
Creepy maniac

The lord of Groovington a good looking handsome man and all.... but should a book be judged through it's appearance?? Sirius Donovan is a cruel vampire who could stoop as to kill a whole bunch of family to satisfy his taste, he was evil. He meets young Katherine when he was in a hurry to go on his midnight appointment. He had saved her from some group of men who were after her. Katherine was naive when she offered her hand for him to drink from. He had smelled it, the smell was alluring and addicting. Could he be the killer of the girl who had considered him a savior. Nightmare calls, he was her first Nightmare. This is a twisted love story of Katherine and the lord.

Anoh_JoyI · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 7

As the two creature walked through the hallway, one a vampire and the other human, the human admired the interior of the mansion while the other did the make a round at the mansion. It didn't take long before the two collide. the girl fell down at her backside while the Vampire stood unwavering staring at the young lady. His eyes narrowed thinking if he shouldn't have let her into his house.

" hey little girl what are you upto" he asked the girl. she didn't answer and just stared at him flapping her eyes innocently that he blamed himself for thinking an innocent looking girl like her could be a run girl. for a moment he taught she wasn't going to say a word till he saw her mouth move. " you look creepy with that costume" she said and his jaw fell at her change of topic. He gave a smile which didn't crinkle at the side of his eyes, which made him more creepy". Sirius iris changed from silver to dark red. " I was about to ask for a blood from one of my servants but you appeared, what should we do about that? " He questioned watching the girl at the floor widen her eyes. " you are a vampire " she confirmed. " yes I am, you didn't notice" he answered in amusement which he hid.

The young girl brought her hand forward. " no one have ever drink from me, you are the first " she said her hand still stretched towards him.

" what is your name young girl? " he asked intrigued by the girl braveness.

" my name is Katherine " her innocent voice said. she is too innocent he can tell.

"Katherine stand " Sirius ordered her. quickly the girl stood stretching her right hand for him to drink from. He inhaled her scent which smelled like the first rain during the rainy season. she smelled so fresh which made him want to just drink from her instead of declining her offer.

" Katherine can you bear it, not like it is going to be painful" he said to the girl his eyes hovering over her from his eyes. the girl nodded and he sighed in satisfaction, not like even with her refusal could stop him from drinking from her. His once anger from the peasant girl roaming around the mansion subsided.

Sirius took the younger girl's hand before slowly bringing it to his lips to drink from, just by the smell of it, he could sense his vampire instinct rise craving for it.

" Sirius what are you doing??? " The Lord of Groovington heard making him on guard as he pushed the girls hands away . he have not gotten to drink from her yet. He wouldn't want an eye to see him do it, what he has never done before, drinking from a peasant, drinking directly from a human as it will be belittling himself.

" what is that James" he asked, his eyes flickering from red to silver as it tried to change back it to it colour.

" if I never knew you I would have said you were trying to drink from her" He said his eyes moving to fall on the young girl who quickly looked down. " what is a girl like her doing here"

" James have you got the carriage ready, I wouldn't want to waste a single time" Sirius asked not answering his right hand man question as if he never heard him.

" yes all set, we have to be there early" James said to him, pushing the topic of the girl away. Sirius who was about to walk away stopped to turn to the girl. " Go back inside " he said walking away majestically .