
Crescent curse

In a world of super naturals where not everything is what it seems a prophecy child Nate Anderson later Nate Mason who spent his orphan life in the human realm and like all humans having no clue of the monsters that lurk in the dark, is burdened with the responsibility of being a teen alpha who will unite the fallen clans and stop the almost inevitable great hunt on the human species happening every millenia

Minette_Ansah · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Beginning

"So let me get this right, you are some prophecy ware-wolf alpha offspring who also is the heir to the Mason family inheritance because of the wolf paw mark on your chest"

"Like the actual billionaire Mason family Inheritance!!!!"

"Well that's what the fortune teller lady told me…"

I shakingly replied my best friend Mark.

​Mark and I had visited a fortune teller on our way back from school as he believed she could tell him more about his parents.

I could not tell for certain is she was real or a scam but what I know was I wasn't a believer in the supernatural.

"Lets just keep this between ourselves till we get a true hang of everything going on, plus ware-wolfs cant be real right?"

I asked Mark.

"Beats me, Its easier to believe in super man and alien life but ware-wolf and witches… now that's crazy"

"You think that explains the power bursts you have during sports and fights?"

"I think that's because of my constant work outs"

I replied Mark.

"Dude everyone knows you are a beast on the basketball court, work out or not"

"So what kind of super powers you think you going to have?"

"I could be your side kick, we could go around busting ass and beating up bad guys…."

Mark went on with his questions and assumptions

Just my luck I knew Mark was not going to let me have my way with the ware-wolf prediction, at this point his wild imaginations was the least of my worries,

I wonder how she knew about the paw shaped mark I have on my chest, well I guess I would ask her when next I'm there she seemed to know somethings about my parents.

Sister Martha at the orphanage never told me anything other than a strange man dropped me at the orphanage when I was a kid, spent my whole life trying to find out where I came from,

Other than the paw mark on my chest and the moon shaped pendant I had as a baby there is nothing I know about my past.

Well lets do a little recap.

My name is Nate, Nate Anderson

​I turn 18 in 5 months, grew up at the saint Paul and James orphanage and have 2 best friends Adele and Mark, growing up us as a kid was not the best of memories, from the teasing to the jokes to the bullying all we had was each other.

I got in to basket ball at age 10 when the coach saw me give a perfect shot from the other end of the court. I am a hacker a nerd and a comic geek, not the glasses and no social life kind of geek more like the keep to my self and avoid human interaction kind of person.

Mark is a complete goof head, tall dark long haired, muscle brain and complete workout junkie. Always lost in random thoughts and has the strangest of imaginations, he has always been like our big brother as he came to the orphanage some 2 years before we did, he may be a muscle head but he is the most loyal of people to have around.

He has the strangest of theories and he still believes sister Martha is an alien from Mars, that's a whole story for another chapter.

We don't know much about marks past as he never talks about it and neither does anyone else at the orphanage, without his permission we once went through his records and found out his parents ware archeological explorers who never returned from an expedition to an off shore island Kapurr which by the way is owned by the mason family along with all 47 islands surrounding the capital, basically the run the economy.

And the name Kapurr translates to "Demon Island" or "island of mystery" or "land of demi gods" depending on how good you look at it and which legend you believe in, it apparently is where the palm ready lady said I came from, how unbelievably messed up is that, well I for one am no believer.

Adele on the other hand is the more organized smart, coordinated, and the most logical one amongst us three more or less our mom and guide.

By age 7 she infiltrated the government database to cancel all taxes and bills levied on the orphanage which prevented them from locking us down.

By 9 she shut down the cities entire network and internet system to prevent a school crush from calling her, 3 months later she developed a machine to power the entire orphanage which runs using water steam and vegetable oil. By age 15 she had bagged 15 awards for intelligence and inventions,

I could go on and on for hours literally if I just have to explain her awards and stories. Last year she developed a device which tests the DNA and blood composition of a person and runs with the global population database and finds the best and closest family match and location of your closest family relatives.

Through this she has helped many orphaned kids from different orphanages across the capital connect with their closest family and loved once, she also received a contract from the city police for her device to be used for finding missing persons, with an award from the mayor giving her access to any part of the city without restriction.

Though she fears to face it but her DNA sample shows she has Cameroonian ancestry and she has the location of her closest relative but fears his reaction towards her existence so doesn't want to face him.

If you haven't guessed by now my test came up with no results which is the first and Adele thinks its probably a programming error, well I have kind of given up on that.

​Oh did I mention we three steal from the corrupt and rich to help feed homeless kids in our orphanage and other shelters across the city, we call ourselves the Robin Hood society after the famous Robin hood legend, no one knows who we really are and we rather keep things that way.

​What is it!?

Don't judge us, I never mentioned we where saints or anything you just assumed

Because as you may later find out not everything is at it seems here in South City!.