
Criminal obsession

In a world dominated by crime and violence, there also is an existence of love and romance. In this world, the battle of love and revenge is worth the life of one, and Onika is entangled in the middle of it all. Falling in love with her boss who was the CEO of "Don prism hotels ", who was also the mafia lord of the most fearful mafia clan "The Bloods " and his twin brother, she ends up unintentionally involved with the battle between "The Bloods " and the "Gang cartels " mafia clan in revenge over the death of their fathers. While being intimately involved with two brothers who constantly fight for her love, will she be able to come to a conclusion on choosing which brother to love ? Or will she choose to save her life from the feud of the mafia clans by abandoning her lovers ? Read to find out.

Tory4real · Urban
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Chapter one: A new opportunity

It's a beautiful morning in the city, the weather was cool as everyone was preparing for summer.

Deep in the suburbs of New York, Onika was living with her bestfriend Susan and her family. She had moved in with them after the death of her parents in a car accident.

"I was thinking pool parties, beach parties and ooh micheal invited us to his house party this Friday night" said Susan, pacing from one corner of the room to another. "I already have a list of stuffs we're going to do this summer, oh Onika, it will be so fun"

"I know Susan, but you have to chill out. Don't tell me you've forgotten that i plan to get a job and move out soon", Onika said as she holds Susan down on the bed. "I can't attend all these awesome parties and participate in all these amazing activities you have planned for us, it'll be hard for me but i have something else i need to focus on".

Susan understands what Onika was saying, but she couldn't just let it slide without a fight.

She turns to onika, "I know, how can i forget when it's all you talk about and is it so bad that i want to spend this summer doing all these fun stuffs with you before you leave and become a responsible adult", they laughed.

"Okay", Onika agreed, "I'll attend Micheals' party this Friday but I'm not promising you anything else asides from that". Susan joyfully agrees as they race downstairs to the kitchen to grab some snacks.

Onika, alone inside her room was searching online for job opportunities while listening to pop music on her headphones. She doesn't have any professional skill or experience in the working environment, so she was being selective with what career she chose.

After a long time of browsing through the internet for job vacancies, she decided to step out for coffee and fresh breeze.

Onika got to the café, ordered a mocha and a croissant. She sat in the café and finished her coffee, as she left the café she bumped into a man who ignored her when she wanted to apologize.

She noticed a piece of paper that she believed fell from his pocket, she picked it up and on the flyer was an address to a luxurious hotel with a list of job vacancies alongside with the pay for each jobs. On seeing this, Onika was suddenly filled with emotions, her face got lit as she tries to control her reaction despite how she wanted to scream badly.

She rushed home to show Susan. "Suzie, suzie ", she called, "I think I've found a job".

Susan on hearing Onika scream in joy ran out of her almost room as quick as the speed of light.

"What is it, what is it ", she asked while trying to catch her breath.

"I think I've found the job I've been looking for, I mean, it's nothing too serious but my goodness the pay is amazing ", Replied Onika

They sat down in the sitting room as Onika narrates how everything went down. She brings out the paper and shows it to Susan who on seeing it immediately sprung up in joy and stares blankly at Onika.

"This can't be real, what if that man intentionally bumped into you, he could be dangerous ", Said Susan as she sat back down on the sofa.

"I know what you mean, believe me, I thought about it too. But the hotel is real, so come on, you have to believe the job is too ", Onika said as she holds Susan hands to reassure her that she was safe.

Susan gave up and supported Onika's decision. She knew there was no way she was going to convince her bestfriend to drop the idea cause Onika was a strong willed lady.

It was 7pm in the house and dinner was ready, everyone was seated at the dinner table. Susan's mum had made meatloafs with mashed potato and peas. While they were all eating and enjoying their dinner, Onika looked up and asked for their attention, she was going to tell them about what she had found today.

"I have finally found a job, I haven't called the establishment yet because I wanted to let you guys know about it first ", she said. "it's a hotel in the urban city, and they have a lot of opportunities available. I was thinking of applying there as a waitress in their lounge ".

There was complete silence, you could hear a pin drop. They were happy for her but sad at the same time cause they really grew fond of her and wasn't ready for her to leave.

"A job? ", Susan's dad coughed, "hmm, that's great but don't you think it's a little too early for that, I mean, we don't see any reason for you to leave yet "

"oh yes, you're right dear " Susan's mum agreed.

"But we've talked about this already and you guys agreed to it and also said you were going to support me whenever i decide i was ready to leave ", Onika said in a sad but calm tone, "well, now I'm ready to leave and i need you to follow through with what you promised and support me, please ".

"I know how you both feel about her and her new job, believe me mum, dad, I feel the same way too. We don't want her to leave us just yet but she'll always be a part of this family. Onika is my bestfriend, even more than that to me and if we actually really love and care for her like we always claim we do, then we should prove it again by supporting her ", Susan said.

Susan's parents looked at each other and smiled. They had to come in terms with the reality that Onika was becoming an adult and wasn't really their child, it was going to be hard for them to let her go but they had no choice. They nodded their heads in agreement and gave their full support to her getting the job.

Onika was so happy, she left her chair to hug them both tightly and dragged Susan up from her chair as they ran upstairs to make the phone call.

"Suzie I'm scared, what if they don't pick up and what if they do pick up but I blow it by saying something so dumb that they'll not even want to listen to me? ", Cried Onika.

"Just take a deep breath, you're an amazing person and this is a good opportunity for you, something you've been searching for. Don't let your mind make you feel like you're not going to be good enough, besides it's just a waitress position not a big deal ", Susan reassured her.

Onika takes a deep breath and dialed the number on her phone, it rings and someone picks it up. She tried to maintain herself as she spoke and suddenly hung up. She turned to Susan who was already awaiting for feedback.

Onika smiled, "Well, the position is still open but only available to one person and luckily for me, I'm the only person who has called in for the job, so they asked me to send my informations via email for review and await for a feedback ".

"That's progress, I know you're qualified for it already, but all we have to do now is wait ", Susan replied.

It felt like a dream as Onika couldn't stop smiling, she just took her one step into beginning a new chapter in her life.

She had made plans of all the things she wanted to achieve, how she was going to start and how she was going to end it, the job wasn't her actual goal but it was a step into her goal.

Every story has a beginning. This is my beginning, my first step to accomplishing my goal. I try to establish that in my female lead character. The craving for financial freedom, love and support from your peers and family is needed.

This isn't the end as the story continues further.

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