
Criminal A Cry For Love

Veer Singh a wealthy young man who resides in Dehli caught the heart of Sana Mishra. He was a stud player dating a hot bombshell in highschool. Sana was a young girl who was a shy down to earth and traditional girl from Dehli who also attended the same high school as Veer. Sana was very intelligent and kept her focus on her studies to go abroad for a great college. One day at the school talent show Sana caught the eyes of Veer in her traditional mind-blowing performance. She dances on the entire stage with her lal dupatta. Veer kept his mouth shut, on seeing her dance. However, his girlfriend did not hesitate to throw comments at Sanan for her cultural attire and dance. That evening Veer made it his mission to get close to Sana and he even offered her a drop. Eventually, Sana gave in to his charms and became his official girlfriend. Nothing would last for good knowing that Veer was always a player, he secretly was seeing his ex. In no time he was caught and Sana broke it off with him, Veer however could not let her go and promised to never do it again. Leaving it all behind Sana went away to college in New Haven leaving her love behind. Avinash an Indian boy born in America fell in love with the Indian culture. He dreamt of visiting the lands but it was Sana who melted his heart. From a mutual friend's wedding, Sana and a group of friends decided to have a winter wedding for their friends Maya and Suvish. During the times spent at the getaway cabin, Avinash and Sana grew close. After a surprising phone call, Sana heads back to India to get the shock of her life. Veer Singh was still attached to her but that was just the piece of it. Avinash and Sana were doomed because of Veer Singh and his family values. His father the great underworld don would see to it that his son Veer marry only Sana.

MChristie · Teen
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A visit from the past

I called out to her for the third time.


She suddenly swiveled around with the autumn breeze. There was a pleasant smile as she crossed over to my street. This place had become my hometown and I was curious to know what brought her into the city. Desi girl, I always remember her as. Meghna was not the type to praise her culture or sweet home of Dehli India. Quickly her arms clutched my body, I could not move and I was afraid to say anything as I stood there gasping for breath. Her hug was extremely tight but her embrace felt warm in her red petite coat. Letting go of me I smirked and I admire the beautiful glow on her face.

"I can't believe that you are here," she said.

I smiled and asked, "What brings you here Meghna?"

"I am here to see my boyfriend." "I came straight from college yaar just to surprise him."

I grinned, Meghna had a love interest at my college. I nodded my head and smiled as if I was excited for her. I was more curious to know who caught her attention.

"Which college Meg?" I asked.

She quickly pulled out her phone and said, "Punch in your number." "I need to hurry."

I took her phone and started to put in my number, "Maybe we can meet later."

"I will love that but I really left papa just to see Avi." "I have dinner with papa later."

I guess that her mystery guy's name was Avi. How cute I thought, I was happy for her, and I wanted her to go meet Avi. I nodded my head, I wanted to ask her about her elder brother who was my age. We both had gone to high school together and we used to be in the same class. It has been a while since I heard from him. I wonder what he was up to nowadays.

"Be good Sana." she said, "Achi, I have to go."

"Alvida." I implied.

Meghna quickly went up the wide stairs to the college building and just like that she disappeared from my sight. I swiftly turned the other direction and headed for the coffee shop to meet up with my study buddies. I stop abruptly and placed my bag strap on my left should, my eyes glanced into the coffee shop window. My four friends sat upright with heavy open books covering the table. Maya was sipping on her coffee while Suvish played with her hair. Jiya's eyes kept focused on her laptop screen while her boyfriend Mayank underline every point in his textbook that he needed to review.

"Bas Suvish." We need to get serious." Maya said to her Suvish as I made my way to their table.

"But baby we are always serious."

"Kaun?" Jiya asked.

"Shut up Jiya, Maya knows that I love her."

I grinned and hurriedly took my seat next to Jiya, "Hi guys.

I pulled out my notepad as everyone gazed at me. I looked up to see all eyes was one me constantly staring.

"Yes," I said.

"Where were you?" Jiya whispered in my ear.

I smiled because I was only five minutes late and my friends were somewhat judging me.

"It's only five minutes Jiya."

She gave me a suspicious look, as if five minutes was enough to do all the wrong.

"Theek, I ran into an old friend."


"Before you can say anything, its a her and Meghna is on campus to see her boyfriend"

Jiya grinned and slowly sipped her tea. I could tell that she was making fun of me. I flicked her on the nose and turned my gaze to the rest of the group. Maya remained dazzled in Suvish eyes while Mayank kept highlighting sentence after sentence.

