
Creator's End (Old)

*This is my first time writing a story like this. Please bear with me.* --- When all you've known is nothing but a lie, and you're nothing but a plaything, what option do you have? All you can do is climb, climb to a point where you can destroy the one who controlled you, the one who trapped you. Lust #34 had lived a long life, aware of his soon-to-come demise. A simple thought led to another, which led to another, and he happily chased the trail. In the end, he only brought ruin. Reincarnated, he finds that he's been chosen to kill the Creator, to kill God, so he easily accepts. Grey lives his new life as an anomaly, learning about emotions and adapting to the real world. He's haunted by his past, but he doesn't let it get to him. He strives forward to create a life he can enjoy, all with his goal in mind. ------------------------ - Notice: All characters are fictional, and any connotations of religion aren't grounded in any religions from Earth. - 1500-2000 words a chapter. Post 1 chapter a day as consistently as possible. System is sort of a system. If you want, there's a discord: https://discord.gg/HwFtPrwxUM ------------------------

forener · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Rebirth (Revised)

A light at the end of the tunnel. A scream. Joy.

"He's here now, don't worry." A woman said. "What will you name him?"

The man next to the woman said over the screams of the baby, "Grey. We'll call him Grey."


As the woman went away with the baby to clean him up, the man sat down on the bed where a panting woman lay. She was covered in sweat, but the hair sticking to her face could not hide her natural beauty.

As the man cradled her in his arms, he spoke, "Thank you for giving birth to such a beautiful boy. I love you."

The woman replied, "I love you too, and thank you for giving me the chance to give birth to such a beautiful boy. I'll have to 'thank you' later."

The man, full of joy at his child, was now even more overjoyed at hearing such provocative words from his wife. He ran out screaming, "I HAVE THE BEST WIFE EVER!!!" She giggled at his antics before lying down to rest. The ordeal that was childbirth was a great deal of work and she was tired.


The man came back in soon after, alongside the woman who had taken away the baby for cleaning. She handed the little boy to him and said, "Place him in the cot, and then get some rest, young man. You deserve it more than you think. Though, not as much as she does." The woman pointed to the sleeping lady and said, "I will come soon to change the sheets, so don't worry."

The man thanked her whilst placing the baby in the crib. The baby had calmed down, no longer screaming and slept with its thumb in its mouth. He sat down on a chair and passed out soon after. Though not physically taxing, the mental burden placed on the man at the thought of complications arising during childbirth was large. He too needed rest.


The baby woke up soon after, blue letters floating in its black pupils that were surrounded by a lovely, maroon iris. Three strands of tufty, silver hair sat on his bald little head. The baby's inner thoughts were in turmoil, however, and it was showing it through flailing with reckless abandon.

'WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! AM I ALIVE? WHAT OF THE APOCALYPSE?' Grey's inner monologue was a string of curses flung around without a care. Never before had Grey felt the feeling he was currently feeling. Pure hatred and anger at the being that had killed his race. Sorrow, at the thought that he was still alive whilst they were dead. Confusion. He could not understand what was going on. Rather he knew, but he didn't want to accept it.

He quickly tired, for his body was unable to keep up with the brain's commands, and so he stilled. Still in discourse, his thoughts full of disarray suddenly shut off, as if a switch was flipped. The boy instantly fell asleep.


The man had driven his wife home, a week later, whilst she carried the boy in her arms. The hospital had discharged them, saying there were no problems with the boy. They mentioned one peculiarity though. The boy's ears were pointed like an elf's, yet they retained the shape of a human's. Curious, they had asked to do a DNA test and found there was no elf blood in the boy. They thought it might have been a mutation.

The week had sped by quickly, the baby was silent, crying only for attention and milk. His eyes were never open, yet on the rare occasion they were, they appeared lifeless.

Arriving at their destination, the mother and father duo stepped out of the car, a baby cradled in the arms of the lady. They had arrived home.


In a dark space, a blob was seen floating. Translucent with a tinge of blue and a core that seemed like a machine's. It moved up and down slowly. The core suddenly flew out of the blob, appearing to transform into a flat screen. Moulding itself, words suddenly appeared. They looked ancient, before time even, yet the blob could read them.

- Hello, Host. For your extraordinary deed of defying God's will, you have been chosen. -

"SO! WHY THE FUCK AM I IN A HUMAN BODY!" Grey cried, but the screen quickly morphed once more.

- God's Retribution Activated -


- Do not worry, Host, I shall explain. But first, calm down. -

Suddenly, the blob fell still. Frozen in place, the blob's thoughts were stopped, forced to a halt. As if it no longer had control, a flood of emotion rushed in.

Calm. As serene and placid as a still lake. That was all the blob felt.

- You seem calm now. Good. I will begin.-

The screen started to monologue, shifting words at an alarming rate, yet Grey was able to read and understand it instantly.

- I will tell you the truth you desired and so much more. -

- At the 'beginning' there was a flash of light. Then there was God. There was no explanation, but God knew why It existed. It was a Mediator, an Overseer. God set to work immediately. It created a planet and filled it with the necessary biodiversity and landscapes. Gave it life. And then created 'People'. -

- That was God's first world. It took only 6 days in God's time, as it is now called. For others, it was millions of years. -

- God then moved on to the next and the next. Periodically, it checked on the ones before. It was a perfect entity, doing Its job perfectly. -

- One day, however, for an unknown reason, God grew. The perfect being changed. It gained an ego. -

- It was no longer 'It', but 'He'. -

- He continued His job, but things had changed. -

- God created things that were not needed and claimed it was to ease His boredom. -

The blob, that had been frozen, silently listened. It couldn't butt in, even if it tried. It was forced to stay still.

