

I, Akabane was graduated from the university of arts & design in the 21st century then suddenly traversed into the Naruto’s world, by bringing my knowledge of arts and my love of Naruto comic I decided to recreate Naruto comic here… [Ding! Comic System has been activated!] Great! Ninjutsu? Kekkei Genkai? As long as I can draw more comics, I would be unmatched! …Or am I? This story is a translation from Chinese to Spanish to English, so you will find spelling and grammatical errors because it is a translation made by Google.

Malthael_2005 · Anime & Comics
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300 Chs

Chapter 91: Learning how to draw.

Although what he said was not a lie, it's also not all the truth. 

Because although he can ask somebody to retrieve it for him, he wants to do it himself so he can skip working even just for a bit.

When Akabane was about to take a turn to leave, he suddenly heard Uzumaki Mito voice that made his smile crumble for a moment because what she said was:

"No need to work yourself that hard, just use your clone to make a trip."

Uzumaki Mito squinted her eyes, with a mysterious smile on her face.


Although what she said sounded like she was concerned about Akabane to others who heard her.

But to Akabane, who heard her, he knew that he was busted. His plan has been read!

Akabane cursed his idiocy in his heart, how can he plot in front of someone who was older than his ancestor. 

And he even felt more sympathetic to Tsunade.

There is no secret that can't be known in front of her grandma at all.

"Let's go."

Uzumaki Mito said with a gentle smile, but there is no doubt about it.

With her word, everyone bowed their heads and none of them objected.

The Aura of someone Superior!

Being a wife of the First Hokage, she is not just a flower vase. Otherwise, after Senju Hashirama's death, how can she still maintain the prestige of the Senju clan if not because of her ability and insight.

And that's why Akabane secretly admires her.

"Little Tsunade, where are we going?"

A clansman from Senju asked.

"The location is a mountain. But I don't know where the exact location is."

Tsunade shook her head and answered.

The location information of the place is very concealed, and it needs Konoha's unique password to determine where it is.

What was written was only the word 'Mountain', without a specific location.

These are the only information they have received.

"Let me see…"

Uzumaki Mito took the scroll, she glanced at it casually, and put it away, and returned it to Tsunade.

And looking at her calm demeanor, she seems to know where it is.

Akabane glanced at her and wanted to ask, but remembering her personality that only shown to him which is a quite black belly, he suppressed his curiosity and held back on starting to talk.

For a while, the atmosphere fell silent.

After a long walk, no one still asked, and they continued walking with only the sound of rustling leaves being heard.

Uzumaki Mito finally couldn't help but stare at Tsunade and Akabane and asked, "Aren't you curious?"

For the Clansman of Senju Clan, she didn't bother to ask.

These people are obedient, they will listen to every order she gives, and she will not say a word that is unnecessary.

That's what makes it even more boring for her.

"Grandma, didn't we will still know when we got there?"

Tsunade indifferently answered.


Akabane immediately nodded and continued walking like an honest child following his parents.

"You two kids are very boring."

Uzumaki Mito muttered, then she sighed softly and said, "That place was the former Anbu training base, but it had been abandoned when Anbu changed their root location.

"so that's how it is, the former Anbu base..."

Akabane looks thoughtful when he hears it. If this place was the former base of the Anbu, there must be secret paths and special protected places there, so in case they are attacked during the exhibition, they can quickly retreat through these secret roads with Daimyo and the princess in tow to secure their safety with the others.

It's really a perfect place.

"Look, that mountain it's there."

Uzumaki Mito pointed to the distance where there was another tall mountain.

It's still far away, that normal people can't see it, but with them being a Ninja it's a perceptible place.

After satisfying their curiosity, the entire group continued to move forward, reaching the destination in no time at the speed of the ninjas.

When they arrived, they didn't see any training ground like a place, instead, all they saw was a tall mountain standing on its glory.

And seeing it Tsunade couldn't help but ask "Is the real base, behind the mountain or something?"

Uzumaki Mito didn't answer Tsuna's question, instead, she asked with a beautiful smile on her young face instead. "If they let the Daimyo and others climb such a high mountain, I'm afraid they will prepare a new Daimyo succession ceremony the next day right?"


The place suddenly turned silent with only the sound of wind blowing and insect twittering was heard. 

Not even breathing was heard since they didn't dare to breathe with how ridiculous her question is.

A Daimyo is the ruler of a country, so by asking that kind of question with a smile on her face, only Uzumaki Mito can do it without fearing the consequences.

So no one dares to answer her questions.

Without caring about their answer, Uzumaki Mito urged the group and said: "Let's go, I can feel people gathering at the place."

After traversing the mountain with ease, they finally arrive at the Anbu's former base.

"Lady Mito-sama, Lord of Senju Clan!"

