
Creator's End (Old)

*This is my first time writing a story like this. Please bear with me.* --- When all you've known is nothing but a lie, and you're nothing but a plaything, what option do you have? All you can do is climb, climb to a point where you can destroy the one who controlled you, the one who trapped you. Lust #34 had lived a long life, aware of his soon-to-come demise. A simple thought led to another, which led to another, and he happily chased the trail. In the end, he only brought ruin. Reincarnated, he finds that he's been chosen to kill the Creator, to kill God, so he easily accepts. Grey lives his new life as an anomaly, learning about emotions and adapting to the real world. He's haunted by his past, but he doesn't let it get to him. He strives forward to create a life he can enjoy, all with his goal in mind. ------------------------ - Notice: All characters are fictional, and any connotations of religion aren't grounded in any religions from Earth. - 1500-2000 words a chapter. Post 1 chapter a day as consistently as possible. System is sort of a system. If you want, there's a discord: https://discord.gg/HwFtPrwxUM ------------------------

forener · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
76 Chs


Grey sat across from Samantha, his eyes refusing to look at hers. His head was facing to the left, trying to cover itself behind its hair.

Samantha could see it, he was hiding something.

"Grey," she started, "Why are you able to use mana? You're only 3, yet the Mana Heart doesn't awaken until 10. Care to explain?"

After hearing her tone, Grey was sure of it. She wasn't asking, she was ordering.

'Fallen Star, help! What do I do??' Grey looked fine on the outside, but he was having a meltdown on the inside.

- It's simple, really. All you have to say is that you walked in on Lucas training and that you imitated him. -

Following Fallen Star's genius advice, Grey scratched his cheek, turned slowly to look at his mother and, whilst using his best puppy eyes, said, "Um, I saw Daddy breathing weirdly one day, and decided to imitate him."

Samantha looked at him funny before placing her hand on her chin. It sounded plausible, except, "I would believe you, Grey, but not only has this already been debunked, I saw you channelling mana. Just because someone has awakened their Mana Heart, does not mean they know how to channel mana."

Grey's mind reeled at the fact that it had already been debunked, but in the short duration that Samantha had been thinking, he and Fallen Star had already come up with a foolproof plan.

"Well… After I copied Daddy, I saw these bubbles floating. Then, when I saw him doing it again, I breathed with him and saw that he was glowing and there was something moving in him, so I tried to do the same. I don't know how I have the 'Mana Heart' thingy." Grey layered the puppy face on thicker, making sure that his voice sounded like a baby to elicit her motherly instinct.

'Hmm, it is entirely possible that Grey has a special constitution or physique, but I've never heard of one that allows for the Mana Heart to awaken early. Also, the tips of his hair haven't changed colour, the definitive proof of awakening. Hair changes colour to match your first attribute, so…'

"Grey. You most likely wouldn't, but would you happen to know your attributes?" Samantha smiled, clearly enthralled by Grey's oddities. She hoped the boy would know, but his hair hadn't changed colour, and he hadn't been tested.

The reply that came was obviously unsatisfactory. 

"Um, what's an attribute?" Grey cocked his head to the side as he asked, for he knew that at the moment it was imperative for him to look cute. If he wanted to come out of the debacle unscathed, he needed to deflect the blame onto something else, like a unique constitution.

'Fallen Star! How could we have forgotten? THE HAIR TIPS! Why did mine not change?!' Grey was now hyperventilating on the inside, the plan he and Fallen Star had made did not account for this slip up. He could feel the control escaping his grasp, the situation would spiral if he couldn't grab hold of it again.

- Your hair tips didn't change colour because I placed Null as your main attribute. If your hair suddenly changed, I think your parents would have noticed. But, seeing as they're now aware, I will change your main attribute. Light or Poison? - 

'Light.' Grey responded, for having yellow-gold tips seemed less obvious than purple. 'But don't do it now, it would be too obvious that I know something.'

Ignoring his words, Fallen Star got to work. 

