
Creating My Own Army (on hold)

[Current World: Naruto ] this story is about a person who dies in AU of Earth where kingdoms still exist the MC being the youngest war general due to war with a stronger kingdom dies and is offered a job that entitles fighting monster and armies but comes with the benefits of going through and getting power if chosen to accept or simply go to heaven or get reincarnated in your world again. continue reading this is not a harem for the simple reason that I can't make it happen I tried in my first fanfiction but never found a good way to introduce a reason for it and I have read many harem stories and despite not hating the harem idea as fiction but the reasons in the stories I read for it is simply ridiculous and just doesn't work for me like "he is so strong I need sisters" or "he is the last of his clan so he needs more wives"....etc. so this if I decide on a romance it will be a single pairing. // Disclaimer: I don't own the world or the characters that my OC goes to only his character nor do I own the cover pic and if the owner wants it removed contact me

The_Unique · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Starting my new Life pt.2

Ajamu: " this is a tough choice this one way or another lead to my death again so before I decide I would like to know about the power you will give me and the world I can travel too, first"

Lusis then waves his hand and rush of information goes through his mind and about a list of powers he can get

Ajamu: " wow to think so much different power existed so what about the worlds and how many powers I can get "

Lusis: the worlds are infinite so I will just give you the most famous among them and I will give you is one power and give you the right to customize it and choose what world and timeline you with to be sent to" and with another wave of his hand he is given basic information about some of the famous anime and movies worlds Like Solo leveling, Naruto, Bleach, Marvel, DC, Lord of the Rings series, Harry Potter and so on.

after some time Ajamu opens his eyes then closes them again and takes time to think ' so many worlds to discover so many experiences and fights to enjoy but also so much danger' he goes in deep thinking to decide what to do and if he agrees what to choose and which world to go to.

after unknown time Ajamu asks: " about the threat I will fight how is it measured you can't send me to an enemy I can't win against to die"

Lusis: " no of course, not I always will keep track of what you can handle and send you to deal with but to be honest with you, there is always a chance for everything to go wrong so expect the unexpected and you will be able to communicate with me directly in emergencies, of course, to send support if needed "

Ajamu: " okay then I accept your offer I will take the job"

Lusis with a happy smile says: " magnificent I am glad that you took the job I have high expectations for you as I watched your life and what you did in the war I saw so much potential in you,so what powers and what world would you like to go to "

Ajamu: " thank you, and first about the war can I know what happened after I died if I am allowed too ?"

Lusis: " oh no problem all I can tell you that your kingdom and king was saved by Nara and they won the war"

Ajamu releases a sigh of relief and says: " thank you, for my power, I will take the Solo leveling shadow monarch power as I am a general and I believe this power suits me best but as I customization I would like to remove the fact that I need to be stronger than the shadow to rise it and I would like that all my shadows to be able to speak of just General Grade and above shadows, also the ability to change from the shadow form that they take when risen 'the black and blue' to the original form as I want to be able to send my shadows to do tasks for me not just fight and the shadow form isn't going to be useful in that regard, is this acceptable?"

Lusis: " it's acceptable as the only major change of what you asked is the power difference limit removed but as you demanded this power the original one who had it got it when he was level 50 and he had 447 stats points that he distributed so as this is your power I will keep those statuses unassigned for you to choose what you want to do with it but you won't be getting any shadows from him nor the titles and skills besides the ones he got with the class and the system gave him when he got it, is that okay? "

Ajamu: " yes it's thank you for the status thing"

Lusis: " it's okay now for the world and what time and place"

Ajamu: "Naruto world and for when and where just after Itachi killed his parents and left after his brother during the Uchiha massacre and for where, where he killed them "

Lusis: "oh I see what you are aiming for trying to get ahead start with strong shadows huh"

Ajamu: " yes as you said I could be called at any second and I am not immortal so I need to make my army soon"

// now it's time to make this clear the Mc doesn't know the events like a reincarnated person from our world who watched the anime grown with the characters and build an emotional connection with the world nor does he have all the information, the information given to him is about the important people and events like the Uchiha massacre, how humans came to using chakra ..etc//

Lucis: " okay then would you like to change your looks or keep what you have?"

