
Crescent Moon: Ancient Prophecy

But as the ages passed, the gods' harmony was disrupted. Their rivalries and conflicts began to shape the world, and their powers, once balanced, now clashed. The land suffered, and the Kaleeki's magic began to wane. Terra, the guardian of balance, recognized the danger and took drastic measures. With a heavy heart, he chained the gods' powers, imprisoning them as stars in the sky. The world of Eridoria was forever changed. Terra, in his wisdom, foresaw a future where the balance would be restored. He prophesied that a child, born under the crescent moon, would wield the four powers of the gods. This child, named Ava, would be the key to unlocking the gods' chains and restoring harmony to the land. The prophecy was written on a sacred scroll, hidden in an ancient cave, and guarded by the priests of the Sanian caste. Centuries passed, and the prophecy was all but forgotten. But the oldest member of the Sanian caste, a wise and venerable Kaleeki named Kaelin Darkhaven, stumbled upon the ancient scroll while exploring the depths of the cave. As he unrolled the parchment, the words of Terra shone with a faint, otherworldly light. Kaelin knew that he had uncovered something momentous and hastened to share the prophecy with King Arin II. The king, intrigued by the prophecy, called upon his advisors and the leaders of the Kaleeki castes to convene in the great hall of the palace. Kaelin Darkhaven presented the scroll, and the assembly listened in awe as the prophecy was read aloud. The words spoke of Ava, a child born of a barren mother, who would wield the powers of the four gods and restore balance to the world. The assembly was divided, some doubting the prophecy's validity, while others saw it as a beacon of hope. King Arin II, however, was resolute. He decreed that the prophecy be spread throughout the land, and that the people of Eridoria prepare for the coming of Ava, the chosen one. And so, the kingdom awaited the arrival of the child who would bring harmony back to the world.

Daoist6QbrvM · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Prince Kael's Temptation

The prince of Kragnir is a handsome man and a warrior, known for his bravery in battle but he was a master of flattery, he had a reputation for being able to sweet-talk his way into any woman's heart, and he can fall trap for anything beautiful, that was his weakness but how would he overcome the temptations of watching a beautiful man?

One day, prince Kael's attention was caught by a beautiful "man" - Ryker, the king's bodyguard. She was standing guard outside the king's court, her piercing eyes scanning the surroundings with intensity that Karl found captivating.

He approached her, his eyes fixed on her handsome features. "Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "One of the king's new bodyguard, I assume? What is your name?"

"My name is Ryker, your highness."

"Ah, Ryker, you are a sight for sore eyes," the prince said, his voice dripping with charm. "I have never seen a man as beautiful as you."

Ryker, who had kept her other name a secret and bears her surname as first name to fit in with the Kragnirs, for in Kragnir kingdom, no one answers two names, tried to walk away but prince Kael caught her arm.

"Don't be shy, Ryker. I'm just trying to get to know you better."

As he spoke, his eyes roamed over her body, and that's when he noticed a stain on Ryker's clothes. To the prince's unsuspecting eyes, the emerald blood appeared as red as any other , hiding the truth of her Zoran heritage. His eyes widened in surprise, and Ryker's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Oh, damn it! menstrual flow? not now!" Ryker said to herself in a very low tone which the prince was unable to hear.

"Oh, Ryker, I didn't know you were injured, your backside," Kael said, his voice laced with concern.

Ryker quickly came up with a lie. "It's nothing, prince Kael. Just a small wound from a fight earlier today."

Kael's eyes narrowed. "A fight, you say? With who?"

Ryker hesitated for a moment before answering. "Just a bandit on the road. It was nothing serious."

Kael's eyes lingered on hers for a moment before he smiled. "Well, I'm glad you are okay, Ryker. I wouldn't want anything to happen to the king's new bodyguard."

Ryker tried to pull away, but Kael held her arm tight. "Don't be in such a hurry, Ryker, I'm enjoying our conversation."

Ryker's heart raced as she tried to think of a way to escape Kael's grasp. She knew she couldn't let him find out her gender and true identity or her mission would be compromised.

Finally, she managed to pull away, her face flushed with embarrassment. "Prince Kael, my duties await."

Kael smiled, his eyes never leaving hers. "I will see you around, Ryker, and maybe next time, we can have a more... privacy conversation."

Ryker quickly made her way to the soldiers' quarters, brought a thick small clothes and ran to the nearest wooden bathroom, her heart racing with anxiety. She locked the door behind her and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. She brought out the thick small clothel and folded it, using it to hold the flow and quickly cleaned herself up, wincing in pain as she wiped away the emerald blood and cleaned her stained clothes.

Just as she was finishing up, she heard the sound of footsteps outside the bathroom door. "Ryker, the king demands your presence!" one of the other bodyguards, who had seen her running into the bathroom, called out.

Ryker's heart sank. She wasn't ready to face the king yet, but she knew she had no choice. She took a deep breath, steadying herself, and opened the door.

"Yes, I'm coming," she said, trying to sound confident.

She confidently walked in to the royal court, her heart pounding in her chest. The king was seated on his throne, his ministers gathered around him.

"Ah, Ryker," the king said, his voice stern. "I hear you've been injured. What happened?"

Ryker hesitated, trying to come up with a better convincing lie than what she told the prince earlier. "It was just a minor accident, your majesty," she said. "I was training with the other guards and I slipped and fell. It's nothing serious."

The king raised an eyebrow. "I see. And why did you not report this to me immediately?"

Ryker thought quickly. "I didn't want to disturb you, your majesty. I knew you were busy with more important matters."

The king nodded, seeming to accept her explanation. "Very well. But next time, report any injuries to me immediately. Do you understand?"

Ryker nodded, relief washing over her. "Yes, your majesty. I understand."

The king turned to one of his ministers. "I need someone to deliver a message to the neighboring kingdom. Ryker, you will go."

Ryker's heart sank. She didn't want to leave the king's side, not now when she was so close to completing her mission. But she knew she had no choice.

"Yes, your majesty," she said, trying to sound eager. "I'll leave immediately."

The king nodded, dismissing her. Ryker bowed and turned to leave, her mind racing with thoughts of how she was going to get out of this one.

Ryker, knowing that her feminine voice could give away her true identity, had been working on deepening her voice to sound more masculine. She had been practicing speaking in a lower tone, trying to mimic the way men spoke.

As she addressed the king and his ministers, she made sure to use her newfound deep voice, hoping that it would convince them of her masculinity. She also tried to use more masculine mannerisms, such as standing up straight and using gestures that were more typical of men.

It seemed to be working, as no one suspected that she was actually a woman. The king and his ministers looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and respect, but none of them questioned her gender.

Ryker let out a sigh of relief as she left the royal court, her mission still intact. She knew that she had to continue to be careful, but for now, she had managed to keep her secret safe.

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