
Crimson Advent

Alexia Rose is a girl born into misfortune. She was born with a weak constitution as well as an illness that landed her in the hospital for the rest of her short life. Her only comfort was inside of a VRMMO called Legend Conquerors Online. However, when she dies a while after her 18th birthday, Alexia doesn't expect to wake up in the body of her avatar in the game, Eris Vermilion. What will she do now? What secrets will she uncover about her origins? Will she wade through rivers of blood to conquer the realms like she did in the game? Or will Eris and her allies be overwhelmed by the dark threats that loom over the horizon?

GPowers1316 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter Thirty Five: Battle with the Demonic Wind Spirit

A tornado appears in the circle, kicking up the dirt of the stadium like a sandstorm and blocks Eris' and Serena's sight. After a few moments, the wind dies down, and the two vampires see a female figure floating above the circle. The young woman has long blond hair with pink highlights, slightly tan skin, and bright red eyes, similar to the vampires'. She has goat-like horns on the sides of her head, four, semi-translucent wings, similar to those of a bat, and a thin, black tail with an arrowhead-shaped point at the end. She wears a shirt with no sleeves and a skirt that goes past her knees. Both of them are black with accents of red. She also wears black, fingerless gloves that almost go up to her elbows, long, thin black socks, and black shoes. She smiles mischievously as her ruby-red eyes look at Eris and Serena, making her look like a beautiful devil.

Eris smiles, "An ultimate demonic wind spirit. Good," she then thinks to herself, "There are many different types of spirits. There are normal spirits, celestial spirits, angelic spirits, dark spirits, and demonic spirits. Dark spirits and demonic spirits give better bonuses when fused with creatures created by the goddess of death like vampires. So this is perfect."

"Are you the one that wants to make a contract with me?" the spirit asks Eris.

"I admit that I'm the one that summoned you. But I did so so that this one can make a contract," Eris answers, motioning to Serena.

"Is that so? Well that's a shame. You're much more powerful than any mortal I've met. Oh well," she then turns to the other vampire, "So then, child. You want to make a contract with me?"

"Yes," she says nervously.

"Alright. If you want to make a contract with me, then you'll have to prove you're worthy of my power. You and I will battle each other. I will only be using fifty percent of my true strength, but do keep in mind that that will still be enough to kill you, child," says the spirit with an evil smile.

Serena gulps and then answers, "Alright. Let's do it!"

Eris smiles, and jumps backwards, away from the two of them. Serena readies her whip and gets into a fighting position while the spirit continues to float there with her arms crossed. A trickle of sweat runs down the side of the young vampire's face while the spirit has a nonchalant atmosphere around her.

"I guess I'll be the referee for this little match," Eris says with a smile, "Are both sides ready?" Both Serena and the spirit nod, "Then begin!!"

Serena launches herself at her opponent with a speed that surprises both Eris and the spirit. The little vampire then attacks with her whip, and though she's surprised by Serena's speed, the spirit easily evades her attack. Serena then launches a flurry of fast-faced strikes with her whip. The sound of her weapon cracking echoes through the stadium multiple times. However, even with the speed of Serena's attacks, the spirit continues to dodge, and even avoids the wind blades that the whip launches when Serena attacks.

"You are far too slow, little girl," mocks the spirit after backing away from the young vampire, "Attacks like that will not give you a victory over me. I am an ultimate spirit, not just some pathetic sylph."

Serena grits her teeth and unleashes another continuous series of strikes. However, instead of her trying to hit the spirit with her whip, this time Serena only tries to attack her with the wind blades that her weapon shoots. The wind blades hit their target, but instead of drawing blood, they simply break apart, as if her body is impenetrable.

"I'm a spirit of the wind, foolish girl. Attacks from my primary element can't harm me."

The little vampire shrugs off the spirit's words and then casts enhancement magic on herself. Her body is surrounded by red, blue, and green flame-like auras that increase her strength, defense, and speed.

Then she recites an incantation that Eris recognizes, "Come forth great field of crimson. Let my kind and others like me thrive while the life of the unworthy is drained. Summon Bloodopolis!"

A crimson red dome envelopes the entire area and the spirit smiles, "Impressive. That is truly smart thinking, child. I can already feel my life force and magic energy being drained away."

"She can use Bloodopolis?!" Eris thinks in astonishment, "She didn't tell me that she could use true vampire magic. Serena has a lot more tricks up her sleeve than I thought. If she can win against this spirit, then I might not even need to help her deal with that incoming army."

With the effects of Bloodopolis combined with the effects of her enhancement magic, Serena launches herself at her enemy once more and attacks. This time, when she unleashes her flurry of strikes, they are faster, stronger, and more precise. The spirit manages to dodge most of the hits, but the sharp blades of the whip manges to leave several cuts into her skin and several tears in her outfit. The spirit backs up once more, getting out of range of Serena's whip and examines her wounds.

