws, aims her hand at Ezekiel, and shoots a fireball right at him. The orb explodes on contacts, sending out crimson red flames, and incinerating the priest instantly. Ezekiel's dying screams echo through the chamber, but quickly fade, and nothing is left but a scorch mark on the wall.

There's a small period of silence throughout the room before Eris finally speaks in a cold tone, "Hadrian. Take Serena to her room. Make sure that it's nice, and make sure that there's someone tending to her every need. Also, make sure that everyone is on watch. If you see any army or force coming this way, tell me immediately. I'm going back to my own room."

"Would you like your dinner in your room, Empress?" he asks in response.

"No thanks. Just some blood will be fine," Eris answers.