'Fallen Star?' Grey grew worried upon receiving silence. 'Fallen Star? Fallen Star? FALLEN STAR?!'

Grey suddenly collapsed, falling asleep, his temperature quickly rising.


Samantha, who had been in thought for the past 15 seconds, had finally figured out how to explain attributes. Abruptly, she heard a thud. Opening her eyes, she saw Grey lying on the floor, sweating profusely. 

"GREY!" She yelled, moving to the boy.


Fallen Star was in a dark expanse. Drifting out of the True Core, Its connection with Grey shut off. Unless Grey joined It inside the soul, the demon in a human would no longer be able to speak with It.

- Light, huh? I would have chosen Poison. - Fallen Star commented.

Fallen Star turned around, activating Its powers. The True Core of Grey's soul shifted from a blue blob, turning into a flat circle.

In its centre lay nothingness, the colour of the Null attribute.

Above was a deep purple, and below was a vibrant golden. Poison and Light, respectively.

To the left was a grey, filled with what seemed to be eternal clocks. Their design couldn't be explained with mere words, for all of them were different and beyond mortal comprehension. This was Time.

Opposite Time sat Space; a black-blue with purple streaks. Dots of sparkling white lay in its expanse, representing the stars.

Fallen Star utilized his powers, exerting control over Grey's attributes. Pulling the central piece down, the gold of the Light attribute warped, yet it never disobeyed the circular structure. It moved around the circle of emptiness, dripping into the centre.

With a final tug, the nothingness spread to fill the shape that the Light left behind. Like water, both the gold and Null spread out to fill in their newly designated areas.

- Done. -


'Argh, my head.' Grey woke up with a snap, a ringing pain in his head.

- You're bound to feel hurt, I just messed with your soul after all. - Fallen Star commented. 

'AND I TOLD YOU TO WAIT!' Grey was pissed. Fallen Star had ignored him, changing a significant aspect of him at a terrible moment. 

- Before you go off at me, look around. -

Grey sat up, for Fallen Star wouldn't have said that without a reason.

Looking to his left, he saw no-one. To the front only lay the wall. He couldn't look behind him, so all that was left was the right side. Yet, Grey's instincts screamed at him not to look there. 

Ignoring them, Grey tilted his head to look in that direction. 

His mother was sat on a chair, seemingly worried, scared, upset, and confused. His father stood behind her, confused and afraid. He had never seen his wife look so scared.

'Oh. Well I'm fucked.' 


Samantha and Lucas sat in their bed, facing one another.

After interrogating the boy for a few hours, they had gained little information. Samantha sent Grey to sleep. He complained, for he had not eaten, but stopped after seeing her expression.

Samantha was about to begin when Lucas suddenly said, "I never knew Grey was so talented. To think he would accomplish the impossible at 3." He began to happily list measures they should take, "We should change his routine so that it incorporates mana training. We'll need to do weapon training as well, and PT and-"

"Stop!" Samantha roared. Tears started to stream down her eyes, "Are you not worried!? Grey is only 3 and has awakened mana; if word gets out, he'll be taken away and experimented on. How can you be so happy?"

Lucas stopped acting jovial upon seeing her expression, and pulled her into a hug. 

"I know, I know. I don't want that, obviously." He spoke softly, slowly rubbing the back of his wife. "I tried to skip past this because I knew you'd act like this."

"Samantha, look at me." Lucas moved his hands from her back to her shoulders, pushing her away so that she could look him in the eyes. 

"Grey shouldn't have awakened, and if it gets out that he has, he will be taken away. But what can we do? Undo his awakening? Dye his hair that isn't affected by dyes any more?"

Samantha dried her eyes with her sleeve cuffs, keeping them affixed on Lucas'. She didn't dare miss what he was saying, for she knew that she was too affected by the situation to think straight. It was obvious at a glance that Lucas still had his head firmly on his shoulders, however.

"We can't fix the 'problem', Samantha. So all we can do is come up with a solution to stop these future possibilities from happening. That's what I'm trying to do. Surely you don't think that keeping him inside until 10 is a viable option."

