
Creator Of The Highest Peaks: Unique Path to Transcendence!

"As I look behind me, I see worlds on the brink of destruction, destruction that you caused, all because of the suffering you’ve endured.” “The only word that I can use to describe it, is pathetic. That word alone truly describes the nature of all those living under my foot, and even now, they claw onto hope, and struggle desperately to survive." "Hah.” “But even if I am a being that has witnessed death many times, yet I still cannot fathom the raw emotion that comes after, that alone proves that I cannot escape my true nature.” “I cannot fathom that a near-omnipotent being such as I would feel so hopeless in front of you. I didn’t expect I would meet such a fate.” "All because you are a calamity that couldn’t have been stopped.” “..Because of one feeble human.. a pitiful, lonely insignificant human, one who’s born of one of the most lowly species in the universe, fate itself has been undone, and those who have been named as “wicked” will suffer.” “It was long known to me long ago that your existence itself was a threat, but I had a eerie feeling that I could not stop what was about to happen, not in a million, or even a billion years.”

SeekFlame · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Great Palace of Eternal Spirits (2)

"Uhh..?" Nathan smiled nervously, he had never been in this type of situation before, and to add to that, nearly everyone in the grand hall was witnessing this happen in front of their very eyes, so he was bound to be embarrassed.

"Who is she? I don't think I've ever seen her before."

"I'm not sure ever, but that guy sure is lucky, she's beautiful, and she seems to be pretty strong too from the aura she's giving off, she might be one of the strongest in our class from what I can tell."

The others murmured, and Aiden caught wind of this.

"That guy again.. why do I feel like he's always the center of attention these days."

"Well, it doesn't concern me much., plus, that's only because nothing exciting has happened yet."

"Say, isn't that Nathan? First, he managed to overcome his inability to use his inner core energies and gain the power of Creation, and now he's able to speak with such a powerful, yet ethereal beauty."

"I really must get closer to him, who knows what benefits that might bring me and my father in future affairs.."

"Haha!" She laughed, and stopped approaching any further, "You're pretty interesting.."

"I've decided, I'll help you!"

"Uhh..!? What? Help me how?"

"No one else here wields the power of Creation like you do, and it's said that those who wield the power of Creation are extremely rare and all will grow to be extraordinarily powerful."

"You don't seem to be familiar with your power yet, but I think I can help with that-"

"Who are you?" Athena asked, it didn't seem like she took a liking to her.

"…" There was a slight pause before she answered, and then, she smirked, "I am the strongest in Class-C."

"The strongest? Then how come I've never seen you before?"

"Hah. It just so happens to be that I transferred here yesterday."

"How? The test to qualify already ended though?" Athena began to become suspicious of her, as that red-haired female may have been hiding some secrets.

"I.. uh, shouldn't we stop arguing? We can talk this out later.."

"Hmph." Athena said, and she backed off.


The red-haired female smiled slyly at Nathan, and walked away.


"Athena.." Thomas whispered, "What was that about?"

"You could see that she made Nathan a little uncomfortable, and you could see that she invited herself into our conversation, so, I just did what I thought was right."

"But, aren't you worried? She said she was the strongest in Class-C, which is our class, and, from what I can tell, she's probably from some mysterious ultra-wealthy family since she could get into our class after the qualification process was over."

"Aren't you being a bit too cautious? I'm certain that she won't do anything yet, but Nathan needs to be careful around her, unless he actually wants to fall for her seduction tactics."

As the red-haired female returned back to where she was previously..

"Hm.. I was right about him," She said, as she returned back to her original spot, "He's bit of a wimp, but still, his potential is limitless."

"I would've been able to get to know him a bit more, if not for that girl."

"Psh.. that guys probably still on Stage One, you shouldn't expect that much from him just yet." A male with short black hair and blue streaks, alongside a tan complexion said arrogantly.

"He wields the power of Creation, and the power that he showed in that fight, that shows that he managed to break through to Stage One right after he came into contact with a Celestial," She replied, "You know my personality, he's just the person I need!"

"I only joined this academy for a single goal, to find those that are like gems hidden in the dust, and it seems like I finally found someone whose bound to become an unparalleled prodigy, and, you and those two from a royal bloodline agreed to help me, did you not?"

"Hm, you speak of him too highly. Even though he wields the power of Creation, can it even compare to me?" He unleashed a wave of aura, instantly making the people surrounding him feel ten times heavier, and they fell to the floor, the female redhead was the only one unaffected.

They looked up at him with an expression that symbolised fear, "You see now? How can someone who reached Stage One only yesterday compare to me? He was on the verge of losing in that fight, while I trained ever since I was the young age of six."

"I…" They couldn't gather up the strength or courage to answer, as his aura also had the power to make others feel weak, afraid and vulnerable.

"Fine, since you think he's so strong, I guess I'll have to give his skills a test. I'll show him what it means to be in a real fight."

"Well, if you're planning on fighting him, don't underestimate him, at all."

"I'll keep that in mind. Also, I'll have to go talk to Scarlett about this guy, since she would definitely be interested."

"Huh..? The door, it opened!" Someone alerted the others.

The door that led to the throne room opened, and the instructor, alongside the vassal, both walked out and stood at the center of the room.

"Everybody, listen! We will go to the [Star-stepping Cloud Inn] now, and that is where we will stay until the Maintenance Check is over."

"You must not talk or interact with the Spirit Hunters, as they do not respond well to humans, and you will only be allowed to visit specific locations, understood?"

Most of them responded "Yes, sir!" Begrudgingly.

"Then, I guess I'll get going now," The vassal said, "I shall alert the Great Spirit Lord of your arrival, since right now he has gone off to do something on another planet, but shall soon be back."

"Follow me."

They left the Great Lord's Grand Palace, and walked all the way to the other side of the city, where there was much more of those Spirit Hunters.

They walked and walked, until the found themselves at a grandiose building, with fancy, multicoloured lights and build of various different metals that definitely weren't found on Earth, were used to make it look more appealing.

"This place looks cool!" Nathan said, "I can't even fathom how much time it took to build this."

"Oh, I've heard of this place." Thomas said, "This is simply a branch of the [Star-stepping Cloud Inn], and it has branches across the galaxy on many different planets, even back on our home planet."

"I heard that this place was also such a place where you could gather information, but that's probably a false rumour, since I don't think an inn like this would be doing stuff like that."

"You can get information from this inn?" Nathan asked, "How?"

"Like I said, it's just a rumour, but are you really gonna try and get information from this place?"

"Maybe.." He replied, unsure, but he knew he needed more information desperately, or else no matter what he does, or what happens in the future, he won't be prepared enough.

"Students! We're going in!"