
Crescent Moon: Ancient Prophecy

But as the ages passed, the gods' harmony was disrupted. Their rivalries and conflicts began to shape the world, and their powers, once balanced, now clashed. The land suffered, and the Kaleeki's magic began to wane. Terra, the guardian of balance, recognized the danger and took drastic measures. With a heavy heart, he chained the gods' powers, imprisoning them as stars in the sky. The world of Eridoria was forever changed. Terra, in his wisdom, foresaw a future where the balance would be restored. He prophesied that a child, born under the crescent moon, would wield the four powers of the gods. This child, named Ava, would be the key to unlocking the gods' chains and restoring harmony to the land. The prophecy was written on a sacred scroll, hidden in an ancient cave, and guarded by the priests of the Sanian caste. Centuries passed, and the prophecy was all but forgotten. But the oldest member of the Sanian caste, a wise and venerable Kaleeki named Kaelin Darkhaven, stumbled upon the ancient scroll while exploring the depths of the cave. As he unrolled the parchment, the words of Terra shone with a faint, otherworldly light. Kaelin knew that he had uncovered something momentous and hastened to share the prophecy with King Arin II. The king, intrigued by the prophecy, called upon his advisors and the leaders of the Kaleeki castes to convene in the great hall of the palace. Kaelin Darkhaven presented the scroll, and the assembly listened in awe as the prophecy was read aloud. The words spoke of Ava, a child born of a barren mother, who would wield the powers of the four gods and restore balance to the world. The assembly was divided, some doubting the prophecy's validity, while others saw it as a beacon of hope. King Arin II, however, was resolute. He decreed that the prophecy be spread throughout the land, and that the people of Eridoria prepare for the coming of Ava, the chosen one. And so, the kingdom awaited the arrival of the child who would bring harmony back to the world.

Daoist6QbrvM · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Night of Consummation

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the palace, Queen Lili and King Erian continued their conversation, lost in the ease of each other's company. The maids, Susan and Emma, discreetly returned, bearing trays laden with steaming dishes and golden goblets of wine. They set the food upon a ornate table, adorned with fine linens and sparkling silverware, and withdrew with a graceful curtsy.

"Shall we dine, my queen?" King Erian asked, his eyes sparkling with warmth as he gestured to the sumptuous spread before them.

Queen Lili smiled, her lips curling upwards in delight. "I am famished, my king. Let us indulge in this feast."

Together, they sat at the table, their plates filled with roasted meats, steaming vegetables, and other meals. They ate with relish, their conversation flowing like the wine they sipped. The maids returned, bearing away the empty plates and replacing them with an assortment of sweet treats and savory snacks from the royal kitchen.

As night descended, casting a velvety darkness over the palace, Queen Lili's personal maids, Susan and Emma, took the leave, leaving the royal couple to their privacy. The queen and king lounged upon plush couches, surrounded by the soft glow of candles and the sweet scent of roses.

"I am so glad we have this time together, my king," Queen Lili said, her voice husky with emotion. "It feels like an eternity since we last shared a quiet evening alone."

King Erian's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled. "I know, my dear. Duty and state affairs often keep us apart, but in moments like these, I am reminded of the love that binds us."

As they sat together, savoring the sweet treats and each other's company, King Erian's gaze locked onto Queen Lili's, his eyes burning with adoration. He set his plate aside, his movements slow and deliberate, and leaned in closer to her.

Lili's heart skipped a beat as the king's face drew nearer, his breath whispering against her skin. She felt her eyes widen in anticipation, her lips parting slightly as his mouth claimed hers in a tender kiss.

The king's hands traced the curves of her robes, his fingers deftly loosening the ties that bound them. The fabric slid away, revealing the soft glow of her skin in the candlelight.

And then, he paused, his eyes locked onto hers, the king's whispered request hung in the air: 'May I, my queen?'

Lili's response was barely audible, her voice caught in her throat: 'Yes...yes, my king.'

With reverent fingers, the king freed her from her garments, revealing her radiant beauty. Lili's heart raced, yet she remained still, surrendering to his tender touch. The king's hands traced her skin, from her shoulders to her lips, which he claimed with a deep, passionate kiss. His caress wandered, exploring every curve, his fingers grazing her breast, sending shivers down her spine. As they shed their robes, their love became one, their consummation a sweet, sweet surrender.

The next morning dawned, casting a golden glow upon the royal chambers. Lili and the king lay entwined, their bodies still wrapped in each other's embrace. The air was filled with the sweet scent of love and the soft whispers of satisfied sighs. As they stirred, their eyes met, and they exchanged gentle smiles.

The king's fingers traced Lili's cheek, and she nestled into his touch, her heart still aglow.

'My queen,' he whispered, his voice husky with emotion. 'My king,' she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. They lingered in bed, savoring the warmth of their love, the world outside fading into insignificance. The morning light danced across their faces, illuminating the joy and contentment that radiated from their very pores.

As they basked in the warmth of their love, their conversation flowed like a gentle brook, filled with laughter and sweet nothings. But eventually, the king reluctantly threw off the covers, his muscular form rising from the bed like a sun god ascending from the horizon.

Lili's eyes widened, her cheeks flushing with a tender blush. She remembered the glimpse she had caught of him at the Crystal Cove, when she was still a commoner, peeking through the palace walls. The memory only added to her present delight. With a playful smile, she turned onto her side, hiding her face behind the bed covers.

The king chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and reached for his robe, his movements graceful and fluid. 'Modest now, my queen?' he teased, his voice low and husky.

Lili's muffled laughter was her only response, her heart still racing from the sight of his majestic body.

The king's robes rustled as he sat beside her, his gentle kiss on her cheek a tender greeting. Lili's heart skipped a beat as she turned to face him, their lips meeting in a deep, passionate kiss.

As they broke apart, the king's eyes searched hers, his voice low and concerned. 'Did I hurt you last night, my queen?'

Lili's response was barely audible, her cheeks flushing anew. 'No, my king.' But her gaze drifted to the bed, where the sheets were stained with the evidence of her lost innocence.

Her voice dropped to a whisper. 'But what about...this? The blood?'

The king's eyes followed hers, and he smiled softly. 'Ah, my queen,' he whispered, his fingers tracing her cheek, 'that is but a symbol of our love, a reminder of the gift you gave me last night. We shall wash it away, and it shall be as if it never was.' His words were gentle, reassuring, and Lili's heart swelled with love for her king.

With a majestic grace, the king rose from the bed, his robes fluttering around him like a dark cloud. Lili's heart swelled with love and longing as she watched him leave, her eyes drinking in the sight of his powerful form. The door closed behind him with a soft click, and she felt a pang of loneliness, missing his warm embrace.

She threw off the covers, wrapping the bed sheets around her naked body, and padded into the bathroom.

The maids were waiting, bowing low as they greeted her. 'Your Highness, we've brought water to wash your feet.'

But Lili was already hidden from view, her voice calling out from behind the bathroom. 'Please, bring me a new robe. I...I need to dress.'

The maids exchanged knowing glances, their eyes flicking to the bed, where the telltale stains of blood were visible. They curtsied, their faces discreet, and hastened to obey her request. 'Yes, Your Highness,' they chimed in unison, their voices barely above a whisper. 'We shall bring it forthwith.'

Lili emerged from the bathroom, her new robe draped gracefully around her, and her maids assisted her in dressing, their hands gentle and reverent. They knew, without a word being spoken, that their queen had been consummated, and a soft smile played on their lips as they gazed upon her radiant face.

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