
Creed of life

Jayden's life was always one way or another full filling. But even then he made something out of himself. But what can he do when he is reborn in another world with some of his memories and power's changed to suit the world's law in a royal family whare there is no loving family but a cold stone castle with cold people living in... or is it? Find it out ----- The cover is not mine nor I have the lisence all the credits goes to the creator, if the creator wants it down ask me.

Tushar_Mondal_7938 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

1. A Common Man's Death

In the abyss void a soul can be found floating in the dark which can be observed with his rather bright or soul crushing light it produced from it for the tyranical beings that lived in the abyss as it burned even the most powerful abyssal being. No living being could ever exist in abyss as even their soul get corrupted and become an abyssal being according to their soul's existence. But if loocked closely it was actually absorbing the abyssal and dark energy with its own soul but not get tainted with corruption but absorb and make more energy.

Ever since he was 2 year old he could speak rather fluently in his mother tongue. When he was 5 years old he was doing complicated mathametical sums. By 12 he was in college and his family knew he was destined to do something great. By 19 he was a professor of biology and by 21 he made great contribution to the creation of taking human evolution to the next level. Him and his team made an discovery that changed the way human preserved their own body and brain. He never forgot a single thing he learned because he had photographic memory and for the same reason extremely fast processing power.

He was romantically attached to one of his team members, Sera. He met her when she was a student in the same University he used to teach. Sera was 1 years older than him but that didn't affect their relationship at any was and Sara was not was smart as Jayden but she was pretty much the smartest in their class and that was when only 0.1% application would be selected from all over the world with the best of the best getting a chance of attending it.

They first came together when Sara showed interest in Jayden's research and after finding about it Sara and him created a team with only the best in their team but even then they needed a sponsor as it needed a lot of money and finally they found one that Sara in introdeced to him to middle aged man called Mr. Ronagan. Apparently he was some bigshot in pharma industry not that he needed to know what he did, he was just happy to get the money, then they signed the contract and he would get 50% of what the value of commodity was made using his research.

After 1.5 years of all the hard work with his team they finally got results. Finally one of the test subjects showed unnatural healing which was generating cells faster than his cancer cells so they got the cure of many deadly desease as well as prolonging human life. Test subjects 013 was calculated to live 600 years with out suffering from any major health problems and it was even with his 3rd stage cancer. And the dead cells were again used to create new cells so one does not need to eat more than he eats normally.

He knew this was his chance to be something better and greater than a human so he took the chance, so without letting anybody know used the serum and programmed the injector to inject him with the serum in all the bone marrow's in his body at the same time with a robot maintaining that he stays unconscious while injecting anaesthetic. After 18 hour long process he finally woke up trying to get a feel of his own but better physiology. He felt foreign but at the same time the most comfortable his body has ever felt. He felt like mentally and physically a new man. With his increased healing he felt like he was being improved with every movement, with every beat of his heart.

A month passed and his team finally got the green signan after all 4 living subjects were tested according to what was claimed. After a long time they finally got the results and it was then they got to party. Sara was nowhere to be seen but he thought it was just some official work as he was always busy with his work all the other managing and official work was given to her. And just then he saw a white bright light in front of him and all of existence ceased to exist.

And next he was alone in dark place rather questioning how he got there as even with photographic memory his brain stops analysing and storing data when he is drunk. But he even though how he was drunk with his increased metabolism and dis healing.

He suddenly remembered a bomb explosion the picture and burned the whole place with all his team members and he knew he was dead.