Jiya breaking the silence asked, "Where is your friend Suvish?"

"Avinash is probably still asleep." Maya replied as Suvish smiled widen.

"Are you sure this guy exist?" Jiya asked.

Mayank was so focused on his studies, he did not paid heed to Jiya's question.


He jerked his shoulder as she gripped it and asked, "Kya problem hai Jiya?"

She nodded her head in disbelief, This friend of Suvish was running late and we needed to get started on our assignment. I smiled and opened the book.

"Guys, let's just start without him." "Maybe he will come soon." Suvish said.

Suvish and Avinash were best friend before our study group. Recently after they ran into each other on campus, Suvish had asked Avinash to join the group from today but so far it seems that his plans had change.

"Sure." all said.

I started to take notes in my book as the group discuss what we were going to do.

"Jiya work on the proposal while Mayank can do more research." Suvish said.

"I'll work on the diagrams and Suvish can help me label." "Sana you and Avinash can work on the speech." Maya implied.

The plan was constricted and everyone was given a task to do. After an hour of discussion I made my way out the café` and headed into the town of New Haven. I decided to look into getting some new books to read. I quickly adjusted my glasses and entered into the store.

"Jingle!" the bell jingled at the top of the door as I let it close.

I made my way to the fourth aisle where the romance novels were kept. My eyes immediately caught the attention of a book called, "It Ends With Us."

I smiled, I had been wanting to read this book ever since. Back home in Dehli my parents had kept me away from romance novels. Now that I was on my own, I was free to do whatever I wish. Reading such romance was one rule I had planned to break. The rest, I was still uncertain, I oath to always remain in my culture and never forget the values my family had instill in me. I took the book up and turned to the first page. There was no deny it, this book had caught my interest and I just had to read more. I kept my gaze down at the first chapter as I made my way to the cashier.


"Oh my, I'm sorry." I cried out.

Unexpectedly I bumped into a gentleman. He quickly got down and reached for my glasses and book.

He smiled after looking at the book cover.

"It's okay," he said and handed my belongings over.

"Thank you," I said.

He nodded his head and stared at my messy look. My hair in a high ponytail and my natural look without makeup. He was quite a handsome guy to look at and his staring was making me want to blush.

"Ring!" "Ring!"

He quickly took his phone out and said to me, "Excuse me."

He walked off to the other second aisle and answered the call.

"Where were you man?"

"Hey, I got caught up but I'll make it up." "I promise." he said.

"Fine tomorrow, same time." the caller said.

I quickly placed the book on the counter and took out my card. After cashing I left the store without looking back

"Hey did that girl left?" he asked the cashier.

The man nodded his head, "Yes."

He hurriedly ran out the store in search of me. I headed further up the streets, I decided to visit the campus library for some quiet time. Unfortunately I was out of his site. The young man then went back into the store to pay for the book.

"Will that be all?" the cashier asked.

"Do you know that girl?" the young man asked.

"I don't but she is quite different." "Such a cultural style."

"It's called a Shalwar sir."

"In America, it's a different style."

The young man smiled and took his item up, "We are all proud humans, Jai Hind."

The elderly man smirked as the young man left his shop, he was confused by his words but he understood that the young man was aware of his traditions.

Jai Hind, is a salutation of India, which meant victory to India. Long live India, he whistled the words of his proud Hindustan anthem as he stood on the pavement. The young man strolls through the streets of New Haven. He felt proud of where his parents came from, the land of India. The home of powder colors and scented flower fragrances that fills the air. The land of Holi and light over darkness, he dreamt of visit the country of his parents one day. Even though he was born in the USA, he could never let go of his one desire, to see beautiful India.


"Avinash." she said.

"Ma, I just met a cultured Indian girl at the book store."

His mother smiled on the other side, "Beta, ye kya hai?"

"Ma, I'm telling you she's perfect."

"Alright, when are you planning on visiting us?"

"Soon ma."

"Okay, remember to eat." his mother said.

"Yes ma."

"Apana khyaal rakhen."

"Haan ma, alvida." Avinash said before ending the call.

He spun around the pavement and jumped in joy. Avinash smiled and took the rose from a florist on the street. He began to pluck the petals as he slowly dance on the pavements. People could not help but notice him, he started to sing, words of unfamiliar meaning. His heart was filled with joy, he did not care what pass by would think. Avinash was the happiest and he could not understand what was this strange feeling in his heart.

One's culture is never forgotten, be proud of where you came from. Stand up salute and sing your Anthem from the heart.

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