
Chapter 13

They had barely finished celebrating Myra and Alexei's engagement when they had to start preparing for the wedding. This time, Myra's family wasn't as overwhelmed because they would be guests and only had to take care of Myra.

Meanwhile, Aaron was back at work. He had been promoted to CEO, leaving his former position as CFO to a certain Igor Ignatov Belinski. The job had become easier for Aaron, who had gotten used to his responsibilities. However, his mother was worried about her twenty-seven-year-old son, who still didn't have a girlfriend.

"But mother, I'm too young for that," he tried to justify.

"Too young, really? Your sister is the same age as you and she's already engaged. You're turning thirty in three years. Are you gay, my son?" his mother asked, catching Aaron off guard as he was drinking his coffee and eating a croissant.

"Why would you say that, mother?" he replied, surprised.

"Because I've never seen you with a girlfriend or fiancée," she explained.

"What if I actually was gay, mother? What would you do?"

"As for me, I wouldn't do anything, my son. Nothing at all. Even though it doesn't excite me. I wouldn't judge you, but I'm afraid of your father's reaction. I can't even imagine what your father would put you through."

"Don't worry, mother. I won't stay single forever."

"And your job, my son? Your father said you were promoted. To CEO? Is that the same as a General Manager ?"

"No, mother. Those are different positions, although their responsibilities can sometimes overlap. They have distinct roles within the company."

"Oh really? Thanks for the information. Can you tell me more?"

"The role of a CEO in a company is to define the vision, strategy, and overall goals of the business. They are responsible for making important strategic decisions, representing the company to external stakeholders such as investors, customers, and the media, and ensuring that the company operates efficiently and profitably. The CEO also oversees other members of the leadership team, helps solve complex problems, and guides the company in a direction that ensures its longevity and growth.

On the other hand, the General Manager, who may hold a position just below the CEO, is in charge of implementing the strategic decisions established by the CEO. The General Manager often oversees the day-to-day operations of the company and is responsible for managing the various divisions or departments of the company. They ensure that the goals set by the CEO are met, coordinate the activities of different teams, ensure the smooth running of the company on a daily basis, and oversee the operational performance of the company.

In summary, mother, the CEO sets the vision and overall strategy of the company, while the General Manager is responsible for implementing that strategy and managing the day-to-day operations of the company."

"I am sure my friends will be surprised when I explain all this to them. I am delighted to see that you and your father work together so well. You know, I am..."

"Mom. Mom." Kira interrupted. "I did it!"

Kira had won an international cutting and sewing competition on the theme "Beauty on the Snow". Participants had to design clothing that was both warm and elegant, showcasing feminine beauty and fashion. Thanks to her victory, Kira had earned her spot in the final showdown against the world's top designers.

In the process, Kira had finally revealed to her mother that she was the famous "Petra Potrich", with the initials "PP". An idol to her mother, a fashion enthusiast and one of Russia's most prominent designers.

"Really, sweetheart? Bravo. I am so proud of you."

"But Mom, you have to help me," Kira said, blinking her eyes and pretending to pout, perfecting her puppy dog look to soften her mother's heart.

"What do you need, sweetheart?"

"Mom..." she murmured, searching for her words. "Mom, actually, I... the final is..."

"Stop keeping me in suspense."

"The final will be held in Italy," she quickly replied.

"What? Your father will never accept that," her mother stated.

"That's why I need your help, Mom. Dad always listens to what you say."

Kira moved even closer to her mother, pleading with her eyes. Meanwhile, Aaron made his way to his desk, the small desk he had finally managed to set up in one of the upstairs rooms.

"Okay, I'll help you, but I can't promise anything."