
Creation's Fallen Gods

In a future world millions of years ahead, magic and technology coexist normally. What is known as human beings are living in countless planets now. Lots of hybrid races evolved and the relations inside the Imperial Conglomerate are calmly resolving after the ending of the Great Xenophobic War between the greatest racial groups: the Jomons and Brards. Alésia Latrell, a common Brard had her life completely changed after being forced to become the new guardian of a universal treasure, strong enough to even take her life. Now, beyond take the title and change moving to another planet, she needs to face the pain and the responsibilities of her new powers. ------------- I'll post more as soon as possible. But I have not too much time to keep posting every day, so the chapters are been translated and edited to be posted all together in one go. ------------- Here are some other things you should know: 1) There is some romance in this novel, but that is not the main focus. It converge elements of magic and scifi, besides some psychological and violent plots. 2) This novel is a translation. Original title: "Deuses Caídos da Criação" (DCC) I'm the author, but I'm translating it to English on my own, to learn from the process. So if you find and errors, feel free to report then to me. 3) In my main language, the novel is already at the 180+ chapters, so I'll try to bring as much as possible to you, so I hope you to enjoy.

Dark_Flower · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

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When I woke up, I was completely wrapped around the blankets of my bed. Henry probably should have brought me back after I'd lost consciousness. This was definitely a terrible experience. It was painful! It made the muscles vibrate very fast, and the feeling of being electrocuted could still be felt wherever I touched.

But, of course, the effects were also fast. It seemed that a world had been lifted from my shoulders, and the best: the cold was no longer so uncomfortable. It was almost a pleasant freshness. I could feel the changes in every part of my body and in my internal organs that had somehow become more resilient. Then, after deciding that I was better, I got out of the covers and changed my clothes. I was hungry.

As I came down the last steps of the transparent staircase, I heard voices talking in the kitchen. I thought Henry was having visitors. I approached until I realized who the visitor was: it was Cásira.

This time she had come alone, and looked sheepishly at her own glass of wine as she talked to Henry.

"... since then there have been some conflicts since these personality chips are leaving the owners with weaker minds confused, so a lot of people were against the production line claiming that these people need to move on…"

"Good Afternoon, Alesia!" Henry greeted me as soon as he saw me, indicating the chair beside his. I hurried to greet them both. He poured me a cup too and turned his attention to the conversation, "I'm sorry Cásira, what were you saying?"

Cásira smiled elegantly to the glass, looking slightly disappointed before speaking again:

"Oh, let's not talk about it. Your new partner will not like having to talk about the ethical implications of using personality chips."

"Don't worry about it!" Henry answered back.

I did not know if I should argue. I did not want to disturb the conversation, but I felt as if he was assuming my opinion without asking me. I left the glass untouched on the table and hurried to the cupboards looking for something to eat.

"Too bad you do not seem to have anything in common. She's a Brard so young, she shouldn't know much yet. Compared to us, it's like she is still a child."

I was already getting used to these racist comments. In contrast to the Jomons, at least the Brards matured much faster and did not waste their time of life... but there was no way I could say it here... she would not understand my language. Every day I forgot to ask Henry to give me another simultaneous translator so that I could talk to other people who were not using a translator point.

"For now, this is little irrelevant details…" Henry commented, "she is a good girl, and distracts me a lot, so I do not see any problem in keeping her around."I mentally noted the "girl"... I was just a little child to them "Then, with the council meeting, we can decide how she can lead her life."

"Yes, of course!" Cássira turned her attention away from the glass and looked at me, as if she felt sorry for a poor woman, "It is good that she has an occupation. It would not be good if she had the same fate as Nadia…"

I was certainly quite upset now at the way they started talking about me, as if I was not present or had no opinion. I could also clearly understand the meaning of that conversation. I was just a guest at Henry's house, so sooner or later I would have to get out of here. A feeling of emptiness devastated me inside. It was obvious how lonely I was in this new life, too.

"Don't talk about her…"

Henry complained shortly after hearing Nadia's name, and I remembered how Henry let me understand she had died because she gave up living. It seems everyone expect the same from me.

At that moment, the house bell rang.

"Who's there?" Henry asked.

"Someone important" a voice transmitted from the house's internal system answered. I vaguely recognized the voice from somewhere, but could not immediately remember where. But as I looked at Henry's enraged expression, I began to have an idea of who he was, "You better let me in, before I invade…"

Henry made the authorization gesture, which was recognized by the internal system, allowing the visitor to enter. Seconds later, wearing light-colored shorts, elegant posture, and astonishingly invasive lilac eyes, Marco entered the house and walked to the kitchen where he leaned against the stone counter.

Cásira and Henry stood up (obviously for different reasons), and without knowing what to do, I stood at the bottom of the kitchen with a packet of biscuits in my hand. While Henry tensed and with his aggressive posture, Cásira moved in a beautiful bow to Marco.

