
Chapter: 0 Basic understanding of the world

Atala, once a world mirroring our own, now wears the scars of a celestial clash. Two figures of divine power clashed, nearly rending the land asunder. But from the ashes of fallen gods rose a mysterious power, woven into the very foundation of Atala. This essence, now known as "Aura," became the wellspring of a new magic, fueling the rise of remarkable abilities in the survivors.

While beings like dragons, giants, and deep-sea horrors were once the pinnacle of power, humans, through their ingenuity, surpassed them. Over centuries, by mimicking the methods of these creatures and developing their own, humans harnessed the power of Aura, shaping it into luminous cores within their bodies. These cores, unlike mere devices, are living extensions of the self, each as unique as the individual who wields it.

Spherical Cores:-

These prevalent and balanced cores resemble shimmering orbs within the body. Often singular, they can also exist in clusters, mimicking the constellations that grace the night sky. Derived from observing mythical beasts channeling raw magic, these cores offer a versatile foundation for aura manipulation.

Star Shards:-

These are fragments of a shattered Spherical core, prized for their exceptional output despite their diminutive size. Always existing in multiples, they activate with lightning speed, making them ideal for swift, decisive strikes. However, their limited capacity demands careful resource management.

Ring Cores:-

 Elegant and intricate, these resemble bands of shimmering energy encircling the body. Singular or clustered, they boast impressive storage capacity but require extended activation periods. Their measured approach favors patient strategists willing to bide their time for devastating bursts of power.

Broken Cores:-

 A testament to the perilous pursuit of power, these cracked and misshapen cores grant their bearer a grim privilege: the ability to siphon aura directly from slain foes. This perpetual wellspring fuels tireless combat, but comes at a heavy cost. The constant leakage of aura weakens the user, etching a physical toll on their very being.

Aura itself, though primarily a raw, unaligned force, can manifest in rare instances with elemental affinities. These "colored auras" – crackling with lightning, dancing with flames, or whispering with the breath of wind – grant their wielders unparalleled mastery over specific domains of magic.

The scars of the divine battle may have ravaged Atala, but they also birthed a world infused with extraordinary potential. Through dedication and daring, individuals can tap into the lingering essence of a fallen god, shaping their own destinies with the vibrant power of aura.