A silhouette suddenly appeared in front of them the moment they took a step on the place, and he kneeled in front of Uzumaki Mito full of respect.

"If I remember, you are a child from the Aburame Clan, you become old before I know it."

Uzumaki Mito laughed kindly.

This manner is completely different when she talks with Akabane and Tsunade.

"It's my honor for Mito-sama to remember someone insignificant as myself."

The Anbu ninja was so excited that he became more and more in awe of Uzumaki Mito.

Recognizing his identity at a glance, she really deserves to be the first Hokage's Wife, a legendary identity in Konoha.

"Yull, tell me about the situation."


Aburame Yull got up and began to report the information in detail without leaving a single thing to Uzumaki Mito.

That is the legendary Uzumaki Mito...

If it's other people, they wouldn't get treatment like this.

"So that's how it is, the Anbu came here first, and started repairing it here, and built a huge venue for the show."


After the renovation and reconstruction, the Anbu did to this place, the former Anbu secret base suddenly became a luxurious mountain paradise.


With such a large venue, the task of decorating this place is surely a strenuous task even if the one who will do it is a ninja who has greater physical strength than normal people.

"With such a big venue, our current manpower can't finish it in the allotted time, it seems we have to help."

Uzumaki Mito said with a smile.

"Lady Mito, you don't need to do it, just leave it to us here."

Aburame Yull said immediately.

"No no no, our work is different. Other people see where they can help and finish the repair work as soon as possible."

Uzumaki Mito laughed, she looked around, and then she beckoned to Akabane and Tsunade, "You two come here…"

Ahh~ it's going to be a pain in the ass.

Akabane muttered in his heart, although he didn't want to do it, he didn't have a choice knowing it's Uzumaki Mito.

So he can only come to her like an honest child listening to his elder.

"Akabane, the venue is so big here, it seems you need help and I plan to help you."

Uzumaki Mito said to Akabane who was at her side and continued, "So…teach me how to draw."


Akabane was stunned hearing her, did she call him to her wide just to teach her how to draw?

"Did I stutter? I want to learn how to draw posters just like you, so I think I can do it too."

Uzumaki Mito said.

"Of course you can."

Akabane froze for a moment and answered her unconsciously. In terms of his painting skills, he had never thought of hiding it himself.

After all, one more painter will give the Comic market more vitality.

Not only that…

For example, Some people who draw well and whose plots are relatively weak can also train their own painters and let them draw other manga.

It's a perfect idea!

Uzumaki Mito said with a sweet smile on her face hearing Akaba agree.

"Then let's first talk about what kind of painting you need. And also you don't have to worry about me. Actually, I have studied the techniques of painting recently."

After she finished speaking, she made a hand seal and In an instant, drawing boards, brushes, inks, etc., suddenly appeared from thin air.

And Akabane can recognize some pictures on the Drawing paper that appeared since most of them were paintings from the comics of Naruto such as the portrait of Haku with her beautiful face clearly painted on it.

"Well, mother-in-law, your painting skills are really good, but the expressiveness in light and shade is not enough, and the eyes are…"

Akabane picked up one of the best paints and began to point out the flaws in her paintings immediately.

Uzumaki Mito is very quiet, she nodded her head while listening as if she really understood it.

On the other hand, Tsunade who was also called on her grandma's side looked confused and didn't know what they were talking about.

"By the way, mother-in-law, if you have leisure time, the works you draw can be sold or given away in comic exhibitions."

In the end, Akabane added a special sentence.

"Sounds great, then I will try."

Uzumaki Mito lifts the pen, dips the ink, and closes her eyes and meditates for a while, then quickly starts to draw.

Her hands are steady and she draws very fast.

In just a few minutes, the prototype of a character is already in sight.

"Ah!, is this…Is this me?"

Tsunade was surprised at first, and then embarrassedly wanted to take the picture.

In the picture that her grandma drew, the young Tsunade was rolling the dice, and she was holding a large amount of money in her hand and had an extremely happy face.

The appearance is not exactly the same, but the expression and temperament are perfectly reproduced.

It's hard to believe that Uzumaki Mito really understood it in just a few words.

Is this a genius?

The innate talent of the elder wife is really too terrifying!

Akabane is secretly fearful.

"Sure enough, for things like painting, someone who has more experience pointing out the mistakes make you have a lot of progress from it. Hehe…this painting will be sold at a price later."

"Grandma, This painting is not allowed!"

Tsunade's face turned pale when she heard it.

If this kind of painting is going to spread, her Tsunade Hime reputation will be completely gone.

"Really? Then I'll draw another one."

After a few minutes, another picture of a young Tsunade is drawn, and in this picture, Senju Tobirama is holding the young Tsunade with a smile on their faces, the picture is very warm and lovely.

"No, no, no! Neither can this one!"