
Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific

[This world is steeped in mystique.] [Vampires, werewolves, technology, magical potions, ghosts, bioengineered beings, divination, and puppets; every terrifying element you could conceive of, exists in this world.] [One must carry a lantern when stepping outside.] [One must never wander far.] [Ten meters beyond the gates, darkness will consume you.] [Whether attending to humans, ghosts, or stitched monsters, one must maintain composure at all times.] [Should you ever lose your composure, it will give rise to malicious intent.] This is the translation of the Chinese novel "Creepy Pharmacist: All My Patients Are Horrific". It's a horror comedy with more comedy than horror. I hope you enjoy it.

Fish9527 · Book&Literature
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100 Chs

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With a slick sound, the tentacle wound its way stealthily, and under Lynne's watchful gaze, it slid into the helmet of the dumbfounded fairy. Gradually, it crept through the helmet's crevices, sneaking further into the armor.

"Yada! (*≧▽≦) No touching my neck! It tickles! Wait, why is it sneaking into my clothes? No!"

[Ding! Yoyo's Favorability for you +10]

Lynne's expression froze. "Um... you might want to open your eyes and see for yourself..."

Yoyo (๑>︶<๑) opened her eyes , instantly noticing Lynne, who was stiffly standing two meters away. "Huh? Doctor, why are you so far away?"

Lynne replied stiffly, "I've always been here."

A moment of realization dawned upon Yoyo as she felt the tickling sensation around her neck. She instinctively turned her gaze to the side of her helmet.



The world seemed to buzz around her.

[Sanity -30!]

[Sanity -30!]


The next moment, a deafening scream pierced through the entirety of Wandering Soul Lane.


Inside the operating room, Yoyo rolled frantically on the operating table, exclaiming in horror, (ΩДΩ): "Tentacles! Why do I have tentacles on me?! Help! These strange tentacles are touching me!"

"Stay still! I'll help you!"

Witnessing the scene, Lynne dashed forward without hesitation, (〝▼皿▼) swiftly grabbing the base of the tentacle.

"Help! It's so slippery! It's trying to sneak in! Sneak in?! Where is it going?! Into the hollow parts koli!"


With a determination in his eyes, Lynne quickly pinned her down, mustering all his strength to grab the base of the tentacle. Gritting his teeth, he struggled to pull it out from her helmet.

Slick, slick—

The tentacle writhed uncontrollably in Lynne's grasp. Its slime splattered everywhere. Yoyo sanity plummeted as she clutched her helmet, screaming in horror: "It grew from me! It actually sprouted from my shoulder!"

"Hold still!"

Lynne (`皿′)ノ picked up a razor from the side and pinned the tentacle down on the operating table. With one swift motion, he sliced it. With a wet thud, the tentacle fell limply beneath the table.

Yoyo exclaimed, "(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)!!"

Lynne stomped on the tentacle repeatedly, smashing it to a pulp. Still in shock, Yoyo clung to Lynne's chest, trembling as she gazed at the twitching remnant of the tentacle.

"What just happened?!"

Lynne pondered, "It seems to be a minor side effect of the potion."

"Side... effect..." Yoyo echoed in disbelief.

Lynne closed his eyes, saying, "Indeed, as you know, the more potent the potion, the stranger its side effects. If such a powerful regenerative potion can help you regrow a lost limb, it's entirely expected that it might cause some...additional growths. It's a natural occurrence."

"Natural?" Yoyo echoed in bewilderment. "Natural my foot!"

Frustration evident in her eyes, she (ΩДΩ) quickly pulled out her miniature sword from her belt, brandishing it menacingly at Lynne.

"Have you ever seen a potion that just randomly makes you sprout weird tentacles? This isn't healing! It's mutation! Today it's a strange tentacle, but what if something even weirder grows next time? I've mutated koli!"

Tears streamed down her face as she shakily threatened Lynne with her blade. The small sword hissed threateningly through the air.

[Black Moth Fairy's Sanity -10]

[Black Moth Fairy's Sanity -10]

Lynne calmly reached out with two fingers, pushing aside the blade's sharp tip. Adjusting his monocle, he sternly said: "Don't be afraid. They say the rich rely on technology, and the poor on mutations. Although you're a wealthy fairy, an occasional mutation won't harm you. Besides," Lynne pointed at her arm, "your arm did regrow, right? Doesn't that prove the potion's efficacy?"

His face was the very picture of sincerity.

"But... but!" Yoyo stammered, "It's terrifying!"

[Black Moth Fairy's Sanity -10]

Lynne reassured her, "Don't be scared. I'm here with you. Just trust me. No matter what strange things might grow this time, I can cut them off for you. Believe in me."


A dazzling halo shimmered on the scalpel in Lynne's hand.

Holding her helmet, Yoyo hesitated, "Really?"

Lynne nodded earnestly, "Absolutely. Don't you want a healthy arm? A few mutations for the sake of a healthy body is a small price to pay, isn't it?"

Yoyo stared blankly. That... made sense. But why did she feel he had an ulterior motive?

"One... last time," she said with tearful eyes.

With a "ding," Lynne gave her a thumbs-up, praising her perseverance and determination. Under Yoyo's trembling gaze, a new potion was once again applied to the severed limb.

Moments ticked by. And then...

"A tail! I've grown a horrid tail! (ΩДΩ) Cut it off! Cut it off now!"


"I can feel it! Something's wriggling inside my clothes! It's another sticky tentacle! Chop it off, chop it off!"


"Ah! (ΩДΩ) Wings! New wings! Wait, these look pretty... maybe I can keep these..."


"Ah! (ΩДΩ) I said I wanted to keep them! Why did you cut them off?!"


After about fifteen minutes.

[Ding! Task completed: Arm Regeneration. You've earned 200 skull coins and 200 experience points.]

Yoyo lay there, trembling and dazed. Her fully regenerated arm twitched slightly. Beside her, a bucket was filled with strange limbs that had just been chopped off.

"How do you feel?" Lynne asked, helping her up.

Yoyo murmured, "I feel... as if strange things have grown all over me..."

"Don't worry; it's all an illusion. I've chopped off everything that shouldn't have grown."

Yoyo, struggling, raised her trembling hand, murmuring, "The potion cost money... But cutting off those strange things... that's free, right?"

"Well...It's a New Year's special offer: buy one chop, get one free!"