
Crimson Advent

Alexia Rose is a girl born into misfortune. She was born with a weak constitution as well as an illness that landed her in the hospital for the rest of her short life. Her only comfort was inside of a VRMMO called Legend Conquerors Online. However, when she dies a while after her 18th birthday, Alexia doesn't expect to wake up in the body of her avatar in the game, Eris Vermilion. What will she do now? What secrets will she uncover about her origins? Will she wade through rivers of blood to conquer the realms like she did in the game? Or will Eris and her allies be overwhelmed by the dark threats that loom over the horizon?

GPowers1316 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: War 2

While her enemy struggles, the young vampire merly sits on her throne with a satisfied smile. Then she suddenly gets up, stretches, and yawns while walking towards the entrance to a massive balcony outside the throne room. The balcony looks more like a landing platform for helicopters, and is barely the width of the tower.

She stands at the doorway, "I guess that it's about time for me to join the party. A good leader needs to be brave in the face of danger after all." she extends her hand forwards, "Come forth great beast of entropy, the enemy of life itself. I call upon you to do my bidding. Summon the great wings of destruction, Thanosaur!"

A bright light envelops the area in front of Eris and when it fades, the young vampire is beholden to a massive beast. The monster appears to be a hundred foott long, three-headed dragon with silver scales and red eyes. Each of the creature's heads are similar in shape to a komodo dragon's. There are three sets of horns that sit behind the creature's eyes, where its head meets the elongated neck. There's also a row of spikes that run from the creature's head horns to the tip of its two tails where giant, stinger-like parts lay. Its membranous wings are both the same length as the creature's body. The wings also serve as the dragon's front arms, and have three finger-like appendages, each with large black claws on them. On its back, there also seems to be a leather saddle with reins connected to the middle head.

"RRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" all three of the heads roar at the same time.

The young vampire holds out her arms and the creature's three heads all go to her, nuzzling against her body as if they're dogs. Eris strokes the silver scales of each of the heads and looks at them with a warm smile.

"Damn, I love summoning magic."

Eris jumps onto the monster's back, secures herself onto her saddle, and takes the reins of the middle head. With a whip of the reins, the beast spreads its gigantic wings, and jumps off of the large balcony, dive-bombing the city. Halfway down the tower, the monster flaps its wings and accelerates into the sky. She flies straight into the battlezone, and gets a good look at the carnage from above.

"All of you, unleash your breath attacks once we get in range."

"RRRAAAAHHH!!" the heads roar in response.

On the back of her dragon, Eris swoops down on the enemy army, and once close enough, each of the beast's heads unleash a different breath attack. The middle head breathes bright orange flames, the right head breathes yellow lightning, and the left head breathes a beam of energy that freezes anything in its path. Through this, many of the enemy forces are either set on fire, blown apart by the lightning, or frozen in place for Eris's forces to finish off.

"Is that a summon?! What the hell? How can she have such a powerful freaking monster on her side?!" questions the silver knight player.

At that point, the young vampire directs the dragon behind her army and lands. Eris dismounts the beast and stands in front of it. She's then surrounded by seven individuals. The one standing directly in front of her looks similar to the shade' infantry unit, but is much taller and has more ornate plate armor. In his right hand, he holds a vicious looking scythe that looks like it once belonged to the grim reaper.

The one to the shade commander's left is a girl with darkened skin, long pointed ears, and red eyes similar to Eris's. She wears dark green clothing, leather armor on her chest, shoulders, and thighs, as well as leather greaves that go up to her knees, and leather archer's gloves on her hands. She holds a black, evil-looking bow in her left hand as well as a quiver of arrows on her back. Her platinum blond hair is tied in a ponytail.

The one to the elf girl's left is a gigantic individual, completely covered in bright, silver armor from head to toe. The giant stands over twelve feet tall, and there's an ominous blue light glowing from the viewing area in its helmet. It holds two giant swords with silver blades, guards, handles, and fullers.

There's one more individual to the silver knight's left. This one wears dark robes, and doesn't stand, but floats in the air. This one also doesn't have any skin, meat, organs, muscles, nerves, arteries, or veins on them, just bone. If one were to look into its hood, there'd only be an angry-looking skull staring back at them. This one doesn't hold anything in its hands, but does wear a golden ring on its bony left hand.

Then there are three individuals to the shadow commander's left, the first being another female with tan skin. She has short, black hair and orange eyes that glow ominously in the dark light on the red moon in the sky. Her outfit covers only what it needs too. Her chest is covered by mummy-like wrappings, leaving her stomach, shoulder, and neck exposed. Her shorts also show off a bit of her thighs. She also wears dark steel gauntlets, with a sharp claw at the end of each finger, and that goes almost up to her elbow. Her greaves are similar to her gauntlets in the sense that they're almost completely made of dark metal, and that they almost go up to her knees. Then she has a strange, black, fluffy, wolf-like tail hanging from above her buttocks.

To the girl's left is a young man who appears to be around the same age as Eris. And like the young vampire, this individual has red eyes, black hair, and slightly pale skin. But unlike Eris, the young man's hair only goes down to his shoulders. He also wears a black long coat that goes almost down to his ankles, a white shirt, black pants, and fancy black shoes. He also wears black gloves that have red, chain-like patterns on each of the fingers.

The final individual to the young man's left is another female. The girl looks to be around fifteen years old, with light skin, bright green eyes, and long blond hair tied in twin tails. She wears a black, jacket, black shirt, black skirt, black leggings, and black flats to top it off. Like the young gentleman beside her, this girl doesn't carry any weapons on her.

"Protect me while I cast the spell," Eris orders coldly. All of the NPCs nod their heads and the young vampire continues with the incantation, "I call upon the goddess of darkness, war, and death. Lend your follower your might, so that I may strike down my enemies…"

"What is that girl doing?" asks the elf as he observes the vampire from afar.

"She's casting a spell. But she's not using her spell book. Has she really memorized the incantations needed for her spells?!" the angel asks with bewildered eyes.

"There's no way! Do you know how many spells there are in this game? Unless…"

The elf cuts off the words of the silver knight, "Wait, look up there!"

All three of them look up into the sky to see massive circles made of red light begin to form. These circles are filled with a ten-pointed star as well as a number of strange characters on the edge of the inside of the circle.

"What… the hell?!" asks the silver knight.

"No way… is this… a divine ranked spell!!??" asks the angel with eyes filled with fear.

"You've got to be kidding me! She's casting a divine ranked spell, without looking at the book for the incantation. But this is the perfect time. We have to destroy her before she finishes reciting the incantation!"

While they talk, Eris continues to form the spell, "... Your servant will be filled with gratitude by your blessing, and in return I offer you a great sacrifice of souls. Feed upon my foes, and bless your humble champion with your vengeful guidance. Unleash your divine wrath upon my adversaries! Chaos Requiem!!"

At that point, beams of pitch black energy burst from the giant magic circles in the sky. The rays impact the enemy's forces and completely obliterate every single one of their units. The beams of energy continue to fall from the sky for the next few minutes, kicking up dust and dirt as they impact the ground. After a while, the spell finally ends. The beams stop firing and the dust starts to settle.