
Chapter 6th - Nightmare in medley(2)

I make to the second half of torturing game Graven hosted.

...My body's still ached all over from the tortures earlier, It was damn f--king hurt, the stitches and dyed stains is still visible on my cloth, but Graven...He stop at nothing, I think this is how rag doll fled,

The fact you can feel every pains of being toss around but can't fight back...

I open my eye to see I was falling, look like what he said about he can control dreamscape of mine to his will is close to be true, its shifting again.

few second later I dropped on my knee on an oversized old era typewriter machine, with metal collar wrapped around my neck and Graven, the man that look like me but with blood red, torn-looking overcoat stand, posing like musical conductor. But I see no one on those seats.

What was his torturing game I put on this time.

Graven raise the pole he holding, then something happen...

The cheering begun to be heard, I was pull by the collar on my neck, it force me to stand on typewriter's keyboard... I nearly have no strength left but to keep the collar from choking me too soon.

He conducting the machine, typing the 'story' using my body with "Der Flohwalzer" played at the background song.

thinking back then, I use to be embarrassing in for of the class by pranksters for having a bad handwriting and spell the words incorrectly. don't tell me he---!.




"Off with his head."





"Free Fall."

"Cutting to pieces."

"Poisoned drinker."

"Sewing shut."

"Burned alive."

"Repeating deaths, suffering and nightmares."

"An endless cutout paper dolls."

"Whole family tree of 'Maker' endlessly regrow, fated to forever being cut down."

"Any words or sentences I can thinking of fill the paper...his screams fill the hall"

"Since the first time I was 'born' and starting my job, I have fun watching them died in their sleep over and over, yet they can't died permanently during to my power..."

"Of course, its obvious, [Ultimate Macaulay] like Jasper can't died even if he wanted to."

"He, and his daddy and his mommy, and his whole family tree...they are fated to forever repeat their deaths endlessly, never be in peace.

At least Jasper is a toy who isn't...boring, I could "played" with him all night long but the night is about to over."

"unlike his "father", he isn't a type to giving up so easily."

"He's in need for inspiration for his novels, so why should I stop?"

"Anyway I swing my baton randomly, the song are getting faster and begun played out of tune."

"Jasper's face turn white pale but still breathing, but then the cheering start to turn into scream of horror...I can't understand them, this kind of reaction never happen before. something's wrong?"

Something wrong?


"Just then...I later found out the rope was snapped."

"When I looking for mister Jasper, I found him run toward the door and close it shut."

"Guess its the morning...The show's over, for now"

"After all, I am HIS Novel's Inspiration, Mister Jasper..."

"If you reading this, the next you dream of me, I will try to see why you don't give up on inspiration since you have to suffer to achieve it...hehehe ;P"

- Graven



you wait, you a$$.