"It is my great honor to be in your presence, Your Majesty" she recited solemnly.

Marco completely ignored the existence of Cásira, glanced at me, then looked at Henry. Henry did not move, did not even show any signs that he would spend some ceremony greeting Marco. His gaze did not express another feeling, just hate and disgust.

"Why so much resentment, my friend," Marco smiled wickedly, interpreting Henry's expression. "It's been almost eight years now, it's time to get over it…"

"Tell me why you came, and then leave!" Henry forced the words between his clenched teeth.

Marco walked around the counter and approached the table until he was in a line between me and Cásira, who still held the bow without moving, and moved closer to Henry.

"You will go to the palace for the new year party. I will be giving a reception in honor of our new…" he reached out and grabbed my hand, making a gesture that he would kiss it, but then he rolled his eyes at me and smiled wickedly, "acquisition".

"Now leave my house." Henry practically growled. He had become completely furious now. Cásira subtly began to walk away from the kitchen, and I tried to loosen my hand from his.

"I want your confirmation first, or will I need to have someone drag you there?" Marco closed his eyes as he stared at me. I felt the overwhelming weight of his aura pressing me, while I became completely unable to get away "There is much to talk about, and since…"

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Henry yelled looking at our hands together and punching the table, which at the touch of his closed fist, crashed into dusty shards of stone.

I was completely frightened now, and I began to pull hard on my hand trying to let go. Marcus, however, did not move an inch, and did not startled at the sound of the table breaking. He stood still, as if my resistance was insignificant and useless.

"I want confirmation!" Marco insisted, but this time he looked away and started to face Henry, "or is it better that I take her away now, as a guarantee?"

Henry leaned dangerously in Marco's direction, but before he took a step, I lifted my free hand and swiveled my wrist in a resounding slap on Marco's face.

Marco staggered a little to the side, and loosened my hand enough that I could let go, and still leaning over do to the swing of the slap, I raised my arms and pushed him hard. Marco stepped on a rubble of what was left of the table, got off balance and ended up falling in a very shameful position.

Cásira raised her hand to her mouth, stifling a horrified groan. Everyone's gaze centered on me, completely shocked and surprised. Even Marco, who let his jaw drop, and held up his fingertips to the cheek that I hit.

"I.... I don't like the way you're talking to me!" I started to complain, a bit unsure, but I gained my breath as soon as I realized that Marco's pressure on me had completely gone away "I am not a thing! I am not a property to be acquired. I'm not a helpless child that needs to be cared for, and I do not even have to wait for you to decide anything for me. You do not know me, so do not go thinking you can drag me into what you want without asking MY opinion! Who told you that I am yours to be displayed and used as you wish?"

Marco stood up seriously, and Henry was still standing staring at me with his shocked expression. I, in turn, was shaking perceptibly. But I could not tell whether it was fear or anger. And to make matters worse, Marco began to laugh. As soon as he stopped, he said:

"You do not seem to get the point here, you insolent child…" he realigned himself and stood with an expression of amusement and contempt at the same time. He made a point of highlighting the word "child" when he spoke to me, "There are certain things that need to be done and said, and certain people who should know you and you them." Then he turned serious to Henry, who still seemed to have forgotten how to move, "So make no mistake about it. Just because it is not my way to use my authority first to deal with "minor" matters... does not mean that I will not make you obey what I say in one way or another."

Marco turned, and before turning the corner of the kitchen, he turned and faced me again. I felt the pressure of his gaze catch me again, and I could only assume that he really should have a very powerful magic practiced by him.

"I will remember that." There was a sharp anger in his eyes. He smirked, still holding his cheek with his fingertips and left.

It was only when we heard the door slam that everyone moved back to normal. Cássira was the first to speak again.

"You were very reckless, girl!" she complained, but her expression was torn between worry and admiration, "Be careful, he will get back at you. What did she say to him?" Cásira did not use a translator's point nor understand my language, so that question she turned to Henry.

"Cásira!" Henry called, suddenly remembering to breathe as soon as she addressed him, "Thanks for the visit, but I think now Alesia and I need to talk."

"Of course…" Cásira folded her hands in front of his body and looked down. He had completely ignored her question.

Henry escorted her to the exit and then returned to the kitchen to check the damage.

"I'm sorry, I should not have hit him…" I whispered softly, still shaking.

Henry laughed sadly, picked up some pieces from the shattered table, and began trying to juggle with them.

"It will not be for me that you will have to apologize... Cássira is right. You should not have done this. He will not leave it for free."

I was even more nervous at Henry's rebuke. After all, who was the one I had touched, if not the most important human of the whole human race? Then Henry continued:

"But if it had not been you, I would have tried to hit him myself, and then the consequences would have been much worse."

Henry threw the stones against the cabinet on the opposite wall with force, to the point where the door of the cabinet warped. This level of strength... was simply too scary. Where the hell had I gotten myself in?