
Creator's path

One day, dungeons started appearing all over the world. Monsters with enormous sizes and shapes came out of them and started rampaging. They went on a killing spree killing more than 30% human population. All hope was lost, humanity was on the edge of collapse. Every day there was less food and less safe space for humans. Until one day, people with supernatural powers started appearing. They fought monsters on equal footing and over time managing to win. These people started to call themselves awakeners. Eamon, is an averagy guy with a hobby of crafting and creating things. His dream was to become an S-Rank awakener and save the world like his father wanted to. However, he awakened as a F-Rank awakener. Completely useless in combat and only good in crafting, he decided to open up a shop where he sells his creations to awakeners. He thought he would live in mediocrity all his life until one day he dreamt of a world being created from scratch. [Ding! Creator's System is successfully activated.]

LukasNPC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


Eamon's face was illuminated by the blue interface from the system's message.

[Ding! The Creator's System is successfully activated.]

Eamon read the message again, now with a sober mind, realizing that his dream might not have been just a dream.

He inspected the message he had in front of him, which was almost see-through.

When he clicked the message, the content changed.

[To open Creator's System interface, simply think about it.]

After reading the new message, Eamon concentrated and thought about opening the interface.

His disbelief was apparent on his face as he looked at the system interface.

[Creator's System

World's essence: 100

Size of a world: Space crack

???Additional information is hidden???

[Press here to go into Creator's mode]


Eamon went to his table to sit down properly. He was now full of curiosity and apprehension about this so-called Creator's System.

He didn't know anything about the World's essence and what he could use it for. On the other hand, he understood that Space crack was probably the smallest size. He would like to know more, but it was hidden.

Eamon hoped that more information would be revealed later. However, he still had one option left to inspect.

He had no clue what Creator's mode was, but there was nothing else but to find out.

He cautiously touched the button on the interface as he awaited what would happen.

He slowly felt that he was being covered by cold water. He was confused because this experience was unheard of.

He slowly felt something like drops of water condensing in his chest; however, instead of it being uncomfortable, it was oddly comforting.

He looked around himself, trying to understand the situation he was in. He was looking at a small grassy plain and a hill from above.

Almost like a ghost, observing every detail of this small world.

He noticed that there were beings resembling humans, but they also seemed to have some animal characteristics and even monsters from his own world.

Most of them were smaller than a normal human but more muscular. Some of them had big claws, similar to some F-rank monsters, and others had horns and tails resembling bulls.

They should be called demi-humans rather than humans. Their number accounted for about 80 in total.

They often had similar traits that seemed to be inherited from someone else.

They were all grouped in two villages, one on the top of the hill and the other one on the grassy plain.

A new system message appeared in front of Eamon.

[Total number of world's creatures in total: 1692

Dominant race: Half-monster Half-human beings.

Current number: 94

Specialty: Possessing blood of unknown origins allowed them to evolve on the path of monsters while keeping their human self. The quality and quantity of monster blood contained in each demi-human determines their strength.

System tip: You can use the World's essence to influence, control, and create everything you desire. It is recommended for the host to raise the world's strength as much as possible.]

Eamon was fascinated by what he saw. The language he overheard and the monster's characteristics were something new and exciting for Eamon. He was scared at first when he saw the monster's characteristics, but he soon understood that they couldn't notice him.

In the short moment of time that Eamon had to relax, there was another notice, this time in a red box shouting urgency.

[Important alert! A catastrophe is currently happening; the number of demi-humans alive is decreasing rapidly. Note that the decreased number of more powerful beings in the Host's world directly influences the host's gain of the World's essence.

Demi-humans currently alive: 89!]

[Demi-humans currently alive: 88!]

[Demi-humans currently alive: 86!]

Eamon quickly understood the situation and that not having enough world essence seemed to be a big problem for him. He swiftly tried to locate the cause of this catastrophe, and as he looked around, he found the reason.

The two villages in his world seemed to be fighting amongst each other. The village on the hill seemed to be clearly stronger, with a human with long claws and a powerful physique emitting oppression in the lead of his little army.

On the other hand, the other village didn't seem to have the intention to surrender even though they had fewer numbers and obviously less power.

The human resembling a wolf loudly announced.

"People of Syrnia, surrender now or be killed! There is no reason to fight a losing fight."

"Oh, Volner. Can't you see that we won't give up on what is ours?" Replied a slightly older demi-human that seemed to resemble a raven with black wings on his back, obviously scarred from his many fights.

He had an air of a veteran surrounding him; the few people behind him looked at him with respect and a hint of relief. Their village relied on their village chief Syrn to maintain their peace. And now that he started talking, they felt a little more at peace.

"Syrn, your village has been a thorn in our eyes for too long. The last straw was when you killed our village heir. Now we want your village to be ours."

The guy with claws named Volner started attacking again while talking.

He rushed heavily into Syrn, hoping to knock him off balance.

Syrn was expecting that and used his wings to stabilize himself from the power of Volner's attack.

Volner immediately followed with his claw sharply heading towards Syrn's throat. Syrn indifferently took a step back and retaliated with a punch to Volner's face. It was clear who was more experienced.

Syrn started talking while trying to cover the sound of his pants.

"You clearly know that your heir went to our village to poison our water supply. We just defended our water, that's all."

"Shut up and die!" Replied Volner while sneakily attacking one of Syrn's subordinates.

