

Akira, a 14-year-old adventurer, is in Crestania with his goddess Luna. As he descends further into dungeons, he grows stronger with each level, but he also encounters terrifying enemies. Akira will discover that having a team can aid him in navigating the harder dungeon levels, but can he truly do it even with a party? Find out...

AkiraKaze · Fantasy
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24 Chs

A New Family Member

After a couple of days later, Akira was released from the hospital with lady Luna's permission.

As Akira thanked everyone, he ran out the door, only to be met with Miko's presence.

"It seems like you're doing alright." Miko said.

"No...I should ask you that. You took the lethal hit and I'm sorry for bringing you with me to get you injured." Akira said.

"Don't worry about It, I feel much better now. I only came along because I trusted you with my life Akira, and I'm here right now. Standing before you because I did." Miko explained.

"Thank you...Miko" Akira said with a warm heart felt smile.

"I have something to ask you first" Miko said.

"What is It?" Akira asked.

"Can I join your Crestania?" Miko asked Akira.

Akira was taken by surprise when Miko asked.

"But, Don't you have a home?" Akira questioned.

"Hm? I don't recall ever saying I had a home." Miko said.

"W-what? But that day, when you sa-" but Miko cut Akira off.

She put her index finger in front his mouth

"Shh, I never said that" Miko whispered with a smile.

"Now then, will you accept me?" Miko said.

"Yes, We'll gladly accept you into the family Miko" Akira said.

Miko felt super happy, she gave Akira a big hug and tears started to drop down from her face

"Thank you, Akira. For being a good friend." Miko said.

"No...not a friend, a family member now" Akira said.

"Let's go to lady Luna, she said she had a new house for our Crestania! Let's head there now.".

Within a few hours later...Akira and Miko started to walk towards the old Crestania building to meet up with lady Luna.

Luna looked over as she notice Akira and Miko across the distance.

"I'm glad to see you're okay my child, how about you Miko?" Luna asked.

"I'm alright, lady Luna." Miko said.

"lady Luna, Miko want's to join our Crestania. Is that alright with you? I already accepted her but I think It's better to have you make the final decision." Akira explained.

"Of course, she risked her life to protect you. Miko wasn't even part of our Crestania but she still risked her life just to protect you as a comrade. For that I am grateful and now you'll be one of my children." Luna said with a smile.

"Thank you lady Luna, I will be sure to pledge my loyalty towards you." Miko said as she kneeled down respectfully.

"No need to be so formal Miko, and welcome to the Arcania Crestania, well that's after we settle in our new building!" Luna explained.

"So where is our new house lady Luna?" Akira asked.

"Look in front of us Akira, see that giant mansion just from the distance? That's ours" Luna explained.

"W-what?!?" Akira and Miko shouted.

"That place is huge just for 3 of us." Akira said.

"Well, of course. If our family grows we'll need all the space we need. Let us settle in, I already set up a room for all of us and I had someone cook us food while you recovered." Luna explained.

"H-huh? What do you mean?" Akira said.

"Come on! You'll see, you get ready to Miko cause this isn't just for Akira" Luna smirked as she walked towards the new house.

Miko and Akira looked at each other confused...

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