
Creation: The Wolves That Are Us (Creation series, Book 1)

The origin of a species and the different families that inherited the power of unknown birth collide in an attempt to settle their ways and solve mysteries, how will they react when the answer to that truth is shown? The first Volume of this book mostly takes the perspective of Percy, a 19 year old member of the Daybreak pack as well as some additional characters' point of view. These packs having their respective abilities that shape their lifestyles, and they've remained inherited throughout the pack's history and bloodline which over time have long lost their origins.  Auxiliary chapter - Main Characters, rules of this fantasy and etc. But they're explained throughout the course of the Novel, so it isn't necessary to read. Vol.1 Completed Vol.2 Completed

ARvern · Fantasy
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123 Chs

Reimagined And Relived

Oracion's POV

My eyes open to a scene playing out in front of me, the screams of a child and the sound of gushing blood streaming past my feet as I stare into his eyes.

"Please why do this!?" He screams out while holding the place where his arm used to be, flinching back each inch I extend my arm towards him. "PLEASE!" He calls out, only to be met by my silence. Raising my elongated claws to him and slicing down across his neck and breaking it with little effort. The painted image of his distraught look remaining frozen across his face as it flies off into the back of the forest.

A new vision this time of a girl with her yellow burning eyes staring at me with hate, she shifts and tries to fight me unlike the last. A futile attempt met by a single sword swing, gutting her across the floor and kicking the corpse out of my way as I continue to the next.

"Why!?" He screams out, the young child who's dearly fighting for his life. Once again I say nothing, feeling my face instead grin with joy at doing this. Grabbing him by the throat and feeling his clawed attempts of getting me off him, futile. Crushing his skull against the floor and continuing on.

I found the pattern, every 10 years, I made it my life's work to set out and find the trio of wolves that rewrote my life's meaning. Skoll, Hati and Fenrir. One spawned from each of the founded packs at a time, I just had to be there once they hit the age of 14. I feel the connection I have with them...calling to me and almost begging me to help them as one of their own, only to receive death.


The world changes around me to a recognisable time...but not a something I like to familiarize myself with. The air itself becoming filled with electricity, looking up and seeing the black clouds of a storm slowly extending out. The sheer animosity stirring throughout the winds making itself known as the boy in front of me comes closer, "It's you, isn't it? The man who's been killing us time and time again?" He calls out with a confident voice. He's older than the others that I've killed, that gave him a chance this time...just maybe he could truly stop me.

"Stop!" I try to approach him but a strike of thunder explodes the ground in front of me

"That power...should not be held by the likes of you mortals" I spit out in an unfitted rage...my voracity meeting it's peak here

"Hati...he's told me about you, please don't make us fight like this!" He shouts which makes the storm boom above him

"You can't even control it can you?" I question, making him look down in sadness but his yellow burning eyes telling me another story. "Fall".

The winds picking up with my own motions, bolting across the ground on all fours hearing my thumping heart beat crash against my chest, the previously confident child now ducking away in fear...taking the opportunity to swipe out his legs from under him, his eyes staring at me knowing what I was going to do next. Grabbing them one by one and tearing them off like nothing more than branches from the tree. Our overwhelming differences in physical strength becoming more clear to me as I become attuned to this body.

"Ple-" He coughs out before I stomp his chest in, my foot going all the way through his body and into the ground below him. The blood flung out and across my mouth that leaks onto my tongue..."What is this flavour?". Every drop of blood that slowly falls into my mouth tasting like a divine liquid and sparking something inside of me. I find my body lowering itself to the carcass in front of me, opening my jaws and ripping off pieces of him...and so my hunger for power began. Each new power I fought over and over again...nothing but another meal for me, another ability reclaimed and placed into me. Ice, fire, thunder, an immunity to poisons, no longer needing to eat, a healing factor. An uncountable list that all went unmatched to my monstrous appearance...am I even truly alive anymore.


I lurk inside of a village at night, the tiny houses dwarfed to my size. I hear it...the call of their heart beats leading me directly to them.



A larger building that seems to be more sizable to me, most likely containing the higher privileged of this town. Kicking down the doors and somehow not alerting anyone, I make my way towards the thumping in the distance. Room by room I scan them on all fours, my ears meeting with the room I desire. Opening it up and gazing at the sleeping child, her focus lying on me as she stares in bewilderment.

"Aren't you scared?" I stare into her eyes, amazed by the unphased emotion she's displaying

"No" She takes the sheets off her and walks towards an oversized mirror. Her body seems too young to have a solid connection with one of the wolves, that'll just mean an easier time for me.

"How old are you?"

"7" She grabs the mirror and tilts it towards me, making me stare at myself in horror. My gleaming heterochromatic eyes the only visible feature as I stand in the darkened hallway with my hand on the door frame, my bloodied fur and teeth filled with pieces of flesh that dangle off my jaw gradually coming into vision as I step in further.