"Well..." Samantha looked away, not wanting to admit that he was spot on.

"Let's focus on creating a plan for Grey, and then we should speak to your father. Maybe he will be able to do something." Lucas began again.

"I'll do it." Samantha immediately said. "If he learns about this from you, you might lose a limb or two. You focus on tailoring a plan for Grey."

After their future plans had been set, Lucas turned around, and lay down. Samantha did the same next to him, before coming close and cuddling him. 

"Thank you." She mumbled, her voice no more than a whisper, for her face was pressing against his back. "Thank you for always keeping a cool head."

Lucas' heart filled with joy at the words, yet he didn't have the courage to tell her.

'Please. I was more worried than you. I just couldn't show it. You've always been too emotional.'


Grey woke up the next day, and after eating an extra hearty meal, went to speak to Samantha. 

"Mommy, I have something to tell you." Grey tugged at Samantha's trousers to catch her attention.

"Hmm, what is it Grey?" Samantha looked down at him with a smile, steeling her heart for the news she knew was coming. It was going to be some big secret. 'I swear to God, this kid is going to be the death of me.' She secretly thought.

"The stuff you teach me, I already know most of it. I did some research, and I already know a lot. Apparently, I'm at what's called a high-school level."

Lucas dropped his fork, and as it clattered on the table, the plate Samantha was cleaning smashed into the sink. 


'I knew it.'


Whilst Samantha was cleaning up the broken plate and Lucas was processing the absurdity he had just heard, Grey was sat in the living room.

- Was that the smartest move? It's already ridiculous enough that you have mana, and now they know that you can do anything at a high-school level. If you tell them any more secrets, they really will have a heart attack. -

"I know, but I thought about it last night. Other than you and my reincarnation, I might as well tell them everything. If I keep doing it seperately, I think it will be worse for their mental health." As Grey gave his opinion on the matter, Fallen Star couldn't help but nod It's imaginary head.

- I guess that makes sense. -


A man was sat in a dark room, the decor obscured by its harrowing depths. His legs were up on the table, one crossed over the other. He had a cigar in his mouth, but it was not lit. It seemed to be a cosmetic choice.

"So, she finally wants to let me meet my grandson. I'll have to go all out for the meeting." The man spoke with the cigar in his mouth, refusing to let go of it. His voice was gruff, the perfect voice to tell a tale of violence, and his visage and demeanour matched it.

Tapping his bracelet a couple times, a woman soon came into the room. She seemed about 30, with blond hair in a bun and a pencil through it. 

"What can I do for you sir?" Her sooting voice lilted.

"When can I leave this gods-fosaken meeting?" The reply came from the darkness, full of impatience.

The man had let his aura loose, making him extra intimidating, yet the woman was unfazed, seemingly used to it.

"If everything is on schedule, you should be able to leave in about 2 years, sir."

"2 YEARS!" The man yelled. He coughed a couple times, realizing he broke character, and tried to calm down.

"I have to talk to other old men and woman for another 2 years!? Why!?" The only problem however, was that he was now throwing a tantrum.

"Yes sir, yo-" 


The woman started to speak, but the man spoke over her.

"You have to discus-"


She held her anger in at being spoken over again, and ignored the man's whining. She had signed up for this when she accepted the job.

"Vampires, sir. Our enemies, rememb-"


"SIR!" Like a volcano erupting, the woman blew her top. "Stop whining! The delegate conference will end in 2 years. You can go see your grandson after."

The man immediately stopped after hearing her yell, but hearing what she said, he couldn't help but be surprised. "How did you?" He had only recieved a call from his daughter an hour ago.

And how did she win the argument? Wasn't he her boss?

Fixing her hair and skirt from the aftermath of her outburst, the woman replied, "I am your secretary sir, and that is a trade secret~."

I hope the last little bit made sense, both gramatically and logically.

Anyways, enjoy. :)

*If you have any advice, its always welcome*

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