

As soon as Zariah and Puppeteer left we all relaxed and let our guard down.

Well, the other's did I didn't I had a very bad feeling about all of this.

Ah! I forgot to introduce myself please forgive me, my readers!

My name is SkinTaker and I am one of the new creepypastas.

You could picture me as a regular creepypasta like Grinny I bet.

But no! You are wrong! I'm not normal.

I'll explain why in a riddle.

I'm not alive but I instead brive.

I don't have a heart but my whole body is a part.

I have eyes that make other's run.

No skin on me but I still dance the night away.

Skin is my name.

Take is what I slake.

What am I?

If you get the riddle right good for you!

If you don't get don't worry about it in the author's note the author will explain what that meant.

Now let's go back to our journey!

"May you stop looking at us like that!" snapped Rake at me.

"What do you expect? I find it odd that only Zara and Puppeteer were allowed to enter except for us" I replied.

"Such a drama queen" scoffed Jeff.

I threw daggers at him but my worries were telling me something.

This doesn't feel right...

After awhile Puppeteer came running to us in his ghost form.

"Wait why are you here? Where's Zara?" asked Masky alarmed.

"I-I'm sorry but this was a trick it was a mistake to go through the building Zara got attacked by Sonic.Exe and taken away I couldn't do anything for her because she was unconscious"

"I KNEW IT!" I exclaimed glaring at everyone.

"Not her" groaned Toby.

Masky's hands tightened into fists when he does that it means he's really REALLY angry.

"What are we going to do now? She's a goner!" said Zero biting her lip.

"We are not going to leave her to him," said Masky his voice low and dangerous.

"But we already lost Sonic.Exe! We are screwed!" said Grinny frowning.

"That doesn't matter I'm Slenderman's best proxy plus all of you guys have amazing abilities that need to be used more and the fight we will have with the mysterious he we will win" vowed Masky determined.

I nodded "I agree with Masky I also have the sensation that Tails Doll here might be able to bring Sonic.Exe back from the manipulation am I right?

"Yes I just need to do something Puppeteer you mentioned that you saw some kind of device Exe was wearing?" said TD.

"Mhm it was some kind of mind controller"

"Were they wearing it on their heads?"

"Hmm yes, they were!"

"What is your conclusion Tails Doll?" I asked curiously.

He was smiling in a scary way "I think the mysterious he may had used a chip device that when he puts it on his victim they are immobilized with no capability to fight back! With the victim in his control, he can speak for them and use their body as his own"

"Aha! That means?" said LJ confused.

TD rolled his eyes "It means that if we can break the device the victim's will be free from the mind manipulation Jack"

"OHH!" said LJ understanding what Tails Doll said.

"If we get in a fight with Ben, Smile, or Exe we can destroy the device and free them!" I said excitedly.

"That's a very good plan," said Masky.

"Um guys?" said Halloween.

We all turned around to look at her.

"Where is Candy Pop?" she asked.

"Oh shoot," said Jason.

"He's right here," said Bloody Painter dragging Candy Pop towards us.

"Where do you think you were going?" asked Masky.

Candy Pop didn't say anything.

"Why don't you tell them the truth huh Candy Pop?" said Bloody Painter angrily.

"What in the name of Slender are you talking about?" I asked frowning.

"I...I tricked you guys" said Candy Pop looking at the dirt.

"I'm not that surprised," said Lost Silver.

"And I helped the traitor of your group to transform Sonic.Exe ad the others"

"WHAT! YOU KNOW THE TRAITOR?!" exploded Puppeteer.

Candy Pop nodded guiltily.

"Now that we know who is helping the traitor you have no choice but to tell us who it is," said Masky his face stone hard.

"I can't tell you that," said Candy Pop shaking his head.

"Unless you want your death already," said Jeff a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Candy Pop swallowed "You wouldn't kill me would you?"

"We actually would you have either me or Jeff to kill you," I said smirking.

Candy Pop's eyes widened at my sight, believe me, I am scary I could give a small child nightmare's for eternity.

"Okay! I'll tell you it's... Jane"

We all looked at each other in shock but I quickly stole a glance at Jeff.

His knife fell on the ground.

"J-Jane?" he stammered.

"I'm sorry Jeff but that's true your girlfriend is helping our leader," said Candy Pop sighing.

Jeff let out an angry yell and grabbed his knife which he aimed at Candy Pop.

I ran up to him "Wait no Jeff we can't kill him!"

"Move out of my damn way SkinTaker" said Jeff in a warning tone.

"I don't care if you try to kill me for I won't feel pain but we need Candy Pop alive to tell us more about his leader to be able to defeat him I also believe Jane has a reason to be doing this" I explained calmly.

He paused and thought for a moment.

"Fine but I'm not letting him out of my sight" growled Jeff.

"So guys we have a plan to get Zara back and our friends we all can do this if we work together who's with me?" said Masky.

"WE ALL ARE WITH YOU!" we all yelled.

"Excellent" smiled Masky.

Well look how time passes by! It was an honor to do my point of view with you readers.

I can imagine how much difficulty you readers will have trying to figure out what I am.

Good luck and always remember:

"You are beneath me, and it shows!"