
Creepy maniac

The lord of Groovington a good looking handsome man and all.... but should a book be judged through it's appearance?? Sirius Donovan is a cruel vampire who could stoop as to kill a whole bunch of family to satisfy his taste, he was evil. He meets young Katherine when he was in a hurry to go on his midnight appointment. He had saved her from some group of men who were after her. Katherine was naive when she offered her hand for him to drink from. He had smelled it, the smell was alluring and addicting. Could he be the killer of the girl who had considered him a savior. Nightmare calls, he was her first Nightmare. This is a twisted love story of Katherine and the lord.

Anoh_JoyI · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 77 Soiree

Katherine slept in the early morning, as she couldn't sleep last night but there was still no trace of him.


She quickly dressed up after waking up from her short oh to be called nap.

" We thought you weren't joining for the meal" Mr. Augustus said and she courtesied.

" Greetings Father, greetings mother, sorry for the late arrival " Katherine said with a smile before taking a seat. She didn't find Sirius in the seat. She reluctantly took a cutlery.

" Are you okay Katherine " Mrs Aubrey pointed out.

" Mother, have you seen Sirius " Katherine asked worriedly.

" Didn't you two sleep on the same mattress, Sirius never joins in family breakfast " Mrs, Aubrey said.

" uhm " I didn't know what to say and I think she caught on to it. Someone in the table bursted into laughter.

" Silly, so silly" Sylvia said.

" I don't want any of your tantrums here Sylvia " Mr. Augustus said shutting his daughter up.

" Ehm, Katherine there is an event always organized by the high society women, you need to start joining them, it will help you a lot in getting familiarise with faces....

Katherine had went to the event organized, it wasn't bored as she thought it would, in as much as the women their gossiped slowly about her being married to the lord it never kept some others from coming to talk to her just to be in her white list. The ladies wore a really expensive dress with their hair styled and many looked beautiful. When it ended it was announced that the women were invited to a soiree, she didn't wanted to go but she was swayed by the insistent and persistence of the elite ladies.

Katherine kept her self busy with holding a drink without any possible sip. Some ladies sat beside her who just even bad mouthed her behind her back. She felt nauseous in the heap of the elite society, she was the odd one there, beside the party was just for the vampires as they were the only ones she could sight. The soiree wasn't just meant for the ladies but along with the gentlemen also.

" Can I have a dance with the lovely wife of the Lord " A tall gentleman with bright red iris eyes threw his arm at her.

" Am sorry, am not really good at dancing " She said to the man. She have finally changed the word she said to the other men who also came to ask for her hand in dancing.

" It must be because of the drink, am late I think " he gave a charming smile.

" Do you really think you are more higher in status than any of us here, refusing a dozen of gentlemen honourably asking for your hand in dance or is it your original status where the Lord have picked you from that could not have their daughter well educated on waltz " A red haired lady said loudly in a red fury eyes while sipping through a blood wine. I ignored the lady but decided to sip through my drink.

" Miss Annabella!! " The gentleman called, he looked back at me. " You shouldn't have drank a lot of that, it's mainly for the vampires and a half glass cup of drink isn't even recommendable, if you will want a drink there should be for the humans. " The gentleman said totally ignoring the woman named Annabella.

" Thank you for your information, am really grateful" I said gritting on my teeth, the ladies beside me must have been waiting patiently for me to take a drink.

" I am Benjamin Simon " he introduced himself, he pulled a close chair. " You must have possibly heard of me " he said.

" Oh, yes I do " I nodded my head.

" With your permission, " he took the drink from me, a waiter was passing us so he dropped the drink at the tray. " Human drink" he ordered. The waiter offered him a golden liquid drink. '' Here milady" he offered.

" Thanks, that's nice of you Benjamin Simon " I said with a slight bow. I have been introduced to a few men in this circle as well he was the fourth person. The women sitting around Katherine boiled in anger and jealousy because of the attention she was getting, some even waited patiently for her to drink the liquid which will get her into misbehaving or passing out. Some men waited to have a night with the lady which will finally lead to the brink of doom of the Lord.

" Can I have this special name of yours '' he said. Anabella the red haired lady walked into their sight sitting at the handle of the chair Benjamin Simon was sitting, the lady have been having a soft spot for the gentleman.

" I don't think the handle is meant for sitting miss Annabella " He said moving his interest back to me. I think Annabella was a shameless woman, Single ladies did worster in the name of getting a partner. I think she likes the gentleman.

" I am Katherine Donovan "

" it's my first time seeing you in this circle..........." the other words trailed.

" if I didn't know miss Katherine Donovan better I could have said you were wooing the lady Benjamin " The lady said and in the process she fell on his thigh. " oops sorry " the lady blinked. Katherine shook her head at the shameless woman who was seeking for the attention of the poor man. She had intentionally made he self fall to his thigh, her bare upper breast jumping in front of him.

I concentrated on my drink which tasted good, I kept taking a sip, my eyes glued at the well designed transparent cup, which were very rare. I started hearing shouts of hyping.

" yes yes woahhhhh" I heard lifting my eyes from the drink. I couldn't believe it, well I can, the gentleman and Anabella were into drowned in a deep kiss with the man hand roaming around her back. Goodness I couldn't handle all this women throwing themselves on men.

" Benjamin Simon is a married man but he never seem to be contented with a wife plus the lady won't stop bothering him" someone said to me, while I gazed in bewilderment. " He is a player, I think he was just into you hehe" she said. I called for a waiter close-by before dropping my glass. I stood up gaining the attention of the people beside me.

" Miss Katherine! " A person called.

" it's late now I will like to be on my way now" I said. they persisted I stay longer but I objected. As I walked to the door, a lady got me and engaged in introducing herself.