"Nice job, child. And because of the Bloodopolis, I can't heal. I think that it's about time for me to strike back," the spirit says with an evil smirk.

A miniature tornado appears over the spirit's hand, and is then enlarged and launched at the young vampire. Serena acts quickly and creates a red, dome-shaped shield around herself to block the attack. However, when the tornado hits, the shield cracks and nearly breaks under the pressure of the spell. The little vampire then notices that the spirit is nowhere to be seen, and then feels a sharp pain in her lower back. She looks down to find a black blade exiting outwards from her lower stomach. She slowly turns to see the spirit smiling while holding the handle of the dark blade that pierced through her body.

"Damn it," Eris mutters to herself, "That spirit used the tornado as a distraction and to weaken Serena's barrier. And While she was occupied, that spirit moved behind her."

With the blade still piercing her body, Serena swiftly turns around and strikes at the spirit with her bladed whip. The spirit manages to back up in time, but one of the sharp points grazes her right cheek, drawing blood.

"You can still fight?" she asks before remembering, "Ah the Bloodopolis." She watches as the young girl's wound quickly closes up by itself, "Good move, setting up this field."

The young vampire then activates a weapon skill. The end of the whip transforms into the head of a venomous-looking snake and attacks the spirit. She backs away, thinking that she can avoid the snake head of the whip, but is caught off guard when the whip extends to reach her. The spirit narrowly avoids the snake's fangs, but is sent on the run as the whip continues to extend, making its reach practically endless. The spirit tries to attack the vampire again, but is stopped by the snake once again.

"What the…" the spirit says frustratingly.

"This weapon skill is called Serpent's Strike. And as you can see it's great for both offense and defense. The problem is that it drains energy constantly, so I can't use it for long periods of time," says the vampire with a confident smirk.

Serena then aims the handle of her weapon at the spirit, activating another weapon skill. This time, the whip seems to multiply, creating ten more barbed wire-like whips, each with the head of a venomous snake on it, that sprout from the handle. The spirit tries desperately to evade the snake heads, but is unable to due to her lower speed inside of the Bloodopolis. The first snake head latches onto her shoulder blade. After that, the heads hit their marks one after the other, latching on to her legs, feet, arms, hands, torso, and neck. After the head bite down on her flesh, the spirit can feel their fangs depositing a liquid into her body, and quickly realizes that it's a poison. The spirit then sends out a storm of wind blades, cutting off the heads of the whips. The heads that were previously biting her disintegrate, but she feels herself already being weakened by the venom. For the first time, the spirit sets her feet on the ground, and then drops to her knees.

"That weapon skill is called Hydra's Bite. The poison inside each of the heads is strong enough to kill a thousand humans in one minute. But for an ultimate spirit, it should just paralyze you," says Serena with heavy breaths.

The spirit smiles and then sighs, "Well damn it. I underestimated you. What is your name, girl?"

"Serena Bloodstar."

"Very well, Serena. I am unable to keep fighting and therefore, I concede defeat. You have completed my trial and proven yourself worthy of becoming my master. I shall gladly form a contract with you."

"Before that…" exclaims Eris, "... Here!" she tosses a glass vial filled with a purple potion which the spirit catches as the Bloodopolis disappears, "That's a god level potion. It'll heal your wounds, magic energy, and get that poison out of your system."

"Thanks," the spirit answers before drinking the potion.

The spirit's wounds heal up and Serena asks, "So, how exactly do I make a contract with you?"

"Give me a name. This type of contract magic is called a christening, and is unique to spirits. If I recognize you as an equal and you give me a name, it'll solidify our bond, and I'll be loyal to no one else for the rest of your life."

"Alright, so I just have to give you a name. Hmm… How about Rose?" Serena suggests.

"Why Rose?" Eris asks.

"Well, her eyes are a lot more red than ours. It's just like the color of the roses in my family's garden. What do you think?" she asks, looking at the spirit.

"I like it. I'll be known as Rose from this point forward until the day you die," Rose answers pridefully.

At that point, a bright blue light envelops both Serena and Rose. Both of the pillars of light send out beams that make contact with each other. Once all the beams touch, the blue light turns green and then slowly fades away. After the light fades, Serena feels the newly-formed connection between her and Rose within their souls, and knows that the contract is successful.

"Congratulations, Serena. You did great. Keep working hard and you might become even more powerful than I am," says Eris as she hands the young vampire a potion.

"Pfft… I highly doubt that considering the feeling I'm getting around you," says the spirit.

However, Rose quickly shuts up when Eris fires a stern glare in her direction, sending a chill down the spirit's spine.

Eris sighs then says, "Alright. Now that you've got yourself a spirit, the real training begins now."

"I'll do my best!" Serena answers.

"I'll work hard as well," says Rose.