
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it.

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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102 Chs

Vision's Informant

[Nightfiend Blade]

[Type: Scalpel]

[Quality: Legend]

[Special Effect: Never dulls]

[Description: A steadfast scalpel, though at half a meter in length. It seems better suited for slashing rather than surgeries. Nevertheless, intricate blade skills often manifest in detailed surgeries. It's said that at night, its sharpness intensifies...]

Three high-quality special items! Coupled with a generous amount of skull coins and experience! Without a doubt, the tasks of tonight have more than compensated for yesterday's losses, revitalizing Lynne greatly. He had also reached Level 10. Once this situation was resolved, he could consider a new profession. All in all, things were looking up.

Lynne did not claim his rewards immediately but temporarily stored them in the system's integrated storage space.

"It's all taken care of."

Blood-clad Evil Spirit, with furrowed brows, said, "From the looks of it, this was just a scouting party sent to investigate. You've likely provoked a sizable organization. If you don't come up with a plan soon, I fear greater calamities will befall you in the coming days."

After the incidents of both yesterday and today, Blood-clad Evil Spirit had come to realize the gravity of the situation.

In this Dark World, if one were to speak of an organization dedicated to researching top-tier bio-weapons, the Demonfolk Association would be unparalleled.

They were experts at melding machinery with flesh, an anomaly in the entirety of the Dark World.

"How did you manage to offend such an organization?" Blood-clad Evil Spirit, eyes narrowed, looked towards Lynne and said: "You've rarely left Wandering Soul Lane. How did you cross paths with such a group? Did you, perchance, fail in treating someone, garnering this resentment?"

Lynne calmly shook his head, "It probably has to do with an encounter my mentor had. I've yet to get in touch with him, so the specifics elude me." But regardless, he had safely made it through another sleepless night.

"We should clean up this battlefield and not linger. If we draw the attention of other creatures now, the risk would outweigh the gain!"



Over half an hour later. At Bloodsaw Potion Shop.

"It's getting late. I don't think anything else will come up today. You should head back and rest, miss."

Blood-clad Evil Spirit nodded, cradling the child, and said, "Yes, if you encounter any insurmountable issues, remember to contact me right away. Let's leave the curse with me for the next few days. Once we've sorted out this crisis, you can then treat me."

With that, Blood-clad Evil Spirit reached out, affectionately ruffling Lynne's hair with a smile. Holding her child, she turned and left the Bloodsaw Potion Shop.

It must be said, though this lady might seem mad, after the events of these two days, it became apparent that she was, in fact, a very reliable spirit.

Lynne didn't linger. He quickly shut the main door, headed to the guestroom in the backyard, and lay on the bed with his eyes closed.

Today had indeed been fraught with peril. Though not as terrifying as yesterday, the transformation of the hunter had certainly caught his attention. He was certain that the one controlling that hunter had to be an insider of the Demonfolk Association.

This meant the current peace was merely the calm before the storm. If he didn't find a solution soon, he'd undoubtedly face even more terrifying attacks in the coming days.

"I must find a way to contact my mentor or perhaps Little," Lynne resolved.

No longer feeling sleepy, he closed his eyes and commanded, "System, enter Vision World!"

[Ding! Skull Coin -500]

In an instant, accompanied by a profound sense of disorientation and detachment, Lynne's consciousness abruptly separated from his body. The next moment, he found himself in the familiar ethereal plaza. Above him, the massive eye remained, unchanging and eternal in its gaze. Upon entering, a barrage of information assailed his ears.

[Area Info Share: Following yesterday's incident, Wandering Soul Lane has once again experienced a high-intensity monster invasion. The invader is suspected to be the Demonfolk Association's cutting-edge bio-weapon. Residents of Wandering Soul Lane are advised to remain indoors to avoid any potential harm!]

[Area Info Share: Real-time intel update - The conflict in Wandering Soul Lane has concluded. One of the participants is believed to be the famed Evil Spirit Queen. The other participant is suspected to be the somewhat renowned apprentice of the Bloodsaw Potion Shop in Wandering Soul Lane. Click to play: Skull Coin 30.]

Lynne's eyes widened. The news had leaked onto Vision World so quickly?! And there was even a bloody video. Were there others on the street at the time?

Lynne quickly clicked to play.

[Skull Coin-30]

Instantly, a scene enshrouded in dark mist materialized before Lynne. The figures on screen were unmistakably the three spider-bodied hunters with human faces that they had dealt with just a short while ago. And then, in the very next frame, Lynne saw his own astonishingly handsome face come into view.

The footage began mid-battle, precisely when he had installed the Cursed Pupil and started his counterattack against the hunter. The on-screen count showed that 2,000 viewers were watching live. And above the video feed, a stream of comments raced by.

"It's that doctor!! I recognize him!! Holy hell, is he really that powerful?!"

"He's so hot! Would smash!"

"No wonder when I passed by the shop today, it looked all beaten up. I thought someone had finally trashed the place. But considering this, could it be the doctor who took part in yesterday's fight too?"

"Would smash x2"

"This is insane! I always assumed he was just a harmless apprentice. I had no idea Wandering Soul Lane had such an awesome dude lurking around!"

"I get it now! I used to think that human survived here because he was under the protection of that crazy old Bloodsaw. But now, it's clear he's quite the powerhouse on his own!"

"Would smash x3"

The comments kept pouring in, one after another.

Among the viewers were residents of Wandering Soul Lane and spirits from other areas within the same region. Many were asking about the identities of those in the video, and the viewer count quickly shot up to 3,000. This meant, just from this one piece of intel, the informant had raked in at least 90k skull coins.

What an insanely profitable gig! But this revelation left Lynne deeply puzzled. During the battle, he hadn't noticed any other beings around them. If he didn't notice, perhaps one could argue it was due to his limited strength. But neither Left Hand nor Blood-clad Evil Spirit had sensed anything amiss, which indicated a deeper issue.

Lynne pondered. Clearly, this informant was deeply rooted in Vision World, belonging to a particularly capable class of beings. Information sharing was likely one of its primary operations. Considering that perhaps he could approach this being for a method to swiftly establish contact with specific targets.

Lynne quickly pulled up the shared information to find the name of the creature responsible for the post in Vision World.

He clicked.

[Information Broker 024]

[Identity: Information Merchant]

[Message: Shares and sells intel from various regions of the Dark World. If you're in focus → can initiate transmission.]