"We didn't actually meet here...we met far later on" She comments on my new expression, still looking unphased even as I stare in shock of myself.

"I was the only one...that you let live, I thank you for that" She settles back into bed, now completely ignoring me.

"What do you mean?" I begin to be pulled back through the entrance of the mansion

"You're not supposed to be here". She whispers out before I dig my claws into the carpet, getting thrown into another scene of reality against my will.

My face once again painted red as I stare into my reflection in the calm river, the droplets of blood from my jaw bringing me back out of my daze. Each drop diluting it into a crimson hue, tainting it and hazing the reflection of myself.



All the hairs on my back stand up as if my now dominant nature to attack upon hearing that sound, the sound that made me lose myself and my once bloomed humanity. Turning around the corner I hear the coughs of a boy behind me, he sits in front of a building. One of the only ones that remain standing, the rest either caught up in flames or completely caved in.

"PLEA-" He calls out, staring at my hand in horror and gaining my interest. Lifting them to see the debris of rock and glass covering my hands, some singes of flame lining my arms down to my body and the obvious signs of a struggle mapped out across me. Turning to face the broken down village again in realisation, "I did this...didn't I?" I asked myself in denial, when in actuality it most definitely wasn't the first and it wasn't going to be the last...

"WAIT!" He screams while waving his arms in the air, only prolonging what fate he's going to be met by. I examine his small shaking frame, noticing some familiar features from his eyes to his hair and even clothing. But why am I hesitating this time?


Percy's POV

I wake up to find myself in the forest lit by the sun, the unfamiliar land seemingly spread endlessly as the need to run washes over me. Carrying my legs as far as I could take me before a searing pain causes me to fumble over myself. "Don't run...please" A deep voice whispers in my ear. My own voice feeling like it's stolen from me, screaming out with nothing but static. Watching him cover my face with his hand and forcing pressure on my skull...I'm dying aren't I?.

His hand uncovering my face to show a new environment entirely. A dark place of shadows barely lit by the moon light that envelops me, eyes in distance leaving traces of yellow that spin around me with increasing pace. The rabid panting of a wild animal impatiently making its way towards me in a desperate attempt of getting a taste of me. I run in fear again, feeling a hard gash across my back I stand in shock. Placing my hand on the torn pieces of clothing and now feeling a warm sensation of a thick liquid running down me. "Why" I murmur under my breath but only to be met with nothing. My body no longer becoming mine as I get tossed against a hard surface repeatedly. The pain replaced by an uncomfortable numbness that runs throughout my limbs. A strike of light coming down on me before flashing to another point. Each attack on me, each wound and each death I'm given feeling a little more realistic than the others.

The previous numbness to pain no longer lying across my body and instead replaced by pain that blatantly resonates through my body. I stare at the beast responsible, his face carrying a look of hunger and insanity. A grey pelt of fur that's tainted by both old hardened streaks of blood and more fresher ones, the galloping sounds of his paws against the ground making a voice within me barely audible. 'He's trying to kill you, fight back!' It shouts at me in a repeated chant, 'FIGHT! FIGHT!' Each sounding pause in his voice followed by the gallops of the beast. Finally waving my hand and halting his movements. My eyes remaining shut but an obvious sneer of laughter instead filling the silence.

"You don't even have a power?" The parting of his mouth made clear by the warm breath that beats on my face, 'You really are weak'. The same encouraging voice before now shutting me down, giving up it's will to live and falling to the same fate as me. The sharp teeth that slowly pierce my flesh one by one as he clamps down on my neck, tensing until I completely lose consciousness but not before hearing the grotesque sound of his swallows gulping pieces of me down.


The next scene playing out, the same beast from before now launching itself from building to building. Collapsing them under his weight and stomping across the ground, sending fissures across the floor that cause some people to fall in and crush on top of each other. His laughter making it look like nothing more than a sport, almost competing with himself to get a better score than before. "C'mon let's go Issar" A man grabs my hand, pulling me off away from the destruction.

"Now stay here, remember to hide your eyes!" He smiles after placing me in a sheltered box, running off in a different direction and attracting the beast's attention. "I'm he-" The words he started to scream out not even finishing before his body slides off itself. A huge thud that shakes the earth instead replacing his scream. "I know, and you have what I want". The beast kicks the man's slaughtered body to the side, making his way to the body river and staring off into it.

'Run!' A different voice from before rings throughout me

'Run!' I repeat on instinct


'Run!' We both continue to chant after each other but no actual movement being acted out in real time

'I will not be killed again!' He practically begs, making me gain the courage to slide out of the box and make my way out into the disturbed land of death. My thumping heartbeat almost screaming within me, I slide against the wall of a place I assume was home to someone. My eyes widening in horror as I hear the thumping feet coming towards me...I'm going to die...again.