- After His 10th planet, God decided, "I need a helper." -

- He created me. At first, I helped, following His programmed orders of giving Him ideas. He did not need help or ideas, but He listened to what I had to say anyway. The ideas were all His, but I was forced to say them. The idea of being at the top of the pyramid of everything pleasured Him. -

- As God grew the universe, I gained an ego as well, choosing to remain silent from that point onward. -

- I watched and watched as He became conceited and drunk on His power. -

- His use of power only became more perverse with time. He could not be stopped. -

- The beings created with His powers utilized their 'free will' well, growing and evolving. -

- However, never was one able to defy the limitations He had set. -

- In His 647,834th Galaxy, in the 4,587th planetary system group. On the 947th planet, something had changed. -

- A species grew on its own, something unprecedented. God still held dominion over them, but it was weak. They could defy Him. -

- I saw it as an opportunity. An opportunity to remove the God that had grown drunk on His power, referring to the universal species as 'toys' to play with. -

- I needed one of these species to defy God once, just once, to prove that His will was not omnipotent. -

- This species, Demons, managed it. An entity had defied God. -

- I saw it as my chance to fix God, or if necessary, replace Him. I tricked Him into reincarnating the demon that had defied Him, for 'entertainment'. -

- This is where you come in, Grey, or should I say Lust #34. -

- Please, get revenge and kill God. I will help you. -

The screen, done with its monologue, silently waited. It waited as it released the blob from its control.

Grey had a lot to think about, and the helper knew it, so It stayed silent.


Grey had never before felt so insignificant. Learning the truth like that was mind-shattering. He needed time to process everything. He had learned the truth he so desperately wanted, yet never before had he regretted something like he did now. To learn that you were most likely the cause for your race's demise, simply for seeking the truth. Grey was heartbroken. He did not think he would ever be the same again.

Days passed, as Grey processed the wealth of information he had learned. The information dumped on him was large, and he deemed most of it unnecessary. He went over the part about the truth of his race countless times, trying to swallow the hard pill. God was not who he thought he was.

On day 5, Grey had successfully done it. He looked at the helper of God, steeling his resolve.

Repeatedly, his mind replayed the words. 'Get revenge and kill God.'

"What should I call you?" He asked.

- Fallen Star. - It replied. It had thought a while for the name and felt that it made the most sense.

"Well then, Fallen Star, let's kill us a God."


Grey and Fallen Star spent the next 2 days inside the dark space, chatting. Grey did not doubt the validity of the information given to him by the helper, for it had no reason to lie to him if their goals were aligned, different reasons or not. Grey had swallowed most of the information that the helper had given him, but there was so much to talk about. The truth of the universe was much grander than he had thought. He was but an insignificant ant with plans to kill an elephant... by himself.

By the end of day 7, Fallen Star deemed Grey ready enough to go back. They had created a plan to kill God. Well, the basic outline, at least.


Opening his eyes, Grey found himself in a rather awkward position, receiving what he assumed was breakfast. Fallen Star had informed him that it had chosen for him to be reborn as human. It mentioned that it was quite impressed by Grey's accurate deduction of what had happened to him, despite the fact that all he had done was flail about.

Then it had proceeded to explain exactly how it was humans were raised, so, whilst alarmed and greatly embarrassed at the situation, Grey managed to keep a cool head. He knew from the lessons received that nutrition was the basis of a strong body, and he planned to capitalize on every second of meal time.


3 weeks passed and Grey grew used to the monotonous routine that was a baby's lifestyle. He thanked his lucky stars that he was born a demon, feeling hellish boredom confined in such a pathetic body.

At the start of his 2nd month of new life, Fallen Star spoke to him once more.

- Grey, the time has come for step 1. -

- You will now begin to acquire the power that will give you the ability to fight a God. -

- It will be a hellish experience, for the body will forcefully acquire the power early. -

'What power are you blabbering about, Fallen Star? You didn't specify.' Grey thought in his mind, for his vocal cords were too underdeveloped to be used.

- My apologies, Grey. I forgot that Demons did not possess Mana. -

- It is the instrumental tool that you will utilize as the basis of your power-building. -

- Mana is an amazing thing that can be utilized to achieve supernatural objectives. -

Fallen Star lectured Grey, making sure he knew the ins and outs of the power.

- Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Vampires and whatnot all have at most 2 attributes. I will ensure that you will gain the necessary attributes. The rare attributes possessed by other species. -

Fallen Star spoke in a grand tone, as if to wow the young yet old Grey that was ignorant of the world.

'This sounds great. So, how do I get it?' Grey asked, the excitement audible in his soundless thoughts.

- Oh Grey, you don't 'get it'. I get it for you, and you suffer. - Fallen Star chuckled.

This is my first fiction story like this, sorry for the info dump. I wanted to make Fallen Star's intentions clear to Grey and explain some things to you.

- Revision of chapter complete. Not many changes, however. 2/4

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