
Chapter 3: Field Live Broadcast Journey!

Lin Hao felt that there seemed to be something extra in his body, but he couldn't place it for a while.

This strange feeling lasted for a full two or three minutes before gradually dissipating.

Everything returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

Lin Hao looked himself up and down, and after seeing no changes, his thoughts suddenly changed.

The next moment, he left the sofa and suddenly appeared in front of the TV three or four meters away.

Seeing that the teleportation was successful, Lin Hao was still very excited, although he could clearly feel that he had consumed a lot of energy.

With this ability, he basically doesn't have to worry about his own safety, and can safely conduct live broadcasts of field trips.

After several tests and a basic understanding of the physical strength required to perform teleportation, Lin Hao did not waste any more time and immediately took out his mobile phone and downloaded Shark Fighting Live.

This is currently the largest live broadcast platform in China, almost monopolizing the entire live broadcast market.

Almost everyone who has been exposed to the Internet knows the existence of this platform.

The influence of the top anchors on this platform even exceeds that of many first-line celebrities.

Although Lin Hao has never thought about being successful in this industry, a place where so many people gather is naturally his best choice at the moment.

It took him more than twenty minutes to quickly register his live broadcast room.

Next, it's time to prepare some things needed for a wild trip.

Simple tent, some cooking utensils, food, water, etc. that are convenient to carry.

Fortunately, although Lin Hao's body in time travel has no relatives, is alone, and has been unemployed for a long time, it at least has some savings.

After spending a lot of money and buying all the things needed for field trips and live broadcasts, there was still a four-digit deposit left.

Although for an adult, it is considered poor.

But at least there is no need to worry about starving to death in a short period of time.

Everything was ready, and with the mentality of trying it first, Lin Hao quickly left the city and entered the deep mountains outside the southern suburbs.

According to his memory, this is the place where elves are most frequent in Jianghai City.

The news often reports cases of people being attacked by monsters around here.

"This is it."

Looking at the lush trees in front of him, Lin Hao took a deep breath, then took out his mobile phone and started tinkering, preparing to start the live broadcast.

At the same time, somewhere in the country.

A young man in his twenties sat in front of the computer with his legs crossed, drinking a drink and controlling the mouse with one hand.

"The recent live broadcasts have become increasingly boring, with nothing new at all."

After he complained to himself, with the sliding of the mouse wheel, the live broadcast rooms quickly passed by his eyes.


As the last sip of the drink was consumed, the young man's mouse also stopped.

After a casual glance, he was about to row away again, but his eyes suddenly fell on one of the live broadcast rooms.

To be precise, I was attracted by the title of the live broadcast room.

[Close contact in the wild, risk your life to learn about Warcraft! ]

writer of sensational headlines?

This is the first thought that comes to the mind of the young man.

Are you kidding me, getting up close to a World of Warcraft?

In this day and age, even three-year-old children know that monsters are not only powerful, but also extremely violent.

Whenever they see humans, they will attack regardless.

Especially in recent times, there have been countless large-scale attacks by monsters.

Not to mention close contact, even if they only see it from a distance, most people will be frightened and run away immediately.

"No, Dousha has been focusing on cracking down on clickbait these days. It stands to reason that such headlines should not be able to pass the review."

The young man seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly frowned, and at the same time there was a doubt in his heart.

Is it possible that this person is just playing a side game to gain popularity?

After all, there is no rule about how close is considered close.

In addition, the recent news is full of news about Warcraft attacking humans, so we cannot rule out the possibility that someone may use this to divert traffic.

Or maybe this person is a fool and is really not afraid of death?

With the doubts in his heart, the young man was too lazy to think deeply. He entered the live broadcast room with a click of the mouse.

Black screen.

There is a prompt in the middle of the screen.

[This anchor has not started broadcasting yet]

The young man frowned and was about to exit, but found that although the live broadcast had not started yet, there were still many people in the live broadcast room.

One barrage after another floated by, obviously attracted by the title of the live broadcast room.

"This is my first time here. Have any of you here seen this live broadcast? Is the title true or false?"

"This is my first time here too. Looking at this anchor's information, it should be the first day of broadcasting."

"I hope it's not a headline-grabber. I came here specifically for the title of this live broadcast room."

"Come on, nine times out of ten it's probably just a clickbait."

"That's right, who in the right mind would dare to get close to a World of Warcraft? I'm not telling you, if this anchor really dares, I'll just stand on my head and wash my hair."

Although the screen in the live broadcast room is still black, the discussion is quite lively because of the title of the live broadcast room.

Many people who came in were just about to leave when they were attracted by the excitement and joined the discussion.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Although there is still no sign of the live broadcast room being opened, the number of people gathering for discussion has gradually increased.

Although some people found it boring and left, they were far less numerous than the new ones.

As each new person came in to express their own opinions, the live broadcast room became more and more lively, so that no one cared that the anchor had not started broadcasting yet.

"If you ask me, this anchor is most likely here to gain popularity. He will first use this method to gain some popularity, and then transform. This is the usual routine now."

"I think so. Are there any people who are not afraid of death these days?"

"I bet if it gets super hot, this anchor will never dare to get within 100 meters of the Warcraft, no! Within 200 meters!"

"Big boss, super popular booking? That's really hard to say. Maybe you didn't dare to do it originally, but you dared to do it because of this super popular one."

"I'm not that rich, but if this anchor really dares to get close to the World of Warcraft, if nothing else, I'll just arrange a yacht."

"Tch, anyway, this anchor is most likely just trying to gain popularity, so I just bet that it will be super popular."

As the number of people continued to increase, the people in the live broadcast room gradually divided into two groups.

Most people think that this live broadcast room is a headline-grabbing one to gain popularity.

There are also a small number of people who really believe it.

The two parties were quarreling fiercely.

The number of people in the live broadcast room also continued to rise under this situation, reaching a thousand people in less than ten minutes.

Just before everyone could come to a conclusion, the originally dark screen suddenly flashed.

The next moment, a somewhat handsome but shy face suddenly appeared on the live broadcast screen.

The live broadcast has begun!