
Who are you?

Arihan knew the risk he was taking by going to the secret village of the Anka that wasn't known to the maximum of the people of Anka. Hence he had to be so alert as if he was having eyes and ears all over his body.

Each step inside the beautiful village was like a test of his nerves. Any second, any movement could happen anything. Nobody knew how strong, smart, and developed this village and the villagers were.

He held his breath to avoid the sound of his breathing distracting his attention. Suddenly he heard the sharp and thin metal whistle cutting through the air.

Arihan immediately spread his arms and a gush of wind swirled around him, blocking the spears, stars, and blades caught by the wind.

Arihan knew as soon as he stopped the wind around, the attack would be fiercer and more people would join. The worst part was he had no idea how many were there. He had an option of going back but he wasn't going to give up so easily.