
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it.

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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113 Chs

No! I Can't Believe It Myself

The ghost woman stood there, listlessly. She realized there was absolutely no way to refute his analogy, for he wasn't a normal person. He was a pervert who could get excited even in the presence of a terrifying ghost like her!

Lynne adjusted his monocle and shook his head, saying: "Madam, at this point, I must have a word with you. A child is a piece of oneself; even if she were the most twisted and grotesque, she would still be your child! Moreover..."

Lynne, holding the adorable child in his arms, earnestly added: "She is so very cute!"

The ghost woman stared at him angrily, her sharp claws clenching with a cracking sound. "Stop the nonsense! Had she been born normally, my child would never have looked like this! You must have tampered with her!"

With a sweep of his hand, Lynne seriously replied: "Let's set that matter aside for now. I ask you, do you really prefer your child to be a monstrous ghost, a twisted creature covered in tentacles?"

The ghost woman was taken aback. Seeing the change in the ghost woman's expression, Lynne immediately seized this breakthrough point. Without giving the ghost woman a chance to react, he pressed on: "Do you think you'd prefer an evil being that attacks you on sight, or a sensible and endearing child who sweetly calls you mommy?"

Lynne lightly flicked the tiny beast ears of the cute child in his arms.

"Mommy~" The cute child immediately called out.

At once, the ghost woman shivered all over, a hint of confusion emerging in her malicious eyes.

[Soothing Experience +1]

[Soothing Experience +1]

Lynne calmly looked at her and said, "Moreover, if I'm not mistaken, you actually yearn deep within your heart to have a child with such a pure appearance and soul, don't you?"

At these words, the ghost woman instantly became furious, retorting: "Save your breath, I will just…"

[Ding! Crisis Level 81%]

[Ding! Crisis Level 91%]

Lynne flicked the tiny ears of the child in his embrace.

"Yada~~" The cute child (๑>︶<)و wiggled her tail.

Propping up—

The ghost woman shuddered, and the murderous intent that had just risen was immediately suppressed by this cute sound.

[Ding! Crisis Level -10%]

[Ding! Crisis Level -10%]

Lynne earnestly said, "In your heart, you actually agree with what I've said, don't you?"

"You're full of it!" The ghost woman's tentacles flailed wildly as she glared angrily at Lynne.

"Let's talk about who's spouting nonsense."

With a sweeping gesture, Lynne's monocle refracted a wise light.

"You can't fool me, Madam. Haven't you noticed? When you are in human form, every move is exceptionally confident, especially your eyes, they are filled with the charm of a mature woman. That feeling can't be faked. You actually desire to truly possess such a perfect body and face, don't you?"

The ghost woman subconsciously shuddered. It was as if some secrets, hidden deep and too embarrassing to mention, were suddenly exposed. Her face instantly showed an expression of embarrassed anger.

"Don't rush to anger!" Lynne extended his hand, his expression serious: "It's only human nature, not something to be ashamed of. Moreover, aren't you aware? This is the Dark World, where humans are few and far between. If you say you've become so beautiful just to enchant others, don't you think… Apart from enchanting me, there's no place for your beauty to be of use?"

The ghost woman stood there, motionless. Clearly, every word of Lynne's was like a sharp sword, piercing directly into the softest part of her heart. Because Lynne was indeed right.

"Of course, we'll leave aside the fact that both your faces can enchant me," Adjusting his monocle, Lynne solemnly said: "Madam, although you might indeed be a malevolent spirit, I believe that a malevolent spirit who pursues beauty can't be wicked, and you are absolutely not the broken and evil monster you claim to be."

[Crisis Level 41%]

[Crisis Level 31%]

[Crisis Level 20%]

The ghost woman stood there, stupefied, her wildly surging tentacles gradually calming. Because no one had ever spoken to her in such a manner before. No one ever believed she wasn't an evil spirit…

"For example, in my eyes, you are exceedingly beautiful, not just in appearance, but also the maternal radiance you emit from within, that soulful charm which is more human than I!"

Lynne spoke earnestly and seriously: "Don't you understand yet? The fragment of the evil spirit you shed was able to hatch such a sweet and cute child, doesn't this… Doesn't this prove the truth, goodness, and beauty within your heart?!"

With the last few words, Lynne's voice abruptly rose, seemingly filled with a heart-stirring power.

[Ding! Crisis Level reduced to 5%]

[Ding! Crisis Level reduced to 0%]

[Ding! The Blood-clad Evil Spirit's Favorability for you +10]

The ghost woman opened her mouth and stood there, dumbfounded. For a moment, she felt as if she… might be a bit beautiful…

Seeing the ghost woman in front of him becoming mentally shaken, Lynne pressed his advantage, seriously saying: "Consider your child, think about it, why are the other evil spirits born twisted and broken, yet only she possesses such a cute face, such pure eyes… Do you think, by being a mere human, I really have the ability to transform an evil spirit you claim is broken into such a cute and wonderful child?"

"No!" Lynne waved his hand and shouted: "I don't even believe it myself!"

[Speech Experience +1]

[Persuasion Skill +1]

[Eloquence Experience +1]

The ghost woman moved her lips and stood there, stupefied, unable to interject a word. Because every word he said was indeed reasonable.

"Um… well…"

Lynne suddenly turned his head, seriously adjusting his monocle, and spoke in a deep, masculine voice: "So! Cherish it, beautiful lady! This child is the most precious gift that heaven has given you. Such a cute child, who in this world really would not like?!"

Lynne flicked the little spirit baby's petite animal ear.

"Ya-da~~" Ghost baby (๑>︶<)و .



It was silent all around.

The ghost woman stood there stupefied, subconsciously extending a tentacle, and clapped rigidly twice. In fact, she didn't know why she wanted to applaud, it just felt like the atmosphere reached that point, and she couldn't help but want to clap.

Lynne cleared his throat and earnestly said: "What do you think?"

The ghost woman shuddered, her gaze trying to dodge something in some panic.

"Um… It seems… seems to make some sense…"

[Ding! Congratulations on completing the task: Survive. You have received the reward: Skull Coin 500, Experience +200, Special Reward: Infectious Aura x1]

[Ding! Congratulations on completing the task: Evil Spirit Mother. You have received the reward: Skull Coin x300, Experience +100, Blood-Clad Evil Spirit's Favorability +50]

[Ding! You have achieved: Impromptu Speaker]

[Impromptu Speaker (Achievement): In an impromptu speech, you successfully persuaded a high-level female creature with malicious intent towards you, you receive a permanent bonus: Persuasion success rate +1%, Female Favorability permanently +1]