Ajamu: " I will keep my looks thank you" now to describe the MC he is like Sung Jin-Woo after he awakened the system twin the difference that he is few inches taller and his hair was shorter as he was a soldier in his previous life that was one of the reasons he looked into the shadow monarch first before all the other powers.

Lucis waves his hands and a blue screen shows in front of Ajamu sight then he says: " choose your status then take that gate it will take you to where you asked best of luck" then he left

{back to Ajamu}

I looked at the screen in front of me saying

[ welcome Ajamu]

then with a smile on my face, I thought Status then a new screen showed in front of me

//before reading his status I won't be writing every time he gets a skill or added status and the skills written here are new or belonged to sung gen woo and I left them because of his past as a general and a warrior


Name: Ajamu Alger level: 50

Job: Shadow Monarch Fatigue :0

Title: Great General OF Aasura (+1) //the kingdom he died defending //

HP: 100% MP: 100%

// decided of percentage as it's easier than giving numbers and having to update it every time/

Strength: 20 Vitality : 20

Agility: 20 Intelligence: 30

Sense: 25

remaining points: 447


*Awakened Human

*Heightened Senses

*Increased Endurance

*Growth - Due to his player status, Ajamu is able to increase his stats like a video game.

*Summoning - Ajamu is able to create summons out of the dead. He is also able to place his summons in any shadow. He mainly keeps most of his army within his own shadow.

*System Shop - Due to his player status, Ajamu has access to a shop that is similar to that of an online game. Within the shop, he is able to purchase weapons, armor, and support items, removing the need for support or healer when raiding.

*Unlimited Inventory - With the help of the "system", Ajamu is able to store any items he wants in an inventory, eliminating any unneeded weight.

Active skills

Skill: [BloodlustWB/Killing IntentNV] - (100 mana) - Using strong energy, the selected target is put in a state of fear for 1 minute. Several targets can be selected. Effect 'fear': All stats -50%

Passive skills

Skill: [PerseveranceWB/Unyielding SpiritNV] [1] - As his health is below 30%, [Perseverance] will active. Damage taken is reduced by 50 %.

Skill: [Will to Rehabilitate] - Temporary ability. Any dismembered body parts are restored. This ability take on effect.

Skill: [Longevity] - permanent effect. All diseases, poisons, and status effects are healed, and sleeping will explosively increase regeneration ability.

Skill: [Advanced dual-wielding Arts] - Because he used two swords for an extended period of time he can now use dual wield more proficiently. When a duel wielding is used, the attack with it gains 33% additional damage.

Skill: [Great Genaral]: when leading your troops to fight more organized and with more strength and will then in your absence

Job-Specific skills

Skill: Shadow Extraction - (no mana required) - A shadow soldier is created from a body without life by taking out its mana. The chance of failure increases the higher the target's stats are, and the more time passed since the target's death. Shadows able to be extracted: 30/30 (Manhwa).

Skill: [Save Shadow] - (no mana required) - Jin-Woo absorbs the created shadow soldiers and saves them. Saved soldiers can be summoned and reabsorbed whenever and wherever the animator desires. Saved shadows: 20/20 (Manhwa).

Shadow Monarch

Reanimation: Can reanimate souls from dead bodies, and store them. The number of souls that he can store and reanimate depends on the level of his intelligence. The chances of being able to reanimate a body depend on the time gap between reanimating and the death of an individual and the gap between his strength and the individual he is trying to reanimate. He can only attempt to reanimate the body only 3 times. As long as he has mana, his shadow is basically immortal as they can regenerate endlessly.

Naming: Shadows can be named.


Ajamu looking at his status and skills he got or had through his previous life is content then he looks at his status and the remaining points then start to decide on where to put them as he knows that the number of shadows he is allowed to have is related to his INT status he goes all out and puts 240 points in it then the rest 207 is put 57 in STR and 50 points each for the remaining status


Name: Ajamu Alger level: 50

Job: Shadow Monarch Fatigue :0

Title: Great General OF Aasura (+1) //the kingdom he died defending //

HP: 100% MP: 100%

// decided of percentage as it's easier than giving numbers and having to update it every time/

Strength: 77 Vitality: 70

Agility: 70 Intelligence: 270

Sense: 75

remaining points: 0

happy with his choices he looks at himself to find himself in his armor and his two swords on both sides so he tests his new strength and speed fro a couple of minutes first before crossing the gate and goes through

Ajamu: " new world here I come"