
Crime Of Passion

Nico is a detective, a very good one. But being a detective is so hard. Will he give up her career of being detective or continue his career? Cold-blooded murder. A psychopath serial killer on the loose. Two of Eastwood's greatest detective agents in the same labyrinth of mystery. Time is running out...

Evilenxx · Action
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38 Chs

Chapter 25



February 28, 2018

DEATH's headquarters, Eastwood

10:00 a.m.

"You know, Yuki, it's just like that. Your uncle is just worried about you ---" Dan ate an apple at the same time, "--- because you haven't talked to him since he came back ---" one another bite, "--- in the office! That's crazy, dude. That's your uncle. What's wrong with you and why do you seem even more grumpy than the woman with the visitor?" Dan finished before taking another bite out of the apple again. He even hugged the fruit basket.

Nico distainfully eyed the basket. 'Uncle X is stupid to think I'll talk to him just because he sent this stupid fruit basket!' Nico took a deep breath, "Dan, try minding your own business, would you? Can't you see I'm in the middle of solving the Heartless Killer mystery?"

The geek just laughed. "You just don't want to talk about your problem with your uncle. It's like I don't know you, Yuki."

Nico became even more frustrated.

After the incident last night, Nico barely slept at the thought of the possibilities. All along, Cassio was leading them off the trail. 'But why is he introducing himself to us now? Damn Sherlock, this is giving me a migraine! ' He kept repeating Cassio Salvador's information inside his head like a mantra. But no matter what Nico does, he sees no clue in it.

Adding to his headache was the return to office of DEATH CEO, Xavier Alcantara. He only found out this morning, but he didn't have time to go into further details. He hasn't talked to her yet even though she calls him to his office. When Nico did not show up, Dan suddenly arrived with a basket of fruit. He said that Uncle X gave it to him. Does he really think Nico would just forgive him that easily?

Nico is just shaking. 'I hope he just made a peace offering of coffee! Tsk. '

"If you're not gonna stop bugging me, at least don't talk about him, Dan. I've got enough problems to sort out." Nico said for a week while reading Cassio Salvador's medical files. There were also findings on him by psychiatrists at Eastwood Asylum.

Dan sighed, "Looks like you're stressed out there in your case? Oh, I know! Why don't you tell me about your partner? You haven't told me about him yet, Yuki!"

Nico's mixture seemed to get worse, "Why are you so interested in my partner all of a sudden? Tsk."

Dan smiled and neatly placed the basket in front of the person, "I'm just curious, Yuki. The second best detective hardly shows up in public! Rumor has it, Detective Brian Carlos of SHADOW is an old hag who is an expert in sorcery! "

Nico suddenly stopped typing on his laptop and stared at Dan. 'Sorcery?' The young detective smiled, "Nah. I can say my partner's a witch who's obsessed with make-up."

Dan frowned, "Err .. Make-up ?! What are you ---?"

"I am as obsessed with make-up as much as you are obsessed with crime, Detective Yukishito."

Nico and Dan looked at the door. There, a pink-haired woman leaned on the door frame, smirking at them. Detective Briannova Carlos parted her hair and entered the office. The sound of her high-heeled boots echoed throughout Nico's office. As she passed the gaping Dan, Nova grabbed a banana from the fruit basket and smiled angelically at them.

"Looks like you've been talking to me before, Nico."

Nico looked bored, "You're late."

"I missed you too," she teased and sat down.

Dan's jaw almost dropped to the floor. He looked around at the two detectives. "B-B-Detective Brian is a woman ?!"

The female detective nodded. "What do you expect? Oh, and I'd appreciate it if you would leave us for a while. Your friend will only take care of our 'private' matters." She took a bite out of the banana and seductively glanced at Nico (who only ignored her).

Dan blushed at what Nova said and quickly stood up. "Y-Sure! Um. All right. G-Good luck to you!" And he flew away from the office, leaving the fruit basket on Nico's desk.

A few minutes later, Nova burst out laughing.

Nico sighed and turned to his companion, "You only did that to make him feel uncomfortable, didn't you?"

"Maybe, maybe not," and the girl winked at him. He lowered the edible banana and looked at Nico's hand. "Does that still hurt?"

"Don't worry. I've had worse."

Nova frowned. Later, his expression became serious and he placed the folder in front of Nico. "I investigated the case of Covaline Perez. I interviewed her ex-boyfriend, James. Turns out, Covaline was pregnant. When her live-in partner found out, she immediately resigned from her job in December. Everything went well for Covaline and James until ... "


"... he found out that the baby wasn't his."

Nico was silent and continued reading some documents. Nova continued, seemingly disturbed by what she found out, "One day, Covaline admitted this to her. In James' anger, their relationship became abusive. He beated her, almost to death. Covaline did not report it to the authorities. because she was afraid of James. Then, she had miscarriage. " Nova took a deep breath, "When the fetus was aborted, Covaline became depressed. At the same time, James left her. Miranda said her cousin had been drinking anti-depressant pills for a few weeks before she died."

'Amitriptyline. The same chemical we got in Mrs.'s body. Bonnie Javie. ' Think about Nico. Then, he spoke, "In the case of Mrs. Javier, his wife had known for a long time that his wife had a lover. He didn't give a damn since they only had an arranged marriage. He just had to marry Mrs. Javier. for their company, so her affairs are the least of his concerns. "

Nova rolled her eyes. "That much is obvious. Kay Thami Esteban?"

Nico leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, "I went to the gym where Thami often visits. I had to blackmail her gym instructor to get a confession out of him. They have also been in a relationship with Thami for a long time though The girl still has a boyfriend. A few of her friends noted that she was a playgirl, sleeping with other men on a weekly basis. "

Nova arranged some scattered papers on Nico's desk, "That confirms it. Cassio's victims have a pattern. He kills women who commit infidelity. We can use this to find out who his next victim is."

Nico took the paper Nova had arranged and made paper airplanes. Nova raised an eyebrow at his childish behavior, but said nothing.

"Yes and no."


A mischievous smile flashed on Nico's lips as he watched the paper planes fly, "Yes, we already know what his pattern of murder was. But I don't think he chose his victims randomly. According to what was gathered Our information, it looks like Cassio Salvador has been watching these women for a long time. And I still think he's the kind of smart-ass to have reasons for everything. He chose those women, specifically. The Heartless Killer is a psychopath like that. . "
