
Creating The Manga Of Naruto On Naruto World Become My Ultimate Goal!

I, Akabane was graduated from the university of arts & design in the 21st century then suddenly traversed into the Naruto’s world, by bringing my knowledge of arts and my love of Naruto comic I decided to recreate Naruto comic here… [Ding! Comic System has been activated!] Great! Ninjutsu? Kekkei Genkai? As long as I can draw more comics, I would be unmatched! …Or am I? === Author: Funeral Translator: Levaa Raw Source: sj.uukanshu.com === *Disclaimer* Cover, not mine, found it on net-kun. DM me if the owner wants me to remove it and I will.

Levaa · Anime & Comics
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378 Chs

Chapter 113

Title: One Piece.

"Disguised as a child of Sand Ninja, then took. a comic out for a stroll…what does it mean?"

Kurama Shanyuan read the note and didn't understand what some of it meant.

But out of trust, he did not hesitate to execute it, he put away the note and calmly withdrew from the side.

After that, he ordered a few ninjas.

"You use Transformation Jutsu to pretend to be…"

He conveyed Akabane's order as it was.

Their strength is at the Chunin level, and there is no problem in sneaking and collecting information at a normal level.

Not long after, several ninjas left.

Zack just glanced at the ninja leaving and ignored them.

He didn't care about them not because he was being careless.

This is Hidden Sand Village.

If Konoha ninjas dared to mess with them, it's Anbus job to deal with them, not him.

His mission is to watch these people and observe what they want to do since obviously, it's very suspicious.

Is it really just to let people read it?

How absurd this reason is!

Zack trains his chakra control while paying attention to Akabane's every move.

In a few minutes, he suddenly heard a series of noisy footsteps.

What's the situation?

Zack looked towards the gate of the training ground warily…

Next, he saw a group of children rushing in.

"It's on the training ground!"

"Is the comic here?"

These children glanced around excitedly.

"Please be quiet, and don't disturb the ninja training."

Akabane stood up and scolded righteously after seeing the commotion.

Seeing it, Zack was stunned and didn't understand what was going on.

These children…

"Children, Chunin Exams are coming soon, do you want to affect the ninjas because of your noises?"

Kurama Shanyuan said kindly, "If you want to read the comics, you can read it outside, but you have to return it after you finish it."

"Okay, thank you, uncle!"

The Children held down their voices and said in unison.

"Children come outside, don't make noise."

"Yes, thank you, uncle."

Children happily took the comic books and ran out of the venue.

Zack was dumbfounded. These children came because of their books. So, the ninja who just went out did this?

He didn't think it was so good, so he got up and walked over to Akabane and the others.

"What the hell is your book?"

Zack asked, his face being serious.

Painting, books, and children are connected in series, and he feels a little uncomfortable, maybe the teacher's plan from the very beginning is wrong.

"Well, as you see it, it's called Comic."

Akabane said, picking a copy and handing it to him.

Zack glanced at the cover.

One Piece?

What is this!

He took it and turned to the first page.

A sea, a boat, and a youngster wearing a straw hat. The style of painting is very different from the bird's-eye view of Hidden Sand Village that Akabane is currently drawing.

Page two, page three…

Zack's face gradually became serious. This is not a book to spread knowledge at all, but a boring storybook!

Well, criticize it again!

He continued to look at it. To him, the sea is very strange, so he has no way of knowing whether the painting on it is real or an absurd fantasy.

"Devil fruit? This thing…it really is an absurd fantasy."

Zack sneered inwardly.

If there is such a thing in the sea, the Land of Water has long dominated the sea.

But the Land of Water right now is just a weak country that got cornered by other villages, so obviously, this thing is just an absorb fantasy in his eye.

Such boring books must not be forbidden!

He secretly thought in his heart.

But while thinking this way, he had already turned to the last page unconsciously.

"It's pretty good."

Zack put down the comics and said, this kind of peculiar adventure story on the sea, to those who are in the desert for a lifetime and have never seen the sea, in fact, this story is very attractive.