His attack was successful, and he managed to kill another demi-human. It was 7 demi-humans to 19.

It was clear who would lose this. However, Syrn still kept his expression the same while trying to think about a solution, but it seemed that it was impossible to come out of this alive.

The heir Volner mentioned was not any village heir but just an assassin with the mission to poison them and then serve as a perfect excuse to openly attack them.

The whole 19-person army surrounded Syrn's people with a meaning to end it all. Volner seemed to want to take on Syrn alone as he slowly moved towards him with his claws ready to attack.

Syrn knew that once this little army of his died, more than 30 women and children in the village would be enslaved or just killed right away. All he could do was try and kill Volner.

Volner rushed at Syrn with a claw strike aimed at his chest. The attack was quick and precise, however, Syrn was light on his feet and quickly moved away.

But Volner's attack did not stop just yet; he continued with a kick. Syrn had no way out of this one, so he used his wings to cover himself, thus somehow blocking the attack.

"It seems you are already old man, panting after a few moves; this is really the end for you," Volner added.

Volner quickly stabbed through Syrn's wings with his claws. A stream of orange blood poured out of the wings. A big smile appeared on Volner's face.

His claws now covered with blood seemed to gain more speed as he slashed more and more attacks at Syrn. The wings were trying their best to cover Syrn from damage, but they couldn't keep up with Volner's fast attacks.

Syrn used some of his remaining power to kick Volner into his chest, but Volner did the same as he saw the opening in Syrn's defense.

Syrn was knocked back on his back with the power of Volner's kick. It was decided.

Volner slowly came over and looked pitifully at Syrn. With a sarcastic smile, he said. "Goodnight Syrn." He slashed at Syrn's throat.

A clean cut made a head fall off.

An overwhelming silence enveloped the whole battlefield.

Only a thud was heard as the head touched the ground.

It wasn't Syrn's head that fell off. It was Volner's head.

It seemed like time had stopped as everyone looked at Syrn who had a sparkling silver sword in his hand. The sword was extended over Valnar's throat where the clean slash was made.

Another thud was heard as Valnar's body fell on the ground as well. Everyone was awestruck, it was already clear that Syrn was dead so how could it be that Syrn had a majestic sword extended over Valnar's dead body?

No one seemed to understand. Even Syrn wasn't sure why he didn't feel any pain anymore.

He seemed to see Valnar strike at him; he was sure that he would die. However, he saw light from behind Valnar. He suddenly felt more power and strength than he ever did.

The light gave him endless hope and will to fight. It was like the heavens blessed him. He only felt something hard and heavy in his hands as his survival instincts took over him.

He propelled himself into the air from the ground using his wings that mysteriously recovered and with newfound strength, he slashed at Volner's neck at an impressive speed.

"What an irony, don't you think Volner?" He laughed at his situation.

"People of Hills, surrender now or be killed!" Announced Syrn with a booming voice.

Eamon was relieved at his turn of battle. It would have great consequences if a whole village was wiped out. Eamon looked a his remaining value of World's Essences.

[World's Essence: 65

Number of Demi-humans: 85]

Of course, it was Eamon's doing when Syrn managed to kill Volner. The only reason why it took Eamon so long to help was because of the world's essence.

He could have used up all his world's essence and just killed Volner instantly but that would mean that Syrn's army would win. Syrn would have still died so he had to do something different.

---- 10 minutes ago ----

'System quick. How can I help Syrn win?!'

Eamon asked the system while watching as Volner approached Syrn. Eamon was tense with emotions. He hoped that there would be some easy way to help.

[There are various ways host can influence the result of this battle.

1. Use World's essence to directly kill Volner. -100 WE.

2. Use World's essence to heal Syrn. -15WE.

3. Use World's essence to transport an item from the host's world to this world. -5WE

4. Empower an item with World's essence. -15WE

5. ??? Not enough world essence. ]

In panic without much thinking, Eamon immediately chose.

'2, 3, 4! Transport a silver sword from my practice collection and empower it.' He shouted in his mind.

Volner was already swinging his claws to finish Syrn when System responded.

[Ding! Options 2, 3, and 4 were successfully completed. -35WE.]

[Congratulations host on creating the first heavens artifact that this world has ever seen.

Reward: The artifact will become indestructible under normal conditions. Power and speed will be multiplied by 5 times. The current owner of the artifact will not get sick and heal from wounds quicker.]

A sword appeared in Syrn's hands and he quickly slashed at Volner ending his life in a flash....

---- Back to present ----

Everyone remaining surrendered to Syrn's majestic appearance, they understood that he had gained a power above what they could compete with.

Syrn without any issues led his army to Hills Village where he announced that both villages would now be in peace and under the control of Chief Syrn.

There were no opinions from any of the residents. After all, if even the village's army couldn't win then what change would untrained residents do?

Eamon smiled as he was sure there would be no real problems left with people dying anymore. However, he still had a question to ask to the system.

'System, How can World's Essence help me?'

[World's essence aka WE is an all-powerful energy that can change, control, and influence everything in your world. However, you can also use some of that energy to create some powerful items for yourself or strengthen your stats by consuming WE.

It is extremely important for the growth of the world as investing it in long-term growth can reap you many benefits. The stronger your world is, the more benefits you get.]

Eamon spent the rest of his day inspecting the system asking many questions and even researching ways he could use his world to his benefit.