
Creepy maniac

The lord of Groovington a good looking handsome man and all.... but should a book be judged through it's appearance?? Sirius Donovan is a cruel vampire who could stoop as to kill a whole bunch of family to satisfy his taste, he was evil. He meets young Katherine when he was in a hurry to go on his midnight appointment. He had saved her from some group of men who were after her. Katherine was naive when she offered her hand for him to drink from. He had smelled it, the smell was alluring and addicting. Could he be the killer of the girl who had considered him a savior. Nightmare calls, he was her first Nightmare. This is a twisted love story of Katherine and the lord.

Anoh_JoyI · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 71 Break the rule

" Let go of my hand Aaron " She insisted with a tightness in her chest. Aaron kept her hand still beneath his lips. If she should struggle any more her hand may turn sore. The black glove indeed have saved her on twice occasions.

" I love you Katie " he squinted his eyes with one of his brow lifted in unasked questions. " I want to take you in now as my woman " he squeezed her wrist.

" But you're late now I was married to lord Sirius Donovan over this week.'' She wouldn't lie that she wasn't glad to hear that Aaron did love her but was worried at that. But she was being silly because she was married to Sirius and they just got intimate, he took her virginity. The night that looked to be embedded into her chest. oh what was she saying.

" What?!! you married who?" he uttered shocked. Aaron was in a state she have never seen, his eyes burned with something she couldn't she couldn't fathom.

" I wanted to inform you about our wedding but you never reciprocated to my letters. " Her voice appeared a little cracky. His grips on her arms reduced and the burning looks lowered as if he came to realize something.

" Why Katherine? did you did this to me because of that? " He said sounding disappointed at her. He walked to a wall placing his left hand to it in a way showing he was trying to take a grip of his emotions.

" Why did you hide your feelings for me all this while? " She shot annoyingly at him when she got reminded of how she had felt when she wrote him letters but got no reply, how she walked to the alter with someone else beside her.

" Because I felt I had to be a man to tell you about my feelings for you I had to be independent and capable to be able to care and cherish you to make you my wife Katherine, I just wanted to have something doing why did you did this to me why why?? I feel very heart broken right now." He gripped his hair as he shot her a look with a moistened eyes. " Have you always had an eye for lord Sirius Donovan "

" No I love you i was ..." She trailed off her words as she took a steps back.

" You love me, " He marred a smile on his face. He has always knew she was in love with him. " Why did you married him"

" He forced me to marry him against my wish. '' Her lips trembled as she said that.

" Him? how dare? what does he even want. Am sorry for not being there for you Katie " He clenched his jaw with the thought. When he lifted his face he walked to her before closing the gap between them.

" Uhm" She felt electrified and frozen to the floor by Aaron's hug. Because she haven't expected that and the hug didn't feel good at all, it felt so wrong.

Aaron hugged her tightly round her waist, he felt her soft full size boobs on his chest. He has missed the softness whenever he hugged her like this and she smelt so nice. He gently dropped his head to the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. " I love you " he said in a low voice as he caressed her back.

" Have you forgotten I am married " She quickly pushed him away, smoothening the crinkles on her dress.

" You married him unwillingly so it doesn't count I don't like that you still stay here. " he took her hand dragging her away to the door of the way out. " You will be leaving with me, then I will help you send him an annulment papers."

They walked out of the mansion, Aaron kept dragging her softly to the gate.

'' I can't get an annulment that way " She said with a face masked with worry.

" Katie you are totally mine just for me I know he is a lord I got a plan for that, we will be leaving the town all I care. " He tried to put some sense into her.

" You mean elope? I am a married woman I won't do that with you" She shot at him. Her brows were creased in confusion at what he was uttering.

" We will get married once we elope " he said in a low tone looking around.

" What? you don't mean what you're saying. " Katherine shook her head at his words but he smiled at her.

" I see you need time to think I will give you sometime I will come to visit next time. " He said sliding his hands at the sides of her face. When she lifted her eyes to look at his face she saw him staring at her lips in a sleepy eyes. She pulled off his hand to jerk him away.

" You know Enruben tradition, our traditions, we don't throw divorce to our husband unless he does. " She shot.

" He simply doesn't know about it and it isn't wrong to break a rule once. " He winced annoyingly. " Okay I understand but you can hypnotize him into divorcing you " He said.

" I will try to" She nodded her head and bade him a goodbye. She felt a tight knot on her chest.