
Chapter fifty-one

Once they left the bathroom, on their way to their bathroom, Minho froze in place.

"What's up, Minnie?"

"He let him in."

Before Minho picked up his pace again, Jisung launched forward, aiming straight for the living room.

Wearing nothing more than the towel around his waist, he stormed in, slamming the door open. Minho rushed up behind him grabbing his wrist before Jisung could set another step.

They met Felix sitting on the couch and Changbin on the chair opposite him. Both with severe looks on their faces. 

As they divert their eyes on the two boys in the door opening, Minho's ears start turning red. Slowly the look on Felix's face makes place for a smirk, "Hey boys," he smiles sweetly.

"don't 'hey boys' me!" Jisung yells as he tries to get out of Minho's grip. As he tries to keep walking the older boy only tightens the grip on his arm. 

Jisung tries to shake and yank it off, but Minho fights back. 

This ends in a stupid-looking fight in which neither of the two parties tries to hurt the other. Minho ends up lifting Jisung a little up as he tightly hugs the opposing boy so he can't run away. Even though he still tries while he's lifted.

Changbin sniggers at this sight.

"Ay! Are you laughing at my boyfriend?!" Minho calls out. 

"Yeah! Are you laughing at his boyfriend?!" Jisung agrees, halting his struggle.

This only makes them look funnier.

Both boys are in only a towel around their waists, one tightly hugging the other, who's dangling above the ground.

Felix starts laughing too. 

"Lix?!" Jisung exclaims, hurt.

"I'm sorry it's just," he says between laughter, "you're both looking ridiculous."

Jisung slumps in while still in Minho's hold. With a pouty lip, he answers, "Well, thank you. Next time I won't care if shit happens to you or not."

As he tries to turn around in Minho's hold, Minho whispers, "I wouldn't. No pants."

Jisung looks down. In the rage, he totally forgot in what state he and his loved one were. "Let me down," he communicates to Minho, who slowly puts him down, still hugging him.

"So, mind telling us why he's here?" Minho scoffs.

"I let him in."

"Yeah, obviously. We didn't grant him entrance, so obviously you did," Jisung snaps back, "Now. Why?"

"I-" Felix his voice got lost somewhere in the space between his mouth and the boys's ears.

"Wow," Jisung sighs with a clack of his tongue, "You couldn't help it, could you?"

Felix sighs, after an apological smile towards Changbin he gets up and drags Jisung away from Minho's loving hands and into their bedroom.

After closing the door, Felix drops down onto his bed and lies down. Jisung remains standing, arms crossed. Felix looks up at his best friend, "Shouldn't you get dressed?"

"Shouldn't you tell me what happened while I was showering?"

"Yeah, showering my ass. You know I'm a werewolf too right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jisung shrugs.

"Oh, my bad, let me help you freshen up your memories."


"I don't know what? Where should I start? The sounds of only kissing or the sounds getting louder? Maybe the clapping? Oh or the mo-"

"OkAY," Jisung yells, interrupting his bestie.

"I get it, Lix," he sighs.



"You and our roomie?"

"You and our teacher?"


Jisung laughs at this, "Yeah, I think you were right that time you said I was falling in love."

"How is it?" Felix smiles.

"Is what?"

"Finding your mate before your alpha!" Felix yells as he tackles Jisung onto his bed.

When their laughter finally dies out Jisung looks guilty at Felix, "I really wanted to tell it, really! It's just...it felt weird...you were so fixated on this whole magical-mating-thing, and your mate was nowhere to be found after he practically raped you.

And then I didn't even need to find mine. He was there, right in front of me. Literally. Just waiting to be-"

"Now I'm the one interrupting you. I don't want to know what you did to that boy to get your scent printed into his blood," Felix says while waving his hands.

Jisung laughs again, "Don't worry, I wasn't planning on telling that. Not now," he adds with a wink, "SO, you smelled it?"

"Bruh? Obvi! I'm so stupid for thinking that scent was coming from you all the time. It was all so fucking clear and I just didn't fucking see it. It's almost as if he smells more like you than you do yourself!" Felix exaggerates with wide eyes.

"Yeah, sorry. I kinda went fast with that-" Jisung says while rubbing his neck, "Now? Will you finally say what that spoiled creature is doing inside our house?"

"He was wanting to explain why he didn't come to me before, you know..."

"Minho making him jealous?"

"Yeah," Felix sighs.

"And what was his excuse, Lix? Tell me it was at least good enough to be believable," Jisung comments while rolling his eyes.

"Something about him not being able to claim me?"

"Ah," Jisung breathes, "So, he did not come up with a good excuse."

Felix sighs once again, "I think it was legit, though, Ji."

"Yeah, sure," Jisung mocks.

"I'm serious. Something about this maybe getting him into problems from outside."

Jisung looks at Felix as if he just saw the supernatural. I mean, technically he did, but that's not the point. "How come that a WEREWOLF being his mate, will bring him in trouble? Wouldn't it make him safer at that?"

Felix shrugs, "I don't know. He didn't get into it that much. But he seemed sincere."

"Did he?" Jisung asks sceptically.

"He did," Felix answers, lost in thoughts, "Something about trying to reach out, but also not being able to? I don't know, he seemed to be pretty solemn. Kept repeating the same words constantly." Jisung hums.

"He seemed to have wanted to get closer, but also not? I don't know, I haven't talked much with him and he's already as disjointed as you are."

"Hey!" Jisung exclaims, hurt.

"Don't worry, I'm joking.

No one can be as disjointed as you are."


"Sorry not sorry," Felix laughs.

"So? Y'all talked it out or what?"

"I think...he was saying something about not assuming it would have such a big impact on him."

"He should've."



"Please, don't hold a grudge against him."

"I'll see. Maybe I will,

and maybe I will tell him about cringe-ass toddler you."

"Oh, you will?"

"Yes, maybe I will."

"Not before I tell Minho about cringe-ass teen you and his fantasies."

Jisung's eyes shot open wide, "No you won't!"

"Yes, maybe I will," Felix answers with a wink."

"Please don't tell him!"

"Why? Want to let him know through personal experience?"

"Felix," Jisung starts in a warning tone.

"Minho!" Felix calls out, to tease Jisung.

"Yes?" the older boy says while opening their bedroom door.

"W-when did you get here?"

"You fucking saw me opening the door just now, didn't you?"

"I did, sorry hyung."

Minho's eyes shift towards Jisung, "Why were you calling me, Felix?"


Jisung jumps up, "I think Minn-Minho needs to get dressed, come let's go, Lix," he says while pushing the boy out of their room. On his way, he's stopped by a hand around his wrist.

"I think I'm not the only one in a towel only."

"Nor the only one covered in bruises," Felix fake coughs, using this opportunity to slip out of the room, as the two look at each other. 

Damn, Felix thinks to himself, someone's tittie-obsessed.