After returning the comic he began to wonder how to deal with the problem at hand.

Get it banned? Still…

He hasn't made a decision yet, he shook his head and heard noisy conversations around him.

Looking up, outside the small shed, he saw dozens of trained Genins holding the comic books and looking at them with keen interest and relish.


Zack was stunned. When did these people come here, why didn't he feel it at all!

Is it Genjutsu?

He looked towards Akabane warily.

"Don't get me wrong, Zack little brother, I have been drawing here all this time ."

Akabane pointed to the painting in front of him.

At this time, the painting has been completed. On Hidden Sand Village, a silhouette with a gourd on its back stands on the sand.


He apologized insincerely, and then clenched his hand tightly, observing the Genin who was reading the comics around him.

Of the many Sand Ninjas, only some of them are addicted to it.

A small group took a few glances, and then put down the comics, obviously not interested in it.

As soon as Zack saw it he sighed in relief, but before he could relax, he saw those groups of Ninja glanced around suspiciously for a while and then suddenly gathered behind Jiraiya and Shin Yūhi.


"This…this kind of painting is really…"

Those who were going to leave, quickly surrounded Jiraiya and Shin Yūhi hearing the noise out of curiosity.

And it didn't take long for Jiraiya to have more and more people around.

As far as painting skills are concerned, Shin Yūhi is naturally better. However, Jiraiya is far better than him in this aspect.

"This is also a comic?"

The ninjas were stunned, completely unaware that there is such a thing in the world.

"Of course, they are unrecognized art."

Jiraiya glanced at Akabane and said in an admiring tone, "Fortunately, there are still people who are walking forward with heavy burdens on their back to explore this future direction."

"So that's how it is, this is really an incredible art."

Said one of the sand ninjas, he wanted to watch more of it but he felt very embarrassed doing it.

With so many ninjas gathered around them, looking at this kind of thing made him feel a little shy…

"Well, since you guys are the first batch of readers, this picture is given away to the one who wants it."

Jiraiya is very clever, he took off the painted illustration and raised his hand while shaking it, and asked, "So who wants it?"

"I, I, I!"

"Give me…"

The guy who was shy and embarrassed just a moment ago quickly raised his hand very quickly with other ninjas around him.

Zack out of curiosity also got close and peeked at the painting, and when he saw it his face flushed. Whether it's from anger or embarrassment was unknown.

He took a deep breath and then yelled: "Stop!"

In an instant, the audience was silent.

"All Hidden Sand Village Genin, go back to training, immediately, now!"

Zack said solemnly.


Everyone was silent for a moment.

Originally, after a period of training, there will be a lot of rest time, now the rest time is gone.


Zack's position made them compelled.

They bowed slightly and then left silently, but they took the painting away.

Other Genin who haven't read the comic has no choice but to go back to the training ground.

"And Akabane-san, I need to report this to Lord-Kazekage."

Zack continued.

"Of course, we are guests, you have the final say."

Akabane shrugged since he didn't care.

Anyway, the seeds have been planted, even if they are driven away, it doesn't matter.

"Many thanks, please allow me to bring one."

Zack shook the comic book in his hand that he grabbed, then bowed and apologized, and left with Body Flicker Jutsu.

Jiraiya was stunned for a moment. He still didn't understand what was going on, but he had a big heart, so even if he had no audience he still continued to paint.

Shin Yūhi meditated for a while, and asked with some worry: "Wil they ban it?"

"I don't know."

Akabane shook his head.

This is also why he wants Jiraiya to come.

But if they really want to ban it, he can only use the method of smuggling in.

[(NOTICE)] Checked out the new fanfic titled One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!

Advanced Chapters on my patron with a new fanfic titled- One Piece: My own Infinity Gauntlet!

(Naruto: C M I N with 70+ advance chapters.)

(One Piece: My Own Infinity Gauntlet with 50+ advance chapters)


Extra Chapters Mission:

EVERY 1K STONES +1 Chapter!

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