
Creation: The First

Follow Frey, a typical nobody in our present world. As he experience his daily life blast away, never to return the same. Technology fades as magical skills claims its place. Beeing the first to ever come in contact with mana, and thereby obtain a skill, he will get a headstart. To face the troubles awaiting in a changing world. He will journey to the far side of the earth, searching for his reason to live. Hi everyone. Author here. This is my first, Ever, attempt to write a story. I recently started reading webnovels and decided to try, and write my own. Im allso a big newbie using this platform to upload, so i will make changes to my uploads as i learn to navigate and use the tools. Feel free to make any comments on my story. Good, bad, technical or any ideas. I take it all as i hope it will make me a better writer :) Hope some of you will enjoy :)

XmishaX · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 1

The time was 13.03. A Sunday afternoon in a little city in Denmark. The weather outside was grey and gloomy, as it usually is half the year, especially in February. The streets empty of people as they tend to stay indoors.

Sturdy houses and apartment blocks, made mostly from red and yellow brick, spread from a dense city center. The southern part was cut by a river, only connecting with a single blue bridge. In the north part, the buildings where mostly large apartment blocks, as most of the stores and activities resided in the center.

In the block furthest away from the center, the corner block at the edge of the city line, where fields and forests began, a middle-aged man woke up.

I woke up with a hammering headache. My body felt starved and dehydrated. I pushed myself to sit up, while I rubbed my head of hangover.

What did I do? What happened last night?

"Why do I always drink too much?" I mumbled to myself, walking to the bathroom.

Having relieved myself, I splashed water on my face. Looking to the mirror above the sink, i saw my own reflection.

Receding hairline on both sides of my head, strong brown-blackish hair, cut so I only need to put some gel in the top to look decent. Strong jaw with dense black beard that seriously needed a trimming. Looking into my own brown eyes I still saw a glint of who I used to be.

I was happy when I was younger, proud, and popular amongst my friends. A charming character, which my teachers used to tell me, I could not always rely on. They probably said that because I never did my homework, but always managed to charm my way out of trouble.

I took a step back from the mirror, my body still looked young, despite I was nearly 35 now. Hairy and strong legs. My stomach no longer bore any trace of the muscle I used to have, instead it was getting fatter.

Like a mini version of the old alcoholics who dominated the local pup. Sitting on their bar chair all day, with a belly like a big ball only growing larger.

Standing 1.75m tall, I really needed to work out more. Even my arms looked thin. But all in all, I still did not look 35, only my belly and curves around my eyes were starting to show the age. 

Turning from the mirror I left the bathroom, only to trip on something on the floor, almost falling into the miniscule hallway that connected the bathroom to the main apartment door, and the single room in my basement apartment.

It was dirty. Trash and used cloths everywhere. The room so small I could barely fit my bed, tv, my pc for work and a tiny area where I could fit a cooking pan. I gathered some used pants, a shirt and got dressed. I was just done when my phone rang.

I picked up the phone "Hi babe, what are you doing?" silence for a few second before she answered.

"where did you go last night?"

I tried to remember what I did last night, but it was still a blur. I remember talking with my girlfriend on the phone, being allowed to drink because I finally got a job at the community home for the elderly. I remember going to the pub and falling into conversation with some people there. But I know I usually drink too much and black out, probably went home after embarrassing myself.

 "I just went to the bar as we agreed love. I do have a hangover and maybe I drank too much."

"Are you sure? Because you didn't even text me! And I know how you are when you're drunk!" 

Why did I always smile when I heard her voice? Even when she is mad, she sounds so innocent and warm.

"Yes love. Maybe I just forgot I had the phone. But don't worry, nothing bad happened."

"Right. Don't talk to me today then. Bwisit!" She hang up.

We aren't usually fighting, but when we do, she always needs time to calm down. Philippinas do have a short temper after all and tend to be dramatic.

But I love her, she is the only thing in the world that can keep me motivated to better myself. We had been in an online relationship for almost a year before I finally visited her the first time. Talking and texting everyday on the phone.

Now we have been together for 5 years, but still not able to live together because, well, my country sucks regarding foreigners. Too complicated to migrate to me, so we decided that I will visit her sometimes while we save up to build a house in her place, so we could finally live together. 

I decided to send her a text. "I'm sorry if you felt that I ignored you last night. I love you so much, can't wait to finally get on the plane to see you in 2 weeks."

Having sent the text I pondered what to do next. I used to play a lot of online games, but recently its like they got too easy, or developed in a way I disliked. Or maybe my focus just finally started to shift towards building my own life, instead of a fictional character in a digital world. I watched anime in tv and read some comics. But they also felt lacking. 

Before I met Aya, my beautiful black-haired goddess of a woman, 10 years younger and a head shorter than me, thin body, but eyes and lips that makes me hard just looking at her, I was a mess.

I was 30 when I stopped the party life, full of women, alcohol and even a lot of drugs, when the finance allowed it. It all started getting out of control when I was 20, and my dad had killed himself in a tent. That's 10 years of my life where I made so many mistakes that I lost all my friends and even my family.

The only person I talk with today, is my uncle Rolf. I have the same appearance as Rolf to a degree. He is way taller, no kids or wife. Working at a factory he spends most of his free time playing online games by himself. 

I looked around my room, decided that I need some fresh air. Pulled my jacket down from the main room door, that I used as its holder. Put my shoes on and left my apartment.

The hallway was cold and barren, made of concrete with a huge stairway to the upper floors and apartments.

I went trough the double doors to the main entrance of the block. Checked my mailbox was empty and stepped out to the streets.

Looking from the doorway I saw the forest edge starting just a stone throw away. To the left side of the forest, the fields spread out, all empty of crops at this time of year. 

My stomach growling, reminding me I didn't eat breakfast or even lunch yet. I grabbed my phone and called Rolf.

The phone rang a few times.

"Hi Frey, what's up?"

His voice was deep and strong, yet calm and friendly. I could hear his headset hit the table in the background.

"Oh, nothing much, just outside and wondered if I should come by, maybe grab a bite"

Rofl laughed briefly; "sure, come on over, just knock when u get here".

We hang up and I turned right, following the forest around the corner of my block. There the main road ended, with only room for the city bus to turn around.

It was already there, only a few minutes before it would depart. I showed the driver my ticket app on my phone, went to the back of the bus and sat down at the right-side window. It will take half an hour to get to my uncle.

I closed my eyes and rested my head, there was still some rare pulses of pain from the hangover. If only I didn't have so much debt, I could be with Aya sooner, leaving this cold country, that didn't hold meaning to me anyone.

There bus trip to Rolf was bumpy, and I barely saw any people on the streets. Only a young girl who entered the bus, she looked sad when she departed at the stop before me.

Rolf lived in an apartment block just like me, but he lived on the 4th floor. His apartment was larger, it even had a balcony and a bathtub. I exited the bus, crossed the street and went into the block.

I held the door for a man who was just about to leave the building. He didn't say thanks, and I didn't care. He looked like an old creepy loner, dressed in saggy cloths and an old jacket with a weird look in his eyes.

I ascended the stairs to the 4th floor, taking two steps at a time. His door was big and heavy, made of wood, with only the sign "R. Raven" on it. I quickly knocked on it.

Rolf opened the door. He didn't wear his usual jeans and shirt, but some grey jogging pants. "I guess its Sunday again" Rolf laughed and opened the door further to let Frey inside. 

I stepped inside and removed my shoes and jacket, while Rolf closed the door behind me.

"How have you been? You look tired."

I looked at Rolf while he entered the living room, gesturing for me to follow. His tv was running and the door to the balcony was half open, to let fresh air inside.

"I finally got a job, so I was out drinking last night."

I sighed and sat down on the sofa, facing the tv. The news reporter was explaining how the war was proceeding. It had spread the last few years since Russia invaded Ukraine and all the fighting in the middle east. China was fighting skirmishes in the sea by Taiwan. A lot of trouble was brewing around the world, and it seemed like it could escalate to a full-fledged world war at any moment. I looked away from the tv.

"Aya is mad again."

He looked at me and smiled, "well that's why I don't want a woman, too much trouble."

He wasn't wrong I thought, it is annoying to fight about silly things.

"But you'll miss out on having a family of your own, sons and daughters. A woman like Aya, so loyal and sexy… I mean without her I would still be doing drugs and making debt."

Rolf shrugged. "yea, I'm still surprised you pulled someone like that. But I'm happy alone, I have my games. Nothing beats a good magic skill."

He laughed again and went to the chair next to the computer, sat down and threw me a cigarette "congrats with the job, when will you start?" he asked, while he lit his own.

"Tomorrow. Ill be there at noon for a guided tour of the place and receive my work uniform."

We ordered some grilled chicken to be delivered. We ate and had some small talk about finance, debt and fantasy games before Rolf offered to drive me home.

Rolf had a white station car, rather old, but it was nice, and you could barely hear any noise from the outside while he was driving.

"I think ill come by again tomorrow, after the tour at work. Is that all right?"

Rolf's attention was focused on the road and traffic, it was already getting dark. It had begun to rain, and the wind was gaining in strength.

"Of course, but if we get a storm, I won't drive you home again."

We reached my block. Rolf slowed to a stop where the bus is usually parked and I exited the car.

"Thank you for the trip, I'll see you tomorrow."

He just smiled and said, "close the door, its damn cold outside." before driving off.

I spend the rest of the evening watching a Korean tv drama that Aya had suggested to me. I didn't like it very much. I fell